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[Note] Learning KVM - implement your own Linux kernel

Few weeks ago I solved a great KVM escaping challenge from TWCTF hosted by @TokyoWesterns. I have given a writeup on my blog: [Write-up] TokyoWesterns CTF 2018 - pwn240+300+300 EscapeMe, but it mentions nothing about KVM because there's no bug (at least I didn't find) around it.

Most introduction of KVM I found are actually introducing either libvirt or qemu, lack of how to utilize KVM by hand, that's why I have this post.

This thread is a good start to implement a simple KVM program. Some projects such as kvm-hello-world and kvmtool are worthy to take a look as well. And OSDev.org has great resources to learn system architecture knowledge.

In this post I will introduce how to use KVM directly and how it works, wish this article can be a quick start for beginners learning KVM.

I've created a public repository for the source code of KVM-based hypervisor and the kernel: david942j/kvm-kernel-example. You can clone and try it after reading this article.
Warning: all code in this post may be simplified to clearly show its function, if you want to write some code, I highly recommend you read examples in the repository instead of copy-paste code from here.

The kernel I implemented is able to execute an ELF in user-space, this is the screenshot of execution result:

KVM (Kernel-base Virtual Machine) is a virtual machine that implemented native in Linux kernel. As you know, VM usually used for creating a separated and independent environment. As the official site described, each virtual machine created by KVM has private virtualized hardware: a network card, disk, graphics adapter, etc.

First I'll introduce how to use KVM to execute simple assembled code, and then describe some key points to implement a Linux kernel. The Linux kernel we will implement is extremely simple, but more features might be added after this post released.

Get Started
All communication with KVM is done by the ioctl syscall, which is usually used for getting and setting device status.

Creating a KVM-based VM basically needs 7 steps:
  1. Open the KVM device, kvmfd=open("/dev/kvm", O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC)
  2. Do create a VM, vmfd=ioctl(kvmfd, KVM_CREATE_VM, 0)
  3. Set up memory for VM guest, ioctl(vmfd, KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION, &region)
  4. Create a virtual CPU for the VM, vcpufd=ioctl(vmfd, KVM_CREATE_VCPU, 0)
  5. Set up memory for the vCPU
    • vcpu_size=ioctl(kvmfd, KVM_GET_VCPU_MMAP_SIZE, NULL)
    • run=(struct kvm_run*)mmap(NULL, mmap_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, vcpufd, 0)
  6. Put assembled code on user memory region, set up vCPU's registers such as rip
  7. Run and handle exit reason. while(1) { ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_RUN, 0); ... }

Too complicated!? See this figure

A VM needs user memory region and virtual CPU(s), so all we need is to create VM, set up user memory region, create vCPU(s) and its working space then execute it!

Code is better than plaintext for hackers. Warning: code posted here has no error handling.

Step 1 - 3, set up a new VM
/* step 1~3, create VM and set up user memory region */
void kvm(uint8_t code[], size_t code_len) {
  // step 1, open /dev/kvm
  int kvmfd = open("/dev/kvm", O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
  if(kvmfd == -1) errx(1, "failed to open /dev/kvm");

  // step 2, create VM
  int vmfd = ioctl(kvmfd, KVM_CREATE_VM, 0);

  // step 3, set up user memory region
  size_t mem_size = 0x40000000; // size of user memory you want to assign
  void *mem = mmap(0, mem_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
                   MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
  int user_entry = 0x0;
  memcpy((void*)((size_t)mem + user_entry), code, code_len);
  struct kvm_userspace_memory_region region = {
    .slot = 0,
    .flags = 0,
    .guest_phys_addr = 0,
    .memory_size = mem_size,
    .userspace_addr = (size_t)mem
  ioctl(vmfd, KVM_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION, &region);
  /* end of step 3 */
  // not finished ...
In above code fragment I assign 1GB memory (mem_size) to the guest, and put assembled code on the first page. Later we will set the instruction pointer to 0x0 (user_entry), where the guest should start to execute.

