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ROPEME – ROP Exploit Made Easy

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OPEME – ROP Exploit Made Easy – is a PoC tool for ROP exploit automation on Linux x86. It contains a set of simple Python scripts to generate and search for ROP gadgets from binaries and libraries (e.g libc). A sample payload class is also included to help generate multistage ROP payload with the technique described in the Black Hat USA 2010 talk: “Payload already inside: data re-use for ROP exploits“.

Check the latest paper and slides and PoC code.


[url=http://www.vnsecurity.net/2010/08/ropeme-rop-exploit-made-easy/]ROPEME – ROP Exploit Made Easy : VNSECURITY TEAM (Vietnam Internet Security Research Team)[/url]

Edited by prodil89
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