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Shellcode: Loading .NET Assemblies From Memory

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Shellcode: Loading .NET Assemblies From Memory

Posted on May 10, 2019 by odzhan


The dot net Framework can be found on almost every device running Microsoft Windows. It is popular among professionals involved in both attacking (Red Team) and defending (Blue Team) a Windows-based device. In 2015, the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) was integrated with various Windows components used to execute scripts (VBScript, JScript, PowerShell). Around the same time, enhanced logging or Script Block Logging was added to PowerShell that allows capturing the full contents of scripts being executed, thereby defeating any obfuscation used. To remain ahead of blue teams, red teams had to go another layer deeper into the dot net framework by using assemblies. Typically written in C#, assemblies provide red teams with all the functionality of PowerShell, but with the distinct advantage of loading and executing entirely from memory. In this post, I will briefly discuss a tool called Donut, that when given a .NET assembly, class name, method, and optional parameters, will generate a position-independent code (PIC) or shellcode that can load a .NET assembly from memory. The project was a collaborative effort between myself and TheWover who has blogged about donut here.


Common Language Runtime (CLR) Hosting Interfaces

The CLR is the virtual machine component while the ICorRuntimeHost interface available since v1.0 of the framework (released in 2002) facilitates hosting .NET assemblies. This interface was superseded by ICLRRuntimeHost when v2.0 of the framework was released in 2006, and this was superseded by ICLRMetaHost when v4.0 of the framework was released in 2009. Although deprecated, ICorRuntimeHost currently provides the easiest way to load assemblies from memory. There are a variety of ways to instantiate this interface, but the most popular appears to be through one of the following:

CorBindToRuntime and CorBindToRuntimeEx functions perform the same operation, but the CorBindToRuntimeEx function allows us to specify the behavior of the CLR. CLRCreateInstance avoids having to initialize Component Object Model (COM) but is not implemented prior to v4.0 of the framework. The following code in C++ demonstrates running a dot net assembly from memory.

#include <windows.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <mscoree.h>
#include <comdef.h>

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#import "mscorlib.tlb" raw_interfaces_only

void rundotnet(void *code, size_t len) {
    HRESULT                  hr;
    ICorRuntimeHost          *icrh;
    IUnknownPtr              iu;
    mscorlib::_AppDomainPtr  ad;
    mscorlib::_AssemblyPtr   as;
    mscorlib::_MethodInfoPtr mi;
    VARIANT                  v1, v2;
    SAFEARRAY                *sa;
    SAFEARRAYBOUND           sab;
    hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
    hr = CoCreateInstance(
    if(FAILED(hr)) return;
    hr = icrh->Start();
    if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
      hr = icrh->GetDefaultDomain(&iu);
      if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        hr = iu->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&ad));
        if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
          sab.lLbound   = 0;
          sab.cElements = len;
          sa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, &sab);
          if(sa != NULL) {
            CopyMemory(sa->pvData, code, len);
            hr = ad->Load_3(sa, &as);
            if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
              hr = as->get_EntryPoint(&mi);
              if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
                v1.vt    = VT_NULL;
                v1.plVal = NULL;
                hr = mi->Invoke_3(v1, NULL, &v2);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void *mem;
    struct stat fs;
    FILE *fd;
    if(argc != 2) {
      printf("usage: rundotnet <.NET assembly>\n");
      return 0;
    // 1. get the size of file
    stat(argv[1], &fs);
    if(fs.st_size == 0) {
      printf("file is empty.\n");
      return 0;
    // 2. try open assembly
    fd = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if(fd == NULL) {
      printf("unable to open \"%s\".\n", argv[1]);
      return 0;
    // 3. allocate memory 
    mem = malloc(fs.st_size);
    if(mem != NULL) {
      // 4. read file into memory
      fread(mem, 1, fs.st_size, fd);
      // 5. run the program from memory
      rundotnet(mem, fs.st_size);
      // 6. free memory
    // 7. close assembly
    return 0;

The following is a simple Hello, World! example in C# that when compiled with csc.exe will generate a dot net assembly for testing the loader.

// A Hello World! program in C#.
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
    class Hello 
        static void Main() 
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Compiling and running both of these sources gives the following results.