Step 4 - 6, set up a new vCPU
/* step 4~6, create and set up vCPU */
void kvm(uint8_t code[], size_t code_len) {
  /* ... step 1~3 omitted */

  // step 4, create vCPU
  int vcpufd = ioctl(vmfd, KVM_CREATE_VCPU, 0);

  // step 5, set up memory for vCPU
  size_t vcpu_mmap_size = ioctl(kvmfd, KVM_GET_VCPU_MMAP_SIZE, NULL);
  struct kvm_run* run = (struct kvm_run*) mmap(0, vcpu_mmap_size,
                                               PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                               vcpufd, 0);

  // step 6, set up vCPU's registers
  /* standard registers include general-purpose registers and flags */
  struct kvm_regs regs;
  ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_GET_REGS, &regs);
  regs.rip = user_entry;
  regs.rsp = 0x200000; // stack address
  regs.rflags = 0x2; // in x86 the 0x2 bit should always be set
  ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_SET_REGS, &regs); // set registers

  /* special registers include segment registers */
  struct kvm_sregs sregs;
  ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_GET_SREGS, &sregs);
  sregs.cs.base = sregs.cs.selector = 0; // let base of code segment equal to zero
  ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_SET_SREGS, &sregs);
  // not finished ...
Here we create a vCPU and set up its registers include standard registers and "special" registers. Each kvm_run structure corresponds to one vCPU, and we will use it to get the CPU status after execution. Notice that we can create multiple vCPUs under one VM, then with multithread we can emulate a VM with multiple CPUs. Note: by default, the vCPU runs in real mode, which only executes 16-bit assembled code. To run 32 or 64-bit, the page table must be set up, which we'll describe later.

Step 7, execute!
/* last step, run it! */
void kvm(uint8_t code[], size_t code_len) {
  /* ... step 1~6 omitted */
  // step 7, execute vm and handle exit reason
  while (1) {
    ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_RUN, NULL);
    switch (run->exit_reason) {
    case KVM_EXIT_HLT:
      fputs("KVM_EXIT_HLT", stderr);
      return 0;
    case KVM_EXIT_IO:
      /* TODO: check port and direction here */
      putchar(*(((char *)run) + run->io.data_offset));
      errx(1, "KVM_EXIT_FAIL_ENTRY: hardware_entry_failure_reason = 0x%llx",
      errx(1, "KVM_EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR: suberror = 0x%x",
      errx(1, "KVM_EXIT_SHUTDOWN");
      errx(1, "Unhandled reason: %d", run->exit_reason);
Typically we only care about the first two cases, KVM_EXIT_HLT and KVM_EXIT_IO. With instruction hlt, the KVM_EXIT_HLT is triggered. Instructions in and out trigger KVM_EXIT_IO. And not only for I/O, we can also use this as hypercall, i.e. to communicate with the host. Here we only print one character sent to device.
ioctl(vcpufd, KVM_RUN, NULL) will run until an exit-like instruction occurred (such as hlt, out, or an error). You can also enable the single-step mode (not demonstrated here), then it will stop on every instructions.

Let's try our first KVM-based VM:
int main() {
  mov al, 0x61
  mov dx, 0x217
  out dx, al
  mov al, 10
  out dx, al
  uint8_t code[] = "\xB0\x61\xBA\x17\x02\xEE\xB0\n\xEE\xF4";
  kvm(code, sizeof(code));
And the execution result is:
$ ./kvm

64-bit World
To execute 64-bit assembled code, we need to set vCPU into long mode. And this wiki page describes how to switch from real mode to long mode, I highly recommend you read it as well. The most complicated part of switching into long mode is to set up the page tables for mapping virtual address into physical address. x86-64 processor uses a memory management feature named PAE (Physical Address Extension), contains of four kinds of tables: PML4T, PDPT, PDT, and PT. The way these tables work is that each entry in the PML4T points to a PDPT, each entry in a PDPT to a PDT and each entry in a PDT to a PT. Each entry in a PT then points to the physical address.
source: https://commons.wikimedia.org
The figure above is called 4K paging. There's another paging method named 2M paging, with the PT (page table) removed. In this method the PDT entries point to physical address.

The control registers (cr*) are used for setting paging attributes. For example, cr3 should point to physical address of pml4. More information about control registers can be found in wikipedia.
This code set up the tables, using the 2M paging.
/* Maps: 0 ~ 0x200000 -> 0 ~ 0x200000 */
void setup_page_tables(void *mem, struct kvm_sregs *sregs){
  uint64_t pml4_addr = 0x1000;
  uint64_t *pml4 = (void *)(mem + pml4_addr);

  uint64_t pdpt_addr = 0x2000;
  uint64_t *pdpt = (void *)(mem + pdpt_addr);

  uint64_t pd_addr = 0x3000;
  uint64_t *pd = (void *)(mem + pd_addr);

  pml4[0] = 3 | pdpt_addr; // PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | pdpt_addr
  pdpt[0] = 3 | pd_addr; // PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | pd_addr
  pd[0] = 3 | 0x80; // PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | PDE64_PS

