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[Python] Php Proxy Clicker (console) [cmiN]

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Python code by cmiN - 86 lines - codepad

#! /usr/bin/env python3.1
# 09.03.2010 <> 09.03.2010 | cmiN
# Php Proxy Clicker (console)

import sys, time, urllib.request, threading

def main(args):
usage = """\t\t Php Proxy Clicker 1.0

\t Usage: ppc.py lfile pfile requests delay timeout verbose

Where lfile is the path to a file with links
pfile is the path to a file with proxies
requests is an integer (how many)
delay is a float (seconds)
timeout is a float(seconds)
verbose is an integer
1 - print status
0 - print nothing
Note: Leave the pfile empty if you want to use global settings

\t Example: ppc.py C:\\links.txt C:\\proxy.txt 10 2 5 1"""
if len(args) == 7:
print("Please wait...")
process(args[1], args[2], int(args[3]), float(args[4]), float(args[5]), int(args[6]))
except Exception as message:
print("An error occurred: {}".format(message))
print("Unknown error.")

def process(lfile, pfile, requests, delay, timeout, verbose):
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009020911 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.6"}
Click.timeout = timeout
Click.headers = headers
Click.verbose = verbose
links, hosts = list(), list()
with open(lfile, "rt") as lfin, open(pfile, "rt") as pfin:
for line in lfin:
for line in pfin:
while requests > 0:
for link in links:
if len(hosts):
for host in hosts:
Click(link, host).start()
Click(link, None).start()
requests -= 1
while threading.active_count() > 1:

class Click(threading.Thread):

timeout = int()
headers = dict()
verbose = int()

def __init__(self, link, host):
self.link = link
self.host = host

def run(self):
request = urllib.request.Request(self.link, headers=self.headers)
if self.host:
request.set_proxy(self.host, "http")
with urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=self.timeout) as uin:
if self.verbose:
print("{} {} OK".format(self.link, self.host))
except urllib.request.URLError as message:
if self.verbose:
print("{} {} {}".format(self.link, self.host, self.message))

if __name__ == "__main__":

1) Download Python 3.x

2) Salvezi codul de mai sus in ppc.py

3) Start -> Run -> cmd

4) cd %locatie% unde %locatie% este locul unde se afla ppc.py

5) ppc.py -> vezi usage

6) Enjoy!

Note: Desi e atat de simplu, nu l-am facut sa ma aflu in treaba ci pentru un user de pe rst, oricum cu ocazia asta vedeti si voi mai clar cum sta treaba cu Python-ul si puteti implementa clasa destul de usor.

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