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iPortalX the new version of Invision portal v3:

Message Board featuring Web Wiz Forums

- unlimited forums and topics

- email subscribe to forums and topics

- add, edit, delete topics and polls

- if you have a v7.x WWF running you can easily convert to iPortalX in minutes!

Search Engine Friendly

- most search engines including Google successfully index the portal


- once purchased, you get free support for as long as you need it at no extra cost.


- iPortalX can run off a MSSQL database or Access database

Skin Chooser

- you can add more than one skin and choose between them at any time

Meta Tags

- add, edit, delete meta tags for all or selected pages.

Private messages (PM)

- members can send and receive private messages through their inbox and outbox

- a notification box pops up when new message arrives letting them know.

- member also has an option to send a notification to their email address.


- with admin options to edit, modify, delete entries

- also a IP Ban feature to keep those spammers out

- options to send the administrator an email for new guestbook entries

- enable or disable the website field to stop those spammers!

Site News

- news categories

- options give member groups access to post news

- you can also disable the site news in the portal settings page

- there is an option to "group" the news items together so its 2 news items across

- you can add a news picture to each news item

- there is an option to resize the news items pictures so they fit the page better

Link Directory, Downloads, Faqs

- featuring unlimited categories and sub categories, rating system, reviews, report dead link.

- submit form has a WYSIWYG editor.

- when member submits entry the admin most approve it before it is active

- option to enable or disable submitting, ratings, reviews, and dead entry reporting

- option to enable or disable guest submitting, reviews, and dead entry reporting

- option to require members be logged in to view

Directory Manager

- you can add new "directory listings" such as a new link directory through an admin page.

- add, edit, delete directory listings such as the link directory, downloads, faqs

- each directory has its own settings for permissions and uploads

Site Poll

- add site polls to the portal for members and / or visitors to vote

- previous poll listing to view past polls

- option to make poll one vote only or multiple votes

Display Configuration

- Edit the overall layout to make the portal as simple or as advanced as you want through a advanced layout form.

- add, edit, delete portal modules online through a simple module configuration page.

- each user can custom the module display by clicking the minimize button or close button on the module.

- each module can be setup so only certain groups have access

- enable or disable module grouping. this allows the modules to be close together as a column or give them their own little box in the side column

File Manager

- browse all website directories online

- add, edit, delete files and folders online

- security has been set up so only the main administrator can access the file manager.

Banner System

- add, edit, delete banners in the header, footer, and side columns.

- banner rotator to rotate banners.

- stats that record impressions and visits.

Custom Pages

- add, edit, delete custom pages that match the rest of the portal through a online WYSIWYG editor.

Themes Editor

- add, edit, delete, import, and export skins for iPortalX.

- all skins can be configured online through a form to edit any colors of the portal.


- everything in the portal has been built so its all intergraded. That means you do not need more than 1 account for anything!

RSS feeds

- RSS feeds for news, forum topics, and forum posts. All feeds are valid.

- enable or disable the news feeds and or the forum posts feeds

- set what directory you want to store the xml feeds

Tell a Friend

- use the Tell a Friend page to email friends and let them know about it

Upload System

- configure folders and paths for uploads for forum, links, downloads, faqs, etc

- set custom upload options for forum, links, downloads, faqs, banners, gallery, etc

Image Gallery

- advanced image gallery to add images to categories and unlimited sub categories.

- advanced image resizer that uses asp.net technology to automatically resize all images on the fly.

- image resizer can resize any image locally or remote so no extra storage space is needed for thumbnails.

- upload images to the gallery

Site Stats

- stats that record visitor information like what browser they are using and what OS they are using.

- stats also record how many spiders (search engines) are currently at your website and how many times they have come.

- all stats are automatically reset each month.

- the total online users count is also stored and displayed in the stats module.

Site Calendar

- calendar categories

- private calendar events for members

- options to give member groups access to post public events

- view member birthdays in the site calendar module

- add recurring events. only supports xx amount of days in a row.


- members can post their own blogs in their little blog area.

- add, edit, delete blogs with a WYSIWYG editor

- Admin Control Panel

- the portal has its own unique administration center to configure any setting in the portal and forum. everything is intergraded together.

Welcome Message

- the portals welcome message can be edited or moved with a WYSIWYG editor

Partners Box

- the portals partner box can be edited or moved with a WYSIWYG editor


- members can save items as "favorites" from the news, link directory, downloads, faqs, etc

- add, edit, delete favorites through the My Portal page

Buddy List

- a buddy list to add members

- add, edit, delete buddies

- ban members from sending private messages to you

My Portal

- members can view private events

- view, edit, delete saved favorites

- add, edit, delete people in their buddy list

Online Users

- view the current amount of members, guests, and spiders that are currently online

- view the current page the visitor is currently on

Subscription Manager

- add, edit, and delete subscriptions for topics and forums.

Latest Forum Posts

- view the latest forum posts through a side module or enable it for the front page.

- all permissions are checked in the forum posts so members only see what they should

News Archive

- view all previous news topics in a news archive. you can also short by news categories.

Group Manager

- add, edit, delete groups through the portal admin section.

- you set groups to change on the amount of forum posts or set them so only the administrators can change their group

- change how many stars they have or give them a custom image

Database Settings

- if you are running a access database, you can compact and repair it online through the Database Settings page

- if you are running a MSSQL database you can view its information such as how big the file is and how big your log file is

- enter custom SQL commands through your database settings page

Mass Email Members

- you can send out a mass email to all members

- select to send email to a certain group

- members have the option to select if they want to subscribe and receive a news letter or not

Ban Configuration

- add, edit, and delete IP bans to keep unwanted visitors from parts of the portal

- add, edit, and delete banned email addresses from signing up in your portal

Language Filter

- add, edit, and delete bad words from being used throughout the entire portal

- add bad words can be replaced with anything you want.

Suspend Registration

- you can turn off registration to keep people from registering.

- to add new members you can use the admin page called Add New Member

Homepage: www.iportalx.com www.aspinvision.com



RaR pass: xac.th3zone.com

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