That’s a basic implementation of executing dot net assemblies and doesn’t take into consideration what runtime versions of the framework are supported. The shellcode works differently by resolving the address of CorBindToRuntime and CLRCreateInstance together which is similar to AssemblyLoader by subTee. If CLRCreateInstance is successfully resolved and invocation returns E_NOTIMPL or “Not implemented”, we execute CorBindToRuntime with the pwszVersion parameter set to NULL, which simply requests the latest version available. If we request a specific version from CorBindToRuntime that is not supported by the system, a host process running the shellcode might display an error message. For example, the following screenshot shows a request for v4.0.30319 on a Windows 7 machine that only supports v3.5.30729.5420.


You may be asking why the OLE functions used in the hosting example are not also used in the shellcode. OLE functions are sometimes referenced in another DLL like COMBASE instead of OLE32. xGetProcAddress can handle forward references, but for now at least, the shellcode uses a combination of CorBindToRuntime and CLRCreateInstance. CoCreateInstance may be used in newer versions.

Defining .NET Types

Types are accessible from an unmanaged C++ application using the #import directive. The hosting example uses _AppDomain, _Assembly and _MethodInfo interfaces defined in mscorlib.tlb. The problem, however, is that there’s no definition of the interfaces anywhere in the public version of the Windows SDK. To use a dot net type from lower-level languages like assembly or C, we first have to manually define them. The type information can be enumerated using the LoadTypeLib API which returns a pointer to the ITypeLib interface. This interface will retrieve information about the library while ITypeInfo will retrieve information about the library interfaces, methods and variables. I found the open source application Olewoo useful for examining mscorlib.tlb. If we ignore all the concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) like class, object, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism..etc, an interface can be viewed from a lower-level as nothing more than a pointer to a data structure containing pointers to functions/methods. I could not find any definition of the required interfaces online except for one file in phplib that partially defines the _AppDomain interface. Based on that example, I created the other interfaces necessary for loading assemblies. The following method is a member of the _AppDomain interface.

        HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *InvokeMember_3)(
          IType        *This,
          BSTR         name,
          BindingFlags invokeAttr,
          IBinder      *Binder,
          VARIANT      Target,
          SAFEARRAY    *args,
          VARIANT      *pRetVal);

Although no methods of the IBinder interface are used in the shellcode and the type could safely be changed to void *, the following is defined for future reference. The DUMMY_METHOD macro simply defines a function pointer.

    typedef struct _Binder IBinder;

    #undef DUMMY_METHOD
    #define DUMMY_METHOD(x) HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *dummy_##x )(IBinder *This)
    typedef struct _BinderVtbl {
        HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )(
          IBinder * This,
          /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
          /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject);

          IBinder * This);

          IBinder * This);
    } BinderVtbl;
    typedef struct _Binder {
      BinderVtbl *lpVtbl;
    } Binder;

Methods required to load assemblies from memory are defined in payload.h.

Donut Instance

The shellcode will always be combined with a block of data referred to as an Instance. This can be considered the “data segment” of the shellcode. It contains the names of DLL to load before attempting to resolve API, 64-bit hashes of API strings, COM GUIDs relevant for loading .NET assemblies into memory and decryption keys for both the Instance, and the Module if one is stored on a staging server. Many shellcodes written in C tend to store strings on the stack, but tools like FireEye Labs Obfuscated String Solver can recover them with relative ease, helping to analyze the code much faster. One advantage of keeping strings in a separate data block is when it comes to the permutation of the code. It’s possible to change the code while retaining the functionality, but never having to work with “read-only” immediate values that would complicate the process and significantly increase the size of the code. The following structure represents what is placed after a call opcode and before a pop ecx / pop rcx. The fastcall convention is used for both x86 and x86-64 shellcodes and this makes it convenient to load a pointer to the Instance in ecx or rcx register.

