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[VB6] Delete Version Info

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' Module : mDelRes
' DateTime : 16/05/2009 18:53
' Author : Cobein
' Mail : cobein27@hotmail.com
' WebPage : http://www.advancevb.com.ar
' Purpose : Delete Version Info from a PE file
' Usage : At your own risk
' Requirements: None
' Distribution: You can freely use this code in your own
' applications, but you may not reproduce
' or publish this code on any web site,
' online service, or distribute as source
' on any media without express permission.
' History : 16/05/2009 First Cut....................................................
' 16/05/2009 First Replace PADDING string Added...........................
Option Explicit

Private Const RT_VERSION As Long = 16

Private Declare Function BeginUpdateResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "BeginUpdateResourceA" (ByVal pFileName As String, ByVal bDeleteExistingResources As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function EndUpdateResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "EndUpdateResourceA" (ByVal lUpdate As Long, ByVal fDiscard As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function UpdateResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "UpdateResourceA" (ByVal lUpdate As Long, ByVal lpType As Long, ByVal lpName As Long, ByVal wLanguage As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo Lib "Version.dll" Alias "GetFileVersionInfoA" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, ByVal dwhandle As Long, ByVal dwlen As Long, lpData As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "Version.dll" Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, lpdwHandle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VerQueryValue Lib "Version.dll" Alias "VerQueryValueA" (pBlock As Any, ByVal lpSubBlock As String, lplpBuffer As Any, puLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Public Function DelVerInfoResource(ByVal sFile As String, Optional bReplacePadd As Boolean = True) As Boolean
Dim lUpdate As Long
Dim lLangId As Long

lLangId = GetLangID(sFile)
If Not lLangId = 0 Then
lUpdate = BeginUpdateResource(sFile, False)
If Not lUpdate = 0 Then
If Not UpdateResource(lUpdate, RT_VERSION, 1, lLangId, 0, 0) = 0 Then
If EndUpdateResource(lUpdate, False) Then

If bReplacePadd Then
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim sBuff As String
Dim sReplace As String

sReplace = String$(Len(FINDTHIS), vbNullChar)
iFile = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary Access Read Write As iFile
sBuff = Space(LOF(iFile))
Get iFile, , sBuff
sBuff = Replace(sBuff, FINDTHIS, sReplace)
Put iFile, 1, sBuff
Close iFile
End If

DelVerInfoResource = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
Call EndUpdateResource(lUpdate, True)
End If
End If
End Function

Private Function GetLangID(ByVal sFile As String) As Long
Dim lLen As Long
Dim lHandle As Long
Dim bvBuffer() As Byte
Dim lVerPointer As Long
Dim iVal As Integer

lLen = GetFileVersionInfoSize(sFile, lHandle)

If Not lLen = 0 Then
ReDim bvBuffer(lLen)
If Not GetFileVersionInfo(sFile, 0&, lLen, bvBuffer(0)) = 0 Then

If Not VerQueryValue(bvBuffer(0), _
"\VarFileInfo\Translation", _
lVerPointer, _
lLen) = 0 Then

CopyMemory iVal, ByVal lVerPointer, 2
GetLangID = iVal

End If
End If
End If

End Function

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