jorik Posted September 6, 2006 Report Posted September 6, 2006 Iata un tutorial foarte bun:Step 1Open Start/Run... and type the command:regedit and click "OK" (or press ENTER).Go to HKey_Local_MachineSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrent VersionWPAEvents,on the right double click on "oobetimer" and change at least one digit of this value to deactivate windows.Click "OK" and close the Registry Editor.Step 2Open Start/Run... and type the command:%systemroot%system32oobemsoobe.exe /a and click "OK" (or press ENTER).This will bring up the "Activate Windows" window.Check the option for "Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows" and click "Next"Step 3Then click "Change Product Key" (don't enter any information on that screen)Step 4Type in the new key and click "Update"The activate Windows by phone window will reappear at this point, just close it by clicking the X in the upper right hand cornerStep 5Reboot your system and Open Start/Run... and type the command:%systemroot%system32oobemsoobe.exe /a and click "OK" (or press ENTER).If you see "Windows is already activated" then everything is OK.Daca mai aveti nevoie, voi mai scrie citeva! Quote