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Windows 7 va avea "grafica" DirectX 11

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Windows 7 va avea "grafica" DirectX 11

de Mina Hutterer | 7 august 2009

Prin Windows 7, Microsoft doreste sa ofere un sistem de operare capabil sa foloseasca eficient hardware-ul video din sistem. Compania colaboreaza strans cu NVIDIA si AMD (ATI) pentru a se asigura ca nu va exista niciun fel de problema intre Windows 7 DirectX 11 si driverele placilor cu chipset GeForce si Radeon.


Unul dintre avantajele principale ale lui DirectX 11 este, de exemplu, posibilitatea sistemului de operare de a reda material video fara a solicita CPU-ul - direct prin placa grafica. Mai mult decat atat, un reprezentant AMD afirma ca DirectX 11 va permite un nivel de realism in jocuri imposibil pana acum. AMD are planuri sa lanseze primele placi compatibile cu DirectX 11 in octombrie 2009, odata cu lansarea lui Windows 7.

Iata caracteristicile principale ale lui DirectX 11:

o Full support (including all DX11 hardware features) on Windows Vista as well as future versions of Windows

o Compatibility with DirectX 10 and 10.1 hardware, as well as support for new DirectX 11 hardware

o New compute shader technology that lays the groundwork for the GPU to be used for more than just 3D graphics, so that developers can take advantage of the graphics card as a parallel processor

o Multi-threaded resource handling that will allow games to better take advantage of multi-core machines

o Support for tessellation, which blurs the line between super high quality pre-rendered scenes and scenes rendered in real-time, allowing game developers to refine models to be smoother and more attractive when seen up close

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