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Bash - Backup Script.txt
Bash - Battery Life.txt
Bash - BlackJack.txt
Bash - Change (mask) the MAC address on your nic.txt
Bash - Detect then eject the cdrom.txt
Bash - File Limiter.txt
Bash - PPP Connection Checker.txt
Bash - Recursive Linecount in directory.txt
Bash - Resolve&Display your IP Address.txt
Bash - Retreive the complete list of ports.txt
Bash - Setting up common aliases.txt
Bash - Simple Bash backup script.txt
Bash - Simple firewall script.txt
Bash - Take Screenshots of Xwindows.txt
C# - Add proxy support to webbrowser.txt
C# - Anti Sandboxie.txt
C# - AntiSandboxie.txt
C# - Anti ThreatExpert.txt
C - Binary Adder.txt
C# - Calculate an exponent.txt
C# - CD Key Stealer.txt
C# - Check Avaible Posts.txt
C# - Check for 64bits OS.txt
C# - Check if a file is already open (or read only).txt
C# - Check if a printer is offline or online.txt
C# - Check if a process is running.txt
C# - Check if the CD-ROM is loaded.txt
C# - Count vowels in a string.txt
C# - Create a new net user.txt
C# - Create local Windows user account.txt
C - Creates a magic square.txt
C - DateTime with windows.h.txt
C# - Delete registry key value in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.txt
C# - Delete Self.txt
C# - Desactivate UAC.txt
C# - Disable Task Manager.txt
C++ - Disable Task Manager.txt
C# - Downloader.txt
C - Echo.txt
C# - Empty Recycle Bin.txt
C# - Encryption Class.txt
C# - EOF Data.txt
C# - FileZilla Stealer.txt
C# - Generate a random color with XNA.txt
C# - Generate password.txt
C# - Get 3 letters computer country name.txt
C# - Get a file's MD5 Hash.txt
C# - Get a HTML Page's Title.txt
C# - Get current users profile type (using Win32 API).txt
C# - Get Headers from a website.txt
C# - Get info about drives installed.txt
C# - Get info about physical memory.txt
C# - Get IP Information.txt
C# - Get recycle bin's size and file count.txt
C# - Get RecycleBin's size and file count.txt
C# - Gets the contents of a pastebin entry by id.txt
C# - Getting the HEX.txt
C# - Get UNC path of mapped drives.txt
C# - Get users default browser.txt
C# - Get your Gmail contact list.txt
C - Gnome Sort.txt
C# - Hiding console window.txt
C# - IP address range finder helper class.txt
C# - Kill Ad-Adware.txt
C# - Kill a process by user.txt
C# - Kill Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.txt
C# - Kill SpyBot Search&Destroy.txt
C# - Mutex.txt
C - Name of current user.txt
C# - Open Windows Firewall Port.txt
C# - Post to Pastebin!.txt
C - ReadWord.txt
C# - Rendering text with a shadow in XNA.txt
C++ - Restart your computer.txt
C# - Retrieve all computers on network.txt
C# - Retrieve list of avaible printer ports.txt
C# - Send Email with Attachment.txt
C# - Session for WinForms.txt
C# - Set default printer.txt
C# - ShiftList.txt
C# - Show&Hide desktop icons.txt
C# - Show&hide Windows Taskbar.txt
C# - Simple 2D line in XNA.txt
C# - Split String.txt
C# - Static dll injector.txt
C# - Take screenshot.txt
C# - USB Spread.txt
C# - Use WMI to get a list of all installed printers.txt
C# - Use WMI to get the system's up-time.txt
C# - uTorrent seeder.txt
C# - Windows autostart.txt
C# - XOR Encryption.txt
Delphi - Bytes to real size.txt
Delphi - Default Browser.txt
Delphi - Disable XP Firewall.txt
Delphi - Get File Info.txt
Delphi - Ip&Port Check Utility.txt
Delphi - Little injection.txt
Delphi - Screenshot with mouse position.txt
Delphi - Uptime (Spy-Net).txt
F# - AES Encryption.txt
F# - IRC Bot.txt
Lisp - A Clojure function to find the average of an arbitrary number of numbers.txt
Lisp - A function to flip the arguments of another function in Clojure.txt
Lisp - Compute factorial in Clojure.txt
Lisp - Computer Generated HAIKU.txt
Lisp - Example of using refs to maintain, alter, and use mutable state in Clojure.txt
Lisp - Fibonacci Sequence.txt
Lisp - Fibonancci Sequence.txt
Lisp - File IO example using c.c.duck-streams in Clojure.txt
Lisp - Function to find the max value in a sequence in Clojure.txt
Lisp - GPA Calculator.txt
Lisp - Swing example in Clojure.txt
Lisp - Tic-Tac-Toe.txt
Python - CS Server Info.txt
Python - Get TITLE.txt
Python - Google Search.txt
Python - IRC Bot (l33t).txt
Python - IRC Bot.txt
Python - MD5 Search.txt
Python - Skype Bot.txt
Ruby - Angle Conversion.txt
Ruby - Bandwidth Usage in Linux.txt
Ruby - Check if a number is prime.txt
Ruby - Defficient Number.txt
Ruby - Get Confirmation.txt
Ruby - Hangman.txt
