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Software-based Microarchitectural Attacks

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Daniel Gruss

Software-based Microarchitectural Attacks

PhD Thesis

Assessors: Stefan Mangard, Thorsten Holz

June 2017


Modern processors are highly optimized systems where every single cycle ofcomputation time matters. Many optimizations depend on the data that isbeing processed. Software-based microarchitectural attacks exploit effectsof these optimizations. Microarchitectural side-channel attacks leak secretsfrom cryptographic computations, from general purpose computations, orfrom the kernel. This leakage even persists across all common isolationboundaries, such as processes, containers, and virtual machines.Microarchitectural fault attacks exploit the physical imperfections ofmodern computer systems. Shrinking process technology introduces effectsbetween isolated hardware elements that can be exploited by attackers totake control of the entire system. These attacks are especially interestingin scenarios where the attacker is unprivileged or even sandboxed.In this thesis, we focus on microarchitectural attacks and defenses oncommodity systems. We investigate known and new side channels andshow that microarchitectural attacks can be fully automated. Further-more, we show that these attacks can be mounted in highly restrictedenvironments such as sandboxed JavaScript code in websites. We showthat microarchitectural attacks exist on any modern computer system,including mobile devices (e.g., smartphones), personal computers, andcommercial cloud systems.This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we provide backgroundon modern processor architectures and discuss state-of-the-art attacksand defenses in the area of microarchitectural side-channel attacks andmicroarchitectural fault attacks. In the second part, a selection of ourpapers are provided without modification from their original publications.1I have co-authored these papers, which have subsequently been anony-mously peer-reviewed, accepted, and presented at renowned internationalconferences


Download: https://gruss.cc/files/phd_thesis.pdf

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