typedef struct _DONUT_INSTANCE {
    uint32_t    len;                          // total size of instance
    DONUT_CRYPT key;                          // decrypts instance
    // everything from here is encrypted
    int         dll_cnt;                      // the number of DLL to load before resolving API
    char        dll_name[DONUT_MAX_DLL][32];  // a list of DLL strings to load
    uint64_t    iv;                           // the 64-bit initial value for maru hash
    int         api_cnt;                      // the 64-bit hashes of API required for instance to work

    union {
      uint64_t  hash[48];                     // holds up to 48 api hashes
      void     *addr[48];                     // holds up to 48 api addresses
      // include prototypes only if header included from payload.h
      #ifdef PAYLOAD_H
      struct {
        // imports from kernel32.dll
        LoadLibraryA_t             LoadLibraryA;
        GetProcAddress_t           GetProcAddress;
        VirtualAlloc_t             VirtualAlloc;             
        VirtualFree_t              VirtualFree;  
        // imports from oleaut32.dll
        SafeArrayCreate_t          SafeArrayCreate;          
        SafeArrayCreateVector_t    SafeArrayCreateVector;    
        SafeArrayPutElement_t      SafeArrayPutElement;      
        SafeArrayDestroy_t         SafeArrayDestroy;         
        SysAllocString_t           SysAllocString;           
        SysFreeString_t            SysFreeString;            
        // imports from wininet.dll
        InternetCrackUrl_t         InternetCrackUrl;         
        InternetOpen_t             InternetOpen;             
        InternetConnect_t          InternetConnect;          
        InternetSetOption_t        InternetSetOption;        
        InternetReadFile_t         InternetReadFile;         
        InternetCloseHandle_t      InternetCloseHandle;      
        HttpOpenRequest_t          HttpOpenRequest;          
        HttpSendRequest_t          HttpSendRequest;          
        HttpQueryInfo_t            HttpQueryInfo;
        // imports from mscoree.dll
        CorBindToRuntime_t         CorBindToRuntime;
        CLRCreateInstance_t        CLRCreateInstance;
    } api;
    // GUID required to load .NET assembly
    GUID xCLSID_CLRMetaHost;
    GUID xIID_ICLRMetaHost;  
    GUID xIID_ICLRRuntimeInfo;
    GUID xCLSID_CorRuntimeHost;
    GUID xIID_ICorRuntimeHost;
    GUID xIID_AppDomain;
    struct {
      char url[DONUT_MAX_URL];
      char req[16];            // just a buffer for "GET"
    } http;

    uint8_t     sig[DONUT_MAX_NAME];          // string to hash
    uint64_t    mac;                          // to verify decryption ok
    DONUT_CRYPT mod_key;       // used to decrypt module
    uint64_t    mod_len;       // total size of module
    union {
      PDONUT_MODULE p;         // for URL
      DONUT_MODULE  x;         // for PIC
    } module;

Donut Module

A dot net assembly is stored in a data structure referred to as a Module. It can be stored with an Instance or on a staging server that the shellcode will retrieve it from. Inside the module will be the assembly, class name, method, and optional parameters. The sig value will contain a random 8-byte string that when processed with the Maru hash function will generate a 64-bit value that should equal the value of mac. This is to verify decryption of the module was successful. The Module key is stored in the Instance embedded with the shellcode.

// everything required for a module goes into the following structure
typedef struct _DONUT_MODULE {
    DWORD   type;                                   // EXE or DLL
    WCHAR   runtime[DONUT_MAX_NAME];                // runtime version
    WCHAR   domain[DONUT_MAX_NAME];                 // domain name to use
    WCHAR   cls[DONUT_MAX_NAME];                    // name of class and optional namespace
    WCHAR   method[DONUT_MAX_NAME];                 // name of method to invoke
    DWORD   param_cnt;                              // number of parameters to method
    WCHAR   param[DONUT_MAX_PARAM][DONUT_MAX_NAME]; // string parameters passed to method
    CHAR    sig[DONUT_MAX_NAME];                    // random string to verify decryption
    ULONG64 mac;                                    // to verify decryption ok
    DWORD   len;                                    // size of .NET assembly
    BYTE    data[4];                                // .NET assembly file

Random Keys

On Windows, CryptGenRandom generates cryptographically secure random values while on Linux, /dev/urandom is used instead of /dev/random because the latter blocks on read attempts. Thomas Huhn writes in Myths about /dev/urandom that /dev/urandom is the preferred source of cryptographic randomness on Linux. Now, I don’t suggest any of you reuse CreateRandom to generate random keys, but that’s how they’re generated in Donut.