  sregs->cr3 = pml4_addr;
  sregs->cr4 = 1 << 5; // CR4_PAE;
  sregs->cr4 |= 0x600; // CR4_OSFXSR | CR4_OSXMMEXCPT; /* enable SSE instruction */
  sregs->cr0 = 0x80050033; // CR0_PE | CR0_MP | CR0_ET | CR0_NE | CR0_WP | CR0_AM | CR0_PG
  sregs->efer = 0x500; // EFER_LME | EFER_LMA
There're some control bits record in the tables, include if the page is mapped, is writable, and can be accessed in user-mode. e.g. 3 (PDE64_PRESENT|PDE64_RW) stands for the memory is mapped and writable, and 0x80 (PDE64_PS) stands for it's 2M paging instead of 4K. As a result, these page tables can map address below 0x200000 to itself (i.e. virtual address equals to physical address).

Remaining is setting segment registers:
void setup_segment_registers(struct kvm_sregs *sregs) {
  struct kvm_segment seg = {
    .base = 0,
    .limit = 0xffffffff,
    .selector = 1 << 3,
    .present = 1,
    .type = 11, /* execute, read, accessed */
    .dpl = 0, /* privilege level 0 */
    .db = 0,
    .s = 1,
    .l = 1,
    .g = 1,
  sregs->cs = seg;
  seg.type = 3; /* read/write, accessed */
  seg.selector = 2 << 3;
  sregs->ds = sregs->es = sregs->fs = sregs->gs = sregs->ss = seg;

We only need to modify VM setup in step 6 to support 64-bit instructions, change code from
  sregs.cs.base = sregs.cs.selector = 0; // let base of code segment equal to zero
  setup_page_tables(mem, &sregs);

Now we can execute 64-bit assembled code.
int main() {
  movabs rax, 0x0a33323144434241
  push 8
  pop rcx
  mov edx, 0x217
  out dx, al
  shr rax, 8
  loop OUT
  uint8_t code[] = "H\xB8\x41\x42\x43\x44\x31\x32\x33\nj\bY\xBA\x17\x02\x00\x00\xEEH\xC1\xE8\b\xE2\xF9\xF4";
  kvm(code, sizeof(code));
And the execution result is:
$ ./kvm64

The source code of hypervisor can be found in the repository/hypervisor.
So far you are already able to run x86-64 assembled code under KVM, so our introduction to KVM is almost finished (except handling hypercalls). In the next section I will describe how to implement a simple kernel, which contains some OS knowledge. If you are interesting in how kernel works, go ahead.

Before implementing a kernel, some questions need to be dealt with:
  1. How CPU distinguishes between kernel-mode and user-mode?
  2. How could CPU transfer control to kernel when user invokes syscall?
  3. How kernel switches between kernel and user?
kernel-mode v.s. user-mode
An important difference between kernel-mode and user-mode is some instructions can only be executed under kernel-mode, such as hlt and wrmsr. The two modes are distinguish by the dpl (descriptor privilege level) field in segment register cs. dpl=3  in cs for user-mode, and zero for kernel-mode (not sure if this "level" equivalent to so-called ring3 and ring0).
In real mode kernel should handle the segment registers carefully, while in x86-64, instructions syscall and sysret will properly set segment registers automatically, so we don't need to maintain segment registers manually.
And another difference is the permission setting in page tables. In the above example I set all entries as non-user-accessible:
  pml4[0] = 3 | pdpt_addr; // PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | pdpt_addr
  pdpt[0] = 3 | pd_addr; // PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | pd_addr
  pd[0] = 3 | 0x80; // PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | PDE64_PS
If kernel wants to create virtual memory for user-space, such as handling mmap syscall from user, the page tables must set the 3rd bit, i.e. have bit (1 << 2) set, then the page can be accessed in user-space. For example,
  pml4[0] = 7 | pdpt_addr; // PDE64_USER | PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | pdpt_addr
  pdpt[0] = 7 | pd_addr; // PDE64_USER | PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | pd_addr
  pd[0] = 7 | 0x80; // PDE64_USER | PDE64_PRESENT | PDE64_RW | PDE64_PS

This is just an example, we should NOT set user-accessible pages in hypervisor, user-accessible pages should be handled by our kernel.

