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MOAUB [Month Of Abysssec Undisclosed Bugs]

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The Abysssec Security Team is about to unleash its Month Of Abysssec Undisclosed Bugs on us. Starting on the 1st of September, Abysssec will release a collection of 0days, web application vulnerabilities, and detailed binary analysis (and pocs) for recently released advisories by vendors such as Microsoft, Mozilla, Sun, Apple, Adobe, HP, Novel, etc. The 0day collection includes PoCs and Exploits for Microsoft Excel, Internet Explorer, Microsoft codecs, Cpanel and others. The MOAUB will be hosted on the Exploit Database, and will be updated on a daily basis. Get your hard-hats on, your VM’s and debugging tools organized – it’s gonna be a an intensive ride. Follow both the exploit-db and Abysssec twitter feed to keep updated!

Link: MOAUB – 30 days of 0days, Binary Analysis and PoCs Exploits Database by Offensive Security


1] Exploit-DB

2] Abysssec

Exploit-uri de la Abysssec (le puteti tine urma mai usor): http://www.exploit-db.com/author/?a=1496

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Cel mai jegos site posibil. Astia copiau exploituri de pe milw0rm (sa nu mai spun ca au folosit un script asemanator) si ziceau ca sunt gasite de ei. Ratati.

Abyssesc astia sunt chiar buni. In fiecare zi cate 2 buguri in aplicatii mari, cunoscute. Bine, am testat si eu cateva exploituri ale lor si nu au mers, si am inteles ca nu sunt singurul caruia nu ii merg. :)

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