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of,iara ma oftic

adik caut o mel ca disperat de zile intregi,eu am doar refrenu(cred,nuj sg,oricum e o parte din mel)si nici numele nu il stiu,dar am incercat sa memorez cateva versuri,dar d une,ca e mel rock si ala vb intruna,si ma intrebam daca nu aveti vre-un program care poti melodiile in slow motion?

sau daca aveti alte idei,plsss,ziceti si mie:-s

vreti si partea de mel?poate o stiti..



Let it go

How far will a falling star take me

How far can I go can I go

Gotta be what the nightmare made me

Gotta be gotta be what I see

Jump clear of the falling parts from me

How far will they go will they go

Cant give what you need from me baby

Just let it go

Bringing me down break me down sweet sugar

Bringing me down break me down

Breaking me down to the ground sweet baby

Breaking me down to the ground

Too much is made of whats in me

Not enough about how I strive

Keep an eye on your world its cheating

Keep an eye keep an eye on me

Deep inside theres a little place for me

A little place for me

Cant give what you want from me baby

Just leave it be

Sweet razor wound

Deep down slice my groove

Sweet razor wound

Deep down cmon and slice it

How far did the falling star take me

How far did it go did it go

Had to be what the nightmare made me

Fuck,..just had to be

Jump clear of the falling parts form me

How far did they go did they go

Cant give what you want from me baby

Hell,..just let it go


soil-breaking me down : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEcRhNzLeuo

hint : cand cauti lyrics pe net, iei doar grupuri de cuvinte care se gasesc foarte greu intr-o propozitie. (si le introduci in " " pe google )

app imi place :)

ms :-*

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