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EVE Online -- Ship design contest

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O nava facuta in 3D de catre un roman, 4 zile luate per total, fara blueprint-uri (schite dupa care sa te orientezi s.a.m.d.), pornind de la un triunghi. Programul folosit: 3D Studio Max. Proiect dedicat competiei EVE Online - Starship contest.

Link DevianART: s1dK's Gallery

Link poza full resolution (6000x4000): http://www.deviantart.com/download/180575593/space_ship_for_eve_online_cont_by_s1dk-d2zid0p.jpg

Cei ce aveti cont pe devianart va rog frumos sa postati un comment (bunicel de preferat daca va place, daca nu, asta este) si eventual postati aici ce pareri aveti, daca doriti.

// Later edit, noi nave adaugate, galeria este disponibila aici: http://s1dk.deviantart.com/gallery/ . Enjoy.

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