Nytro Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 by mjrod5:You can flame me or whatever you want...Here is code i made =)Seems like delphi doesnt support invoke, only call xPHave fun doing nothing with thisprogram InlineASM;uses Windows;var_msg: String = 'Inline ASM, Delphi';_cpt: String = 'woot!';begin asm //MessageBox: function(hWnd: HWND; lpText, lpCaption: PAnsiChar; uType: UINT): Integer; push 0 //uType push _cpt //lpCaption push _msg //lpText push 0 //hWnd call messagebox //Call the MessageBoxAPI with params you pushed //Delphi Equivalent would be //MessageBox(0,PChar(_msg),PChar(_cpt),0); end;end. Quote