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de-ale 3d-ului (funny)

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scormonind prin turbosquid dau de niste artisti "adevarati":

free max mode arucards gun jakal gmax

adica le are cu modelatu 3d da habar n-are sa dea un render la urma sau macar un print screen asa ca face cu telefonu poza la monitor - "sry about the bad quality pics it looks WAY better in GMAX"

si rasete pe forum

Cooooool! Hey guys, don't you understand the Workflow? You photograph your screen, connect your phone to the computer, download the photos, maybe try about half an hour to enhance them in an image editor, cause you've missed the focus... :P

alte tampenii la vanzare:

Texture jpg abstract tiles metal ciudat, 2 i-au cumparat textura numa ca sa ii strice ratingu.

free test 3d model (nu stiu exact ce vinde in truespace dupa poza; de asemenea biata fata stirba de un picior e pusa in categoria animals si arhitecture)

3d model man citez "My first 3D model. Please forgive me!"

invisible man woman c4d free - the invisible man (care poate fi usor modificat in invisible woman)

Si niste cuburi la preturi de capodopere. Cititi si descrierile, fac toti banii.

3d foot rest

3D max Box Max Cube

Si mi se pare ca cel mai cumparat rahat de pe TS (6 ratings de 5)

3d crap model


dar CIREASA DE PE TORT: am aflat de acolo de un blog cu o intreaga colectie:

CG Content Watch

"I think people shouldn't be selling the following obvious models at all: ping-pong balls, 3DStudio MAX teapots and baseball bats. But people are publishing them over and over again..."

Edited by loki
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