Active Members Fi8sVrs Posted May 31, 2018 Active Members Report Posted May 31, 2018 Web-based multi-AV scanners, and malware sandboxes for automated analysis. - Online sandbox. - Online interactive sandbox. AndroTotal - Free online analysis of APKs against multiple mobile antivirus apps. AVCaesar - online scanner and malware repository. Cryptam - Analyze suspicious office documents. Cuckoo Sandbox - Open source, self hosted sandbox and automated analysis system. cuckoo-modified - Modified version of Cuckoo Sandbox released under the GPL. Not merged upstream due to legal concerns by the author. cuckoo-modified-api - A Python API used to control a cuckoo-modified sandbox. DeepViz - Multi-format file analyzer with machine-learning classification. detux - A sandbox developed to do traffic analysis of Linux malwares and capturing IOCs. DRAKVUF - Dynamic malware analysis system. - Unpacks, scans and analyzes almost any firmware package. HaboMalHunter - An Automated Malware Analysis Tool for Linux ELF Files. Hybrid Analysis - Online malware analysis tool, powered by VxSandbox. Intezer - Detect, analyze, and categorize malware by identifying code reuse and code similarities. IRMA - An asynchronous and customizable analysis platform for suspicious files. Joe Sandbox - Deep malware analysis with Joe Sandbox. Jotti - Free online multi-AV scanner. Limon - Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malware. Malheur - Automatic sandboxed analysis of malware behavior. malsub - A Python RESTful API framework for online malware and URL analysis services. Malware config - Extract, decode and display online the configuration settings from common malwares. Malwr - Free analysis with an online Cuckoo Sandbox instance. Metadefender - Scan a file, hash or IP address for malware (free). NetworkTotal - A service that analyzes pcap files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware using Suricata configured with EmergingThreats Pro. Noriben - Uses Sysinternals Procmon to collect information about malware in a sandboxed environment. PacketTotal - PacketTotal is an online engine for analyzing .pcap files, and visualizing the network traffic within. PDF Examiner - Analyse suspicious PDF files. ProcDot - A graphical malware analysis tool kit. Recomposer - A helper script for safely uploading binaries to sandbox sites. sandboxapi - Python library for building integrations with several open source and commercial malware sandboxes. SEE - Sandboxed Execution Environment (SEE) is a framework for building test automation in secured Environments. SEKOIA Dropper Analysis - Online dropper analysis (Js, VBScript, Microsoft Office, PDF). VirusTotal - Free online analysis of malware samples and URLs Visualize_Logs - Open source visualization library and command line tools for logs. (Cuckoo, Procmon, more to come...) Zeltser's List - Free automated sandboxes and services, compiled by Lenny Zeltser. 1 Quote