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[VB6] mZombieInvoke – Native VB6 Invoke

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Author: Karcrack

Source: http://www.advancevb.com.ar/?p=567

' Module : mZombieInvoke
' Author : Karcrack
' Now : 09/08/2010 13:37
' Purpose : Calling API without declaring
' Only uses VB6 functions :)
' History : 20100908 First cut .......................................................

Option Explicit

Private Type Zombie_STRUCT1
cNull As Currency 'Must be 0
ppS2 As Long 'Pointer to pointer to Zombie_STRUCT2
End Type

Private Type Zombie_STRUCT2
lNull As Long 'Must be 0
lAddr As Long 'The Addr
End Type

Private Type tAPICall
ptsLIB As Long ' Pointer to ANSI String that contains Library (NULL TERMINATED!)
ptsProc As Long ' Pointer to ANSI String that contains Procedure(NULL TERMINATED!)
lReserved As Long ' Just reserved...
lPointer As Long ' Pointer to the buffer that will contain temp variables from DllFunctionCall
lpBuffer(3) As Long ' Buffer that will contain temp variables
End Type

Private Type DUMB_LONG
lLNG As Long
End Type

Private Type BYTES_LONG
b1 As Byte: b2 As Byte
b3 As Byte: b4 As Byte
End Type

Private Declare Function DllFunctionCall Lib "MSVBVM60" (ByRef typeAPI As tAPICall) As Long
Private Declare Function Zombie_AddRef Lib "MSVBVM60" (ByRef tStructure As Zombie_STRUCT1) As Long

Private bvASM(&HFF) As Byte

Public Function Invoke(ByVal sLibName As String, ByVal sProcName As String, ParamArray vParams() As Variant) As Long
Dim hMod As Long
Dim S1 As Zombie_STRUCT1
Dim S2 As Zombie_STRUCT2
Dim i As Long
Dim iCount As Long

hMod = GetPointer(sLibName, sProcName)

Call AddByte(&H58, iCount): Call AddByte(&H5B, iCount): Call AddByte(&H50, iCount)

For i = UBound(vParams) To LBound(vParams) Step -1
'//PUSH CLng(vParams(i))
Call AddPush(CLng(vParams(i)), iCount)
Next i

'//CALL hMod '//RET
Call AddCall(hMod, iCount): Call AddByte(&HC3, iCount)

S2.lAddr = VarPtr(bvASM(0))
S1.ppS2 = VarPtr(VarPtr(S2))

Invoke = Zombie_AddRef(S1)
End Function

Private Function GetPointer(ByVal sLib As String, ByVal sProc As String) As Long
Dim tAPI As tAPICall
Dim bvLib() As Byte
Dim bvMod() As Byte

bvLib = StrConv(sLib + vbNullChar, vbFromUnicode): bvMod = StrConv(sProc + vbNullChar, vbFromUnicode)

With tAPI
.ptsLIB = VarPtr(bvLib(0)): .ptsProc = VarPtr(bvMod(0))
.lReserved = &H40000: .lPointer = VarPtr(.lpBuffer(0))
End With

GetPointer = DllFunctionCall(tAPI)
End Function

Private Sub AddCall(ByVal lpPtrCall As Long, ByRef iCount As Long)
Call AddByte(&HB8, iCount) '//MOV EAX, ________
Call AddLong(lpPtrCall, iCount) '//_______, XXXXXXXX
Call AddByte(&HFF, iCount) '//CALL EXX
Call AddByte(&HD0, iCount) '//____ EAX
End Sub

Private Sub AddPush(ByVal lLong As Long, ByRef iCount As Long)
Call AddByte(&H68, iCount) '//PUSH, ________
Call AddLong(lLong, iCount) '//____, XXXXXXXX
End Sub

Private Sub AddLong(ByVal lLong As Long, ByRef iCount As Long)
'Swap Endian (Ej: 0xDEADBEEF <-> 0xEFBEADDE)

tDL.lLNG = lLong
LSet tBL = tDL

Call AddByte(tBL.b1, iCount): Call AddByte(tBL.b2, iCount)
Call AddByte(tBL.b3, iCount): Call AddByte(tBL.b4, iCount)
End Sub

Private Sub AddByte(ByVal bByte As Byte, ByRef iCount As Long)
bvASM(iCount) = bByte: iCount = iCount + 1
End Sub


Invoke "USER32", "MessageBoxW", 0, StrPtr("Karcrack FTW!!!"), StrPtr("Fuck yeah!"), 0

Vedeti in exemplu ce face. Foloseste numai API-uri din MSVB60.DLL.

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