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Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?

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Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?

Russia certainly seems to be in a hurry to prepare for something. RT is reporting that 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters will be constructed in the city of Moscow by the end of 2012. Russian authorities believe that these new shelters are urgently needed because the current nuclear bomb shelters will only hold approximately half the population and are quite outdated. In addition, there are apparently very few nuclear bomb shelters for those living outside the city center at this point. Officials want virtually the entire population of Moscow to be able to reach a bomb shelter within a matter of minutes. But in this era when the "Cold War" is supposed to be over, why are 5000 nuclear bomb shelters such an urgent necessity?

The following is an RT video news report about these new shelters....

But it isn't just Russia that has been busy building bomb shelters.

A few years ago, Shanghai’s Civil Defense Office announced the completion of an absolutely massive underground shelter. It was reported that the shelter covers an area of over 90,000 square meters and could accommodate up to 200,000 people at a time.

But that giant shelter is not even as big as the "Underground Great Wall" that was built during that 1960s and 1970s. It is estimated that the "Underground Great Wall" contains 19 miles of tunnels and shelters and could hold up to 300,000 people. It reportedly has a munitions warehouse, a hospital, a theater and even a library.

So what about the U.S. government? Are they building any bomb shelters for us?


Basically, Americans are sitting ducks. Whether it is a rogue nation launching a nuke or a full-out nuclear war, Americans literally have nowhere to go. In the event of a nuclear attack, most of us would be lucky to have enough time to duck and cover and say our prayers.

The sad truth is that the U.S. government considers the threat of nuclear war to be a thing of the past.

For decades, an overwhelming nuclear arsenal has been our primary protection against nuclear attack, but thanks to the last several presidents our strategic nuclear arsenal has been mostly dismantled.

Today, the United States has only 5,113 nuclear warheads in its stockpile, which represents an 84 percent decline since a peak of approximately 31,255 in 1967.

But that isn't far enough for Barack Obama. Currently, Obama is working on a treaty under which the United States and Russia would only be allowed a maximum of 1,550 deployed warheads.

So with nuclear weapons rapidly spreading throughout the world, and with the U.S. only having a small fraction of the nukes that it used to have, doesn't that make a nuclear strike against the United States more likely?

Of course, but because the mainstream media tells Americans that we don't have to worry about nuclear war anymore most of them don't even think about it.

But Russia is obviously taking a different approach. Building 5000 bomb shelters in one city alone is a massive undertaking. Obviously they feel like building all of these shelters is important for one reason or another.

So are they just being paranoid or are they several moves ahead of us?

One smart comment :Civil defense is a cheap method of making your enemy think you are actually willing to use nuclear weapons."

Youtube Link...

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRQSU133BiQ]YouTube - Moscow building 5000 shelters[/url]


[url=http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/why-is-russia-building-5000-more-nuclear-bomb-shelters-in-moscow-by-the-end-of-2012]Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?[/url]

This is really not funneh anymore :|

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am idee asa in mare parte cum sa scap cu viata in caz de atac cu bomba nucleara.....depinde si de zona unde te aflii tu, daca a dat o bomba nucleara la 25 de km distanta de tine esti cam mort, in fine in concluzie daca suntem pregatiti putem supravietui...

Pai majoritatea o sa scape pentru ca v-or fi atacate asezarile cu popilatie mare ..nu cred ca o sa fie probleme prin localitati mici ..deci cina sta in oras mare are ghinion:))))

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Ma daca ma gandesc mai bine, noi n-avem de unde sa stim ca SUA nu are destule adaposturi nucleare, doar pentru ca nu a fost mediatizat subiectul nu inseamna ca ele nu exista. Asta e strategia Rusiei de intimidare externa pentru ca eu imi ard Xbox-ul daca nu tot conducerea a ordonat publicarea acestor informatii... Poate rusii se simt presati de monopolul extern. Nu stiu... dar oricum cred ca problema nu e de ce isi fac astia adaposturi. Problema e de ce vor sa faca treaba publica si sa incercam sa intuim ce incearca sa realizeze cu asta:> Ce captivant:))...

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