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Selfie: reflections on TLS 1.3 with PSK

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Selfie: reflections on TLS 1.3 with PSK

Nir Drucker and Shay Gueron

University of Haifa, Israel,andAmazon, Seattle, USA




TLS 1.3 allows two parties to establish a shared session keyfrom an out-of-band agreed Pre Shared Key (PSK). The PSK is usedto mutually authenticate the parties, under the assumption that it isnot shared with others. This allows the parties to skip the certificateverification steps, saving bandwidth, communication rounds, and latency.We identify a security vulnerability in this TLS 1.3 path, by showing anew reflection attack that we call “Selfie”. TheSelfieattack breaks themutual authentication. It leverages the fact that TLS does not mandateexplicit authentication of the server and the client in every message.The paper explains the root cause of this TLS 1.3 vulnerability, demon-strates theSelfieattack on the TLS implementation of OpenSSL andproposes appropriate mitigation.The attack is surprising because it breaks some assumptions and uncoversan interesting gap in the existing TLS security proofs. We explain the gapin the model assumptions and subsequently in the security proofs. Wealso provide an enhanced Multi-Stage Key Exchange (MSKE) model thatcaptures the additional required assumptions of TLS 1.3 in its currentstate. The resulting security claims in the case of external PSKs areaccordingly different.


Sursa: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/347.pdf

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