There's a special register can enable syscall/sysenter instruction: EFER (Extended Feature Enable Register). We have used it for entering long mode before:
sregs->efer = 0x500; // EFER_LME | EFER_LMA
LME and LMA stand for Long Mode Enable and Long Mode Active, respectively.
To enable syscall as well, we should do
sregs->efer |= 0x1; // EFER_SCE
We also need to register syscall handler so that CPU knows where to jump when user invokes syscalls. And of course, this registration should be done in kernel instead of hypervisor. Registration of syscall handler can be achieved via setting special registers named MSR (Model Specific Registers). We can get/set MSR in hypervisor through ioctl on vcpufd, or in kernel using instructions rdmsr and wrmsr.
To register a syscall handler:
  lea rdi, [rip+syscall_handler]
  call set_handler
  // handle syscalls!
  mov eax, edi
  mov rdx, rdi
  shr rdx, 32
  /* input of msr is edx:eax */
  mov ecx, 0xc0000082 /* MSR_LSTAR, Long Syscall TARget */

The magic number 0xc0000082 is the index for MSR, you can find the definitions in Linux source code.

After setup, we can invoke syscall instruction and the program will jump to the handler we registered. syscall instruction not only changes rip, but also sets rcx as return address so that kernel knows where to go back after handling syscall, and sets r11 as rflags. It will change two segment registers cs and ss as well, which we will describe in the next section.

Switching between kernel and user
We also need to register the cs's selector for both kernel and user, via the register MSR we have used before.

Here and here describe what does syscall and sysret do in details, respectively.
From the pseudo code of sysret you can see it sets attributes of cs and ss explicitly:
CS.Selector  IA32_STAR[63:48]+16;
CS.Selector  CS.Selector OR 3; /* RPL forced to 3 */
/* Set rest of CS to a fixed value */
CS.Base  0; /* Flat segment */
CS.Limit  FFFFFH; /* With 4-KByte granularity, implies a 4-GByte limit */
CS.Type  11; /* Execute/read code, accessed */
CS.S  1;
CS.DPL  3;
CS.P  1;
CS.L  1;
CS.G  1; /* 4-KByte granularity */
CPL  3;
SS.Selector  (IA32_STAR[63:48]+8) OR 3; /* RPL forced to 3 */
/* Set rest of SS to a fixed value */
SS.Base  0; /* Flat segment */
SS.Limit  FFFFFH; /* With 4-KByte granularity, implies a 4-GByte limit */
SS.Type  3; /* Read/write data, accessed */
SS.S  1;
SS.DPL  3;
SS.P  1;
SS.B  1; /* 32-bit stack segment*/
SS.G  1; /* 4-KByte granularity */

We have to register the value of cs for both kernel and user through MSR:
  xor rax, rax
  mov rdx, 0x00200008
  mov ecx, 0xc0000081 /* MSR_STAR */

The last is set flags mask:
  mov eax, 0x3f7fd5
  xor rdx, rdx
  mov ecx, 0xc0000084 /* MSR_SYSCALL_MASK */
The mask is important, when syscall instruction is invoked, CPU will do:
rcx = rip;
r11 = rflags;
rflags &= ~SYSCALL_MASK;
If the mask is not set properly, kernel will inherit the rflags set in user mode, which can cause severely security issues.

The full code of registration is:
  xor rax, rax
  mov rdx, 0x00200008
  mov ecx, 0xc0000081 /* MSR_STAR */

  mov eax, 0x3f7fd5
  xor rdx, rdx
  mov ecx, 0xc0000084 /* MSR_SYSCALL_MASK */

  lea rdi, [rip + syscall_handler]
  mov eax, edi
  mov rdx, rdi
  shr rdx, 32
  mov ecx, 0xc0000082 /* MSR_LSTAR */

Then we can safely use the syscall instruction in user-mode. Now let's implement the syscall_handler:
.globl syscall_handler, kernel_stack
.extern do_handle_syscall
.intel_syntax noprefix

kernel_stack: .quad 0 /* initialize it before the first time switching into user-mode */
user_stack: .quad 0

  mov [rip + user_stack], rsp
  mov rsp, [rip + kernel_stack]
  /* save non-callee-saved registers */
  push rdi
  push rsi
  push rdx
  push rcx
  push r8
  push r9
  push r10
  push r11

  /* the forth argument */
  mov rcx, r10
  call do_handle_syscall

  pop r11
  pop r10
  pop r9
  pop r8
  pop rcx
  pop rdx
  pop rsi
  pop rdi

  mov rsp, [rip + user_stack]
  .byte 0x48 /* REX.W prefix, to indicate sysret is a 64-bit instruction */
Notice that we have to properly push-and-pop not callee-saved registers. The syscall/sysret will not modify the stack pointer rsp, so we have to handle it manually.

