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1. Introduction

* 1.1 What?

* 1.2 Why?

* 1.3 How?

* 1.4 Where?

2. Packet Filtering Basics

* 2.1 What?

* 2.2 Why?

* 2.3 How?

3. I'm confused! Routing, masquerading, portforwarding, ipautofw...

* 3.1 Rusty's Three-Line Guide To Masquerading

* 3.2 Gratuitous Promotion: WatchGuard Rules

* 3.3 Common Firewall-like Setups

* 3.4 More Information on Masquerading

4. IP Firewalling Chains

* 4.1 How Packets Traverse The Filters

* 4.2 Useful Examples

5. Miscellaneous.

* 5.1 How to Organize Your Firewall Rules

* 5.2 What Not To Filter Out

* 5.3 Filtering out Ping of Death

* 5.4 Filtering out Teardrop and Bonk

* 5.5 Filtering out Fragment Bombs

* 5.6 Changing Firewall Rules

* 5.7 How Do I Set Up IP Spoof Protection?

* 5.8 Advanced Projects

* 5.9 Future Enhancements

6. Common Problems

* 6.1 ipchains -L Freezes!

* 6.2 Inverse doesn't work!

* 6.3 Masquerading/Forwarding Doesn't Work!

* 6.4 -j REDIR doesn't work!

* 6.5 Wildcard Interfaces Don't Work!

* 6.6 TOS Doesn't Work!

* 6.7 ipautofw and ipportfw Don't Work!

* 6.8 xosview is Broken!

* 6.9 Segmentation Fault With `-j REDIRECT'!

* 6.10 I Can't Set Masquerading Timeouts!

* 6.11 I Want to Firewall IPX!

7. A Serious Example.

* 7.1 The Arrangement

* 7.2 Goals

* 7.3 Before Packet Filtering

* 7.4 Packet Filtering for Through Packets

* 7.5 Finally

8. Appendix: Differences between ipchains and ipfwadm.

* 8.1 Quick-Reference table.

* 8.2 Examples of translated ipfwadm commands

9. Appendix: Using the ipfwadm-wrapper script.

10. Appendix: Thanks.

* 10.1 Translations

Sursa: http://www.linux-tutorial.info/modules.php?name=Howto&pagename=IPCHAINS-HOWTO

Edited by Arduino
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