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Guest Praetorian

1337hexadecimal [txt to hex]

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Guest Praetorian
Posted (edited)


Personal Text to Hexadecimal


[COLOR="White"]Download link:[/COLOR] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U7X0HXYG[/COLOR]
[COLOR="White"]Password:[/COLOR] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]www.insecurity.ro[/COLOR]
[COLOR="White"]Download link:[/COLOR] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]http://rapidshare.com/files/290302851/1337h3x.rar.html[/COLOR]

Edited by Praetorian

Pune-i si optiunea de a transforma din hex inapoi in plain text ... sau nu se poate pentru ca la un moment aduni totul intr-o chestie si nu mai poti tine cont de fiecare caracter in parte ? Oricum incerc ceva in Python sa-l "sparga" :)).

EDIT: Mda ... Python Power:

#! /usr/bin/env python3.1
# 9.10.2009 <> 9.10.2009 | cmiN
# Script simplu ce converteste "1337c0de"-ul lui TinKode (hex to txt)

def main():
hex_input = input("Introdu valoarea hexadecimala: ")
hex_input = hex_input.replace("0x", "")
plain_output = ""
while len(hex_input) != 0:
hex_char = hex_input[0:2]
hex_input = hex_input[2:]
plain_output += chr(int(hex_char, 16))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Python v3.1.1

P.S.: Ori e mai mult pentru interfata ori ai avut vreun scop malefic ceva in legatura cu creerea acestui soft. Oricum GJ.

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