Sometimes our kernel needs to communicate with the hypervisor, this can be done in many ways, in my kernel I use the out/in instructions for hypercalls. We have used the out instruction to simply print a byte to stdout, now we extend it to do more fun things.
An in/out instruction contains two arguments, 16-bit dx and 32-bit eax. I use the value of dx for indicating what kind of hypercalls is intended to call, and eax as its argument. I defined these hypercalls:
#define HP_NR_MARK 0x8000

#define NR_HP_open  (HP_NR_MARK | 0)
#define NR_HP_read  (HP_NR_MARK | 1)
#define NR_HP_write  (HP_NR_MARK | 2)
#define NR_HP_close  (HP_NR_MARK | 3)
#define NR_HP_lseek  (HP_NR_MARK | 4)
#define NR_HP_exit  (HP_NR_MARK | 5)

#define NR_HP_panic (HP_NR_MARK | 0x7fff)

Then modify the hypervisor to not only print bytes when encountering KVM_EXIT_IO:
while (1) {
  ioctl(vm->vcpufd, KVM_RUN, NULL);
  switch (vm->run->exit_reason) {
  /* other cases omitted */
  case KVM_EXIT_IO:
    // putchar(*(((char *)vm->run) + vm->run->io.data_offset));
    if(vm->run->io.port & HP_NR_MARK) {
      switch(vm->run->io.port) {
      case NR_HP_open: hp_handle_open(vm); break;
      /* other cases omitted */
      default: errx(1, "Invalid hypercall");
    else errx(1, "Unhandled I/O port: 0x%x", vm->run->io.port);

Take open as example, I implemented the handler of open hypercall in hypervisor as: (warning: this code lacks security checks😞
/* hypervisor/hypercall.c */
static void hp_handle_open(VM *vm) {
  static int ret = 0;
  if(vm->run->io.direction == KVM_EXIT_IO_OUT) { // out instruction
    uint32_t offset = *(uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)vm->run + vm->run->io.data_offset);
    const char *filename = (char*) vm->mem + offset;

    MAY_INIT_FD_MAP(); // initialize fd_map if it's not initialized
    int min_fd;
    for(min_fd = 0; min_fd <= MAX_FD; min_fd++)
      if(fd_map[min_fd].opening == 0) break;
    if(min_fd > MAX_FD) ret = -ENFILE;
    else {
      int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
      if(fd < 0) ret = -errno;
      else {
        fd_map[min_fd].real_fd = fd;
        fd_map[min_fd].opening = 1;
        ret = min_fd;
  } else { // in instruction
    *(uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)vm->run + vm->run->io.data_offset) = ret;
In kernel we invoke the open hypercall with:
/* kernel/hypercalls/hp_open.c */
int hp_open(uint32_t filename_paddr) {
  int ret = 0;
    "mov dx, %[port];" /* hypercall number */
    "mov eax, %[data];"
    "out dx, eax;" /* trigger hypervisor to handle the hypercall */
    "in eax, dx;"  /* get return value of the hypercall */
    "mov %[ret], eax;"
    : [ret] "=r"(ret)
    : [port] "r"(NR_HP_open), [data] "r"(filename_paddr)
    : "rax", "rdx"
  return ret;

Almost done
Now you should know all things to implement a simple Linux kernel running under KVM. Some details are worthy to be mentioned during the implementation.
My kernel is able to execute a simple ELF, to do this you will need knowledge with structure of ELF, which is too complicated to introduce here. You can refer to the source code of Linux for details: linux/fs/binfmt_elf.c#load_elf_binary.

memory allocator
You will need malloc/free for kernel, try to implement a memory allocator by yourself!

Kernel has to handle the mmap request from user mode, so you will need to modify the page tables during runtime. Be care of NOT mixing kernel-only addresses with user-accessible addresses.

permission checking
All arguments passed from user-mode most be carefully checked. I've implemented checking methods in kernel/mm/uaccess.c. Without properly checking, user-mode may be able to do arbitrary read/write on kernel-space, which is a severe security issue.

This post introduces how to implement a KVM-based hypervisor and a simple Linux kernel, wish it can help you know about KVM and Linux more clearly.
I know I've omitted many details here, especially for the kernel part. Since this post is intended to be an introduction of KVM, I think this arrangement is appropriate.

If you have any questions or find bugs in my code, leave comments here or file an issue on github.
If this post is helpful to you, I'll be very grateful to see 'thanks' on twitter @david942j



Edited by OKQL
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