Random Strings

Application Domain names are generated using a random string unless specified by the user generating a payload. If a donut module is stored on a staging server, a random name is generated for that too. The function that handles this is aptly named GenRandomString. Using random bytes from CreateRandom, a string is derived from the letters “HMN34P67R9TWCXYF”. The selection of these letters is based on a post by trepidacious about unambiguous characters.

Symmetric Encryption

An involution is simply a function that is its own inverse and many tools use involutions to obfuscate the code. If you’ve ever reverse engineered malware, you will no doubt be familiar with the eXclusive-OR operation that is used quite a lot because of its simplicity. A more complicated example of involutions can be the non-linear operation used for the Noekeon block cipher. Instead of involutions, Donut uses the Chaskey block cipher in Counter (CTR) mode to encrypt the module with the decryption key embedded in the shellcode. If a Donut module is recovered from a staging server, the only way to get information about what’s inside it is to recover the shellcode, find a weakness with the CreateRandom function or break the Chaskey cipher.

static void chaskey(void *mk, void *p) {
    uint32_t i,*w=p,*k=mk;

    // add 128-bit master key
    for(i=0;i<4;i++) w[i]^=k[i];
    // apply 16 rounds of permutation
    for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
      w[0] += w[1],
      w[1]  = ROTR32(w[1], 27) ^ w[0],
      w[2] += w[3],
      w[3]  = ROTR32(w[3], 24) ^ w[2],
      w[2] += w[1],
      w[0]  = ROTR32(w[0], 16) + w[3],
      w[3]  = ROTR32(w[3], 19) ^ w[0],
      w[1]  = ROTR32(w[1], 25) ^ w[2],
      w[2]  = ROTR32(w[2], 16);
    // add 128-bit master key
    for(i=0;i<4;i++) w[i]^=k[i];

Chaskey was selected because it’s compact, simple to implement and doesn’t contain constants that would be useful in generating simple detection signatures. The main downside is that Chaskey is relatively unknown and therefore hasn’t received as much cryptanalysis as AES has. When Chaskey was first published in 2014, the recommended number of rounds was 8. In 2015, an attack against 7 of the 8 rounds was discovered showing that the number of rounds was too low of a security margin. In response to this attack, the designers proposed 12 rounds, but Donut uses the Long-term Support (LTS) version with 16 rounds.

API Hashing

If the hash of an API string is well known in advance of a memory scan, detecting Donut would be much easier. It was suggested in Windows API hashing with block ciphers that introducing entropy into the hashing process would help code evade detection for longer. Donut uses the Maru hash function which is built atop of the Speck block cipher. It uses a Davies-Meyer construction and padding similar to what’s used in MD4 and MD5. A 64-bit Initial Value (IV) is generated randomly and used as the plaintext to encrypt while the API string is used as the key.

static uint64_t speck(void *mk, uint64_t p) {
    uint32_t k[4], i, t;
    union {
      uint32_t w[2];
      uint64_t q;
    } x;
    // copy 64-bit plaintext to local buffer
    x.q = p;
    // copy 128-bit master key to local buffer
    for(i=0;i<4;i++) k[i]=((uint32_t*)mk)[i];
    for(i=0;i<27;i++) {
      // donut_encrypt 64-bit plaintext
      x.w[0] = (ROTR32(x.w[0], 8) + x.w[1]) ^ k[0];
      x.w[1] =  ROTR32(x.w[1],29) ^ x.w[0];
      // create next 32-bit subkey
      t = k[3];
      k[3] = (ROTR32(k[1], 8) + k[0]) ^ i;
      k[0] =  ROTR32(k[0],29) ^ k[3];
      k[1] = k[2]; k[2] = t;
    // return 64-bit ciphertext
    return x.q;


Donut is provided as a demonstration of CLR Injection through shellcode in order to provide red teamers a way to emulate adversaries and defenders a frame of reference for building analytics and mitigations. This inevitably runs the risk of malware authors and threat actors misusing it. However, we believe that the net benefit outweighs the risk. Hopefully, that is correct. Source code can be found here.


Sursa: https://modexp.wordpress.com/2019/05/10/dotnet-loader-shellcode/

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