Ruby - Regression Line.txt
Ruby - Reverse a string.txt
Ruby - ROT13.txt
Ruby - Sum of any series.txt
Ruby - Sum of Divisors.txt
Ruby - Write a number in English.txt
VB6 - Admin Check.txt
VB6 - Automatic shutdown for windows in VBS.txt
VB6 - Change Desktop Settings via registry.txt
VB6 - Change System Date Format.txt
VB6 - Check if a file exists.txt
VB6 - Check if exe is running.txt
VB6 - Close all forms in your applications.txt
VB6 - Convert Binary To Decimal.txt
VB6 - Copy all files from directory to another.txt
VB6 - Detect Windows Version.txt
VB6 - Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del.txt
VB6 - Download a file from the Internet.txt
VB6 - Download file using FTP.txt
VB6 - DynDNS Stealer.txt
VB6 - Easy read&write to Windows registry.txt
VB6 - File Download to Temp Dir.txt
VB6 - FileZilla Stealer.txt
VB6 - Find your application's path.txt
VB6 - Get default browser in 5 lines.txt
VB6 - Get MSN Passwords.txt
VB6 - Get OS Version.txt
VB6 - Get Screen Resolution.txt
VB6 - Get System Volume Information.txt
VB6 - Get Windows Username.txt
VB6 - Hangman.txt
VB6 - Kill a file in use.txt
VB6 - Open&Close CD ROM.txt
VB6 - Password Generator.txt
VB6 - Prevent a program from running.txt
VB6 - Read Registry.txt
VB6 - Running Programs Using VBScript.txt
VB6 - Send Batch Email.txt
VB6 - Show&Hide Taskbar (WINDOWS).txt
VB6 - Shutdown Windows.txt
VB6 - Simple en&decryption.txt
VB6 - String Rotation.txt
VB6 - System Start Time.txt
VB6 - Tic Tac Toe.txt
VB6 - Turn Off Monitor.txt
VB6 - Upload file to FTP Server.txt
VB6 - Windows Running Time.txt
VB6 - Windows XP Task manager Disabler&Enabler.txt
VB6 - Write to registry.txt
VB6 - XOR Encryption Function.txt
VB6 - Zip files with WinZip in VB6.txt
VB.NET - 4chan spammer.txt
VB.NET - Add to startup (Registry).txt
VB.NET - Animating Text.txt
VB.NET - Anti Modules.txt
VB.NET - Auto Crop Image.txt
VB.NET - Base64 to image.txt
VB.NET - Bomb noise.txt
VB.NET - Calculated Click.txt
VB.NET - Calender.txt
VB.NET - Change Desktop Background.txt
VB.NET - Change the language of your application.txt
VB.NET - Change Wallpaper.txt
VB.NET - Check Battery Status.txt
VB.NET - Check if exe is running.txt
VB.NET - Check if file is in use.txt
VB.NET - Check if username is in use.txt
VB.NET - Check URL for availability.txt
VB.NET - Check Windows Password.txt
VB.NET - Clear IE Browser History&Cookies.txt
VB.NET - Convert file size to KB, MB, GB and TB.txt
VB.NET - Convert file size to KB,MB,GB, TB.txt
VB.NET - Corrupt.txt
VB.NET - Cripple EXE.txt
VB.NET - Cryptographu - Encryptions&Decryptions.txt
VB.NET - Date Extensions.txt
VB.NET - Delete Cookies.txt
VB.NET - Disable Firewall.txt
VB.NET - Disable 'Show Hidden Files and Folders Option'.txt
VB.NET - Disable [X], ALT+F4, CTRL+W and context.txt
VB.NET - Empty Recycle Bin.txt
VB.NET - Enumerate Installed Software.txt
VB.NET - FireFTP Passwords.txt
VB.NET - Force Steam login.txt
VB.NET - Format a phone number.txt
VB.NET - FormatWith.txt
VB.NET - Generate Captcha.txt
VB.NET - Get all table & Column names from database.txt
VB.NET - GetBetweenAll.txt
VB.NET - GetBetween.txt
VB.NET - Get COD4 Key.txt
VB.NET - Get default browser path.txt
VB.NET - Get External IP.txt
VB.NET - Get Folder Size.txt
VB.NET - Get how long the computer has been running.txt
VB.NET - Get or set Desktop background color.txt
VB.NET - Get own Internet IP.txt
VB.NET - Get percent value.txt
VB.NET - Give file an attribute.txt
VB.NET - Handling .ini files.txt
VB.NET - Hash.txt
VB.NET - Hide a process window.txt
VB.NET - Instant PC Shutdown.txt
VB.NET - Invert colors from image.txt
VB.NET - Log file.txt
VB.NET - MD5 from file.txt
VB.NET - MD5 Hash.txt
VB.NET - Melt File - NO DROPS.txt
VB.NET - Minimize to tray.txt
VB.NET - Mouse Click.txt
VB.NET - MsgBox If statement.txt
VB.NET - MSN Nickname Changer.txt
VB.NET - MSN Spreader.txt
VB.NET - Multiple File Copy.txt
VB.NET - Null PE Info.txt
VB.NET - Packetwise File Copy.txt
VB.NET - Polymorphic RC4 Encryption.txt
VB.NET - Prevent Search.txt
VB.NET - Program Updater.txt
VB.NET - ProgressBar code.txt
VB.NET - RC4 Encryption.txt
VB.NET - Read&Write EOF.txt
VB.NET - Resize image to fit in picturebox.txt
VB.NET - Resolution Math.txt
VB.NET - Screenshot.txt
VB.NET - Show system time.txt
VB.NET - String & Image Conversion.txt
VB.NET - Strip HTML.txt
VB.NET - Test for Internet Connection.txt
VB.NET - Windows Live Messenger 'Now Playing'.txt



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