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Nmap in combination with other Linux tools

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This is written on the fly by me for the English People Smile

The thoughts are :

I have an Exploit, or im Scanning and doing Pentests in the wild with nessus.

But its so slow sience Nessus pings the Hosts itselfs and checks them...

andere here is the Way with Nmap Wink

Let nmap do a speedy pingtest on the ranges, and living hosts into a file, and put them to Nessus.

Thats a faster way, as scanning with Nessus manually in the Wild Razz

Here are two from me :

This here will check all IP Adresses from the Network ( Range : ) (Ping Test), and write them to the file -> hosts_up1.txt

grep up, will grep onle the hosts where are up, awk will write the IP Only, from this Host in the File (because some pentesting tools like nessus only supports single ips in target files.)

nmap -n -sP -v --min-parallelism 64 -T4 | grep up | awk '{ print $2 }' >> hosts_up1.txt

Let me explain another command, sience you have now a file with online hosts and you have an exploit here is an example with the old exploit "openssl-too-open" :

We scan these Living hosts for Open Port 443 and write these responding hosts to a file, i'm using sed to filter the results sience nmap output is like this :


we must filter the ':' to make this al working ip_target list for the other Programs, im using the Unix Program sed:

nmap -iL hosts_up1.txt -p 443 -n | grep -B 2 open | grep on | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed 's/':'/''/g' >> ssl-hosts.txt

now we can use openssl-scanner to scan the ssl_scan.txt Wink

...thats are some examples how to fighting with nmap, with those variables its a real dangerous and speedy tool.

have fun

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