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Internet Explorer 9 Beta Guide for Developers

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Internet Explorer 9 Beta Guide for Developers



All-around browser performance

Web standards support for same markup

New graphics capabilities harnessing the power of Windows PCs

List of New Features

Improved Interoperability through Standards Support

Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3)

CSS3 2D Transforms

CSS3 Backgrounds & Borders Module

CSS3 Color Module

CSS3 Fonts Module

CSS3 Media Queries Module

CSS3 Namespaces Module

CSS3 Values and Units Module

CSS3 Selectors

Additional CSS Capabilities

CSSOM View Module


Document Object Model Improvements

Introducing the Enhanced DOM

Parsing and Serializing XML to and from the DOM

Document Object Model (DOM) Levels 2 and 3

DOM Core (L2 and L3) and Views (L2)

DOM Element Traversal

DOM L2 and L3 Events


DOM L2 Style

DOM L2 Traversal and Range

DOM Whitespace Handling

ECMAScript 5


HTML5 video and audio Elements

HTML5 canvas Element

HTML Parsing Improvements

HTML5 Selection APIs

HTML5 Semantic Elements

ICC Color Profiles

Selectors API Level 2

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Basic Shapes

Clipping, Masking, and Compositing

Coordinate Systems, Transformations, and Units

Document Structure

Gradients and Patterns


Linking and Views

Painting and Color



New Tools for Web Developers

Pinned Sites

Platform Versioning

New Document Mode

User-agent (UA) String

Developer Tools

Console tab

Network tab

User-agent switcher tool

Measuring real-world performance

Revision History

Cateva lucruri utile din HTML5 si CSS3, in relatie cu Internet Explorer 9 (Platform Preview):


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