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[Python] Multihash Brute Forcer (console) [cmiN]

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#! /usr/bin/env python
# 16.08.2009 <> 16.08.2009 | cmiN
# Multihash Brute Force (console)

import sys, hashlib, multiprocessing, time

class MBF:
def __init__(self, hash_type, hexdigest_hash, charset_mode, interval_length):
self.intype = hash_type
self.instr = hexdigest_hash
self.charset = [""]
self.inttask = None
self.outstr = None
self.charset_mode = charset_mode
self.interval_length = interval_length
if int(interval_length.split("-")[0]) <= int(interval_length.split("-")[1]):
self.inttask = xrange(int(interval_length.split("-")[0]), int(interval_length.split("-")[1]) + 1, 1)
self.inttask = xrange(int(interval_length.split("-")[0]), int(interval_length.split("-")[1]) - 1, -1)
if "la" in charset_mode:
self.charset.extend(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
if "ua" in charset_mode:
self.charset.extend(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'])
if "d" in charset_mode:
self.charset.extend(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'])
if "o" in charset_mode:
self.charset.extend(['`', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '-', '_', '=', '+', '|', '[', '{', ']', '}', ';', ':', "'", '"', ',', '<', '.', '>', '/', '?', ' '])
def check(self):
if not self.intype in ("md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "ripemd"):
raise Exception, "hash type not in available list"
if not self.instr.isalnum() or self.instr.isdigit() or self.instr.isalpha():
raise Exception, "invalid hash"
if self.intype == "md2" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 128:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "md4" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 128:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "md5" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 128:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "sha1" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 160:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "sha224" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 224:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "sha256" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 256:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "sha384" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 384:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "sha512" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 512:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
elif self.intype == "ripemd" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 160:
raise Exception, "invalid hash length"
if not int(self.interval_length.split("-")[0]) in xrange(1, 10) or not int(self.interval_length.split("-")[1]) in xrange(1, 10):
raise Exception, "invalid interval length"
def start(self):
for task in self.inttask:
if task == 1:
generator = ("".join([word1]) for word1 in self.charset)
elif task == 2:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset)
elif task == 3:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset)
elif task == 4:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3, word4]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset for word4 in self.charset)
elif task == 5:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3, word4, word5]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset for word4 in self.charset for word5 in self.charset)
elif task == 6:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset for word4 in self.charset for word5 in self.charset for word6 in self.charset)
elif task == 7:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset for word4 in self.charset for word5 in self.charset for word6 in self.charset for word7 in self.charset)
elif task == 8:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7, word8]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset for word4 in self.charset for word5 in self.charset for word6 in self.charset for word7 in self.charset for word8 in self.charset)
elif task == 9:
generator = ("".join([word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7, word8, word9]) for word1 in self.charset for word2 in self.charset for word3 in self.charset for word4 in self.charset for word5 in self.charset for word6 in self.charset for word7 in self.charset for word8 in self.charset for word9 in self.charset)
for generated_string in generator:
if hashlib.new(self.intype, generated_string).hexdigest() == self.instr:
self.outstr = generated_string
if not self.outstr is None:
def get(self):
if self.outstr is None:
print "The program didn't find a match for {hash_type} {hexdigest_hash} using mode {charset_mode} with string length {interval_length}.".format(hash_type=self.intype, hexdigest_hash=self.instr, charset_mode=self.charset_mode, interval_length=self.interval_length)
print "The plain text is {outstr} for {hash_type} {hexdigest_hash} using mode {charset_mode} with string length {interval_length}.".format(hash_type=self.intype, hexdigest_hash=self.instr, charset_mode=self.charset_mode, interval_length=self.interval_length, outstr=self.outstr)
__version__ = "1.0"
__doc__ = """This class tries to find the plain text from a hash by generating strings and verifying their hash with the wanted one.
Available hash types: md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd"""

def run(*args):
print "Please wait..."
MBFinstance = MBF(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])
except Exception, message:
print "An error occurred: {0}".format(message)
print "Unknown error."
print "Ready! Elapsed time: {0}''".format(time.clock())

def main():
usage = """\t Multihash Brute Forcer {0}


\tUsage: MhashBF hash_type hexdigest_hash charset_mode interval_length

Where hash_type is one from the available types
hexdigest_hash is the hash in hexadecimal string representation
charset_mode sets the characters to use:
la - loweralpha
ua - upperalpha
d - digits
o - others
interval_length is the length of the string from x to y
min: 1
max: 9

\tExample: MhashBF md5 d674dfcd8b4db6762bcb3667316d3bb9 lad 1-4""".format(MBF.__version__, MBF.__doc__)
if len(sys.argv) == 5:
pool.apply_async(run, args=sys.argv)
print usage

if __name__ == "__main__":
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(1)

Script-ul este destul de rapid (singurele cauze pentru care este mai lent decat altele este din cauza limbajului de programare, deoarece de ex.: C++ e de vreo 1,000 ori mai rapid decat Python) insa metoda asta e cea mai rapida pe care o cunosc din punct de vedere al sintaxei.

O sa dau un edit si intr-o buna zi un thread cum cat de usor ii poti pune un GUI la acest script cu niste modificari minore.


Modificari: Script-ul e complet si se poate adapta foarte simplu la o interfata, modificand in main prin a incepe cu o clasa a interfetei ce apeleaza clasa script-ului. MhashBF se poate importa foarte usor si poate fi folosita clasa MhashBF.MBF cu metodele ei in script-urile voastre.

Viteza: 0.3 ~ 0.4 Mh/s @ 3.0 GHz

Last updated: 22.08.2009

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un comentariu offtopic: nu stiu cat de rapid si de cate ori e C fata de python dar nu mai compara un compilator © cu un interpretor (Python).

Nu mai am practica in C si nu am lucrat in Python dar cred ca cineva il poate traduce usor in C. Voluntari?

La brute force este foarte buna de challenge optimizarea unui program = viteza maxima de executie, deci sugestie, traduceti programul in C.

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Erau niste librarii prin care puteam traduce automat in extensii C sau in assembly care il faceau mult mai rapid. Si in python sunt librarii cu c in fata de ex.: cPickle care face ce face pickle numai ca e de ~1,000 de ori mai rapid, dar nu se mia fabrica :D.

Cand vin acasa mai fac inca 2 clase pentru dictionary attack, rainbow tables si in acea buna zi o interfata cu toate cele 3 clase la un loc si multithreading in multiprocessing etc. si apoi challenge pentru optimizari si vanam 2-3 iepuri deodata.

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