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[NASM] Linux Sockets

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[NASM] Linux Sockets

Author: DemonEmporer:

Right so, It's been a while since I actually contributed anything. Declans Wind0ze hatin'(j/k j/k lol) got me thinkin' about somethin' I could do in linux. And reading through a few pages I noticed a lack of linux based ASM or NASM for that matter. You may find this educational, silly or totally random or all 3. Either way. :P

So I thought in my spare time, I'd start doing some NASM linux examples(They are linux specific, not *nix. BSD has a different interpret style). Hello worlds aside I thought I'd do something slightly more interesting and throw in a socket connection.

%assign SOCK_STREAM         1
%assign AF_INET 2
%assign SYS_socketcall 102
%assign SYS_SOCKET 1
%assign SYS_CONNECT 3
%assign SYS_SEND 9
%assign SYS_RECV 10

section .text
global _start

;Functions to make things easier. :]
mov [cArray+0], dword AF_INET
mov [cArray+4], dword SOCK_STREAM
mov [cArray+8], dword 0
mov eax, SYS_socketcall
mov ebx, SYS_SOCKET
mov ecx, cArray
int 0x80

call _socket
mov dword [sock], eax
mov dx, si
mov byte [edi+3], dl
mov byte [edi+2], dh
mov [cArray+0], eax ;sock;
mov [cArray+4], edi ;&sockaddr_in;
mov edx, 16
mov [cArray+8], edx ;sizeof(sockaddr_in);
mov eax, SYS_socketcall
mov ebx, SYS_CONNECT
mov ecx, cArray
int 0x80

mov edx, [sock]
mov [sArray+0],edx
mov [sArray+4],eax
mov [sArray+8],ecx
mov [sArray+12], dword 0
mov eax, SYS_socketcall
mov ebx, SYS_SEND
mov ecx, sArray
int 0x80

mov eax, 1
int 0x80

mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80
;Main code body

mov esi, szIp
mov edi, sockaddr_in
xor eax,eax
xor ecx,ecx
xor edx,edx
xor ebx,ebx
inc edx
sub al,'0'
jb .next
imul ebx,byte 10
add ebx,eax
jmp short .c
mov [edi+ecx+4],bl
inc ecx
cmp ecx,byte 4
jne .cc

mov word [edi], AF_INET
mov esi, szPort
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
test al,al
jz .ret1
sub al,'0'
imul ebx,10
add ebx,eax
jmp .nextstr1
xchg ebx,eax
mov [sport], eax

mov si, [sport]
call _connect
cmp eax, 0
jnz short _fail
mov eax, msg
mov ecx, msglen
call _send
call _exit

mov edx, cerrlen
mov ecx, cerrmsg
call _print
call _exit

call _exit
call _exit

section .data
cerrmsg db 'failed to connect :(',0xa
cerrlen equ $-cerrmsg
msg db 'DIE DIE DIE!',0xa
msglen equ $-msg

szIp db '',0
szPort db '256',0

section .bss
sock resd 1
;general 'array' for syscall_socketcall argument arg.
cArray resd 1
resd 1
resd 1
resd 1

;send 'array'.
sArray resd 1
resd 1
resd 1
resd 1
sockaddr_in resb 16
sport resb 2
buff resb 1024


nasm -o socket.o -f elf32 -g socket.asm


ld -o socket socket.o

It uses 0 external libraries, hence the ld link line. Next time, we might do something with GTK(QT has a CPP interface and is more annoying to call from ASM XD). If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer as best I can.

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