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[Perl] DDOS Accept

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[Perl] DDOS Accept

ddos_accept.pl -- tool for mitigating attacks against httpd's accept loop

# ddos_accept.pl -- tool for mitigating attacks against httpd's accept loop
# Usage: ddos_accept.pl [-vd] [-t timeout] [-q queuelen] hostname port [proxy]
# Will listen on hostname's port and proxy connections to proxy's port (default localhost);
# designed to ignore idiots who connect and immediately disconnect, since that is
# the nature of the ddos.
# Even with -d (daemonize) set and -v (verbose) unset, this script will spew occasional
# warnings to stderr. Be sure to close stderr on the command line if you are absolutely
# uninterested in any loggable output.

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
use Errno ":POSIX";
use POSIX "setsid";
use Getopt::Std;

my $USAGE = "Usage: ddos_accept.pl [-vd] [-t timeout] [-q queuelen] hostname port [proxy]\n";
getopts "vdt:q:" => \ my %opts or die $USAGE;
@ARGV >= 2 or die $USAGE;

my $VERBOSE = $opts{v};
my $QUEUE = $opts{q} || 512;
my $TIMEOUT = $opts{t} || 60;
my $HOST = shift;
my $PORT = shift;
my $PROXY = shift || "localhost";

my $listener = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Listen => $QUEUE,
LocalAddr => $HOST,
LocalPort => $PORT,
Proto => "tcp",
ReuseAddr => 1,
Blocking => 0,
) or die "Can't create listener on $HOST\:$PORT\: $!";

my $readers = IO::Select->new;
my $listeners = IO::Select->new;
my $writers = IO::Select->new;

if ($opts{d}) {

# daemonize

open STDIN, "</dev/null" or die "can't read /dev/null: $!";
open STDOUT, ">/dev/null" or die "can't write /dev/null: $!";
defined (my $pid = fork) or die "can't fork: $!";
exit if $pid;
setsid or die "can't create new session: $!";

my (%client, %proxy, %client_read_buffer, %client_spoke, %proxy_read_buffer, %client_read_closed, %proxy_read_closed);

# The %client and %proxy hashes are named to describe their keys, not their values.
# The values of those hashes are exactly the opposite of their names.
# The %client_read_buffer and the %proxy_read_buffer hashes describe the internal memory locations
# of where the recv() results are stored and are appropriately named.
# The %client_read_closed and %proxy_read_closed hashes are flags which indicate whether
# the read-side of the socket has shut down.
# The %client_spoke hash tags the last time the client socket was active.

$SIG{PIPE} = sub { warn "SIG$_[0] detected" };

my $last_garbage_collection = time;

while (1) {

warn "READ = ", $readers->count, "\tWRITE = ", $writers->count, "\tCLIENT = " . keys %client,
"\tPROXY = " . keys %proxy, "\n" if $VERBOSE;

for my $r ($readers->can_read(0.25)) {

if ($r == $listener) {
my $i = 0;
do {
my $c = $listener->accept or (warn("accept failed: $!"), last);
$client{$c} = undef;
$client_spoke{$c} = [time, $c];
warn("listen backlog full"), last if ++$i == $QUEUE;
} while ($listeners->can_read(0));
elsif (exists $client{$r}) {

# this handle is a readable client-side socket

$client_spoke{$r}->[0] = time;

unless (defined $client{$r}) {

# this client-side socket has no existing associated proxy connection

recv $r, $client_read_buffer{$r}, 8192, 0;
my $bytes_read = length $client_read_buffer{$r};
warn "recv 8192 ($bytes_read)" if $VERBOSE;

if (!$bytes_read) {
next READER if $! == EAGAIN;
warn "closing ddos connection: " . $r->peerhost;
delete $client{$r};
delete $client_read_buffer{$r};
delete $client_spoke{$r};
close $r;
else {
my $proxy = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $PROXY,
PeerPort => $PORT,
Proto => "tcp",
Blocking => 0,
if ($proxy) {
warn "proxy for " . $r->peerhost . " created" if $VERBOSE;
$client{$r} = $proxy;
$proxy{$proxy} = $r;
$proxy_read_buffer{$proxy} = "";
else {
warn "couldn't create proxy socket: $!";
delete $client_read_buffer{$r};
delete $client{$r};
delete $client_spoke{$r};
close $r;
else {

# this is a client-side readable socket with an existing proxy connection

while (1) {
recv $r, my $buf, 8192, 0;
my $bytes_read = length $buf;
warn "recv 8192 ($bytes_read)" if $VERBOSE;

if (!$bytes_read) {
next READER if $! == EAGAIN;
$client_read_closed{$r} = 1;
else {
$client_read_buffer{$r} .= $buf;
last if length $client_read_buffer{$r} > 65536;
elsif (exists $proxy{$r}) {

# this handle is a proxy-side readable socket with an existing client connection (obviously)

while (1) {
recv $r, my $buf, 65536, 0;
my $bytes_read = length $buf;
warn "recv 65536 ($bytes_read)" if $VERBOSE;

if (!$bytes_read) {
next READER if $! == EAGAIN;
$proxy_read_closed{$r} = 1;
else {
$proxy_read_buffer{$r} .= $buf;
last if length $proxy_read_buffer{$r} > 65536;

for my $w ($writers->can_write(0)) {

if (defined $client{$w} and
(length $proxy_read_buffer{$client{$w}} or $proxy_read_closed{$client{$w}})) {

# this handle is a client-side writable socket with pending proxy data

my $bytes_written = send($w, $proxy_read_buffer{$client{$w}}, MSG_NOSIGNAL) || 0;
warn "send " . length($proxy_read_buffer{$client{$w}}) . " ($bytes_written)" if $VERBOSE;
next WRITER if $bytes_written == 0 and $! == EAGAIN;
substr $proxy_read_buffer{$client{$w}}, 0, $bytes_written, "";
$client_spoke{$w}->[0] = time;

if (!$bytes_written
or length($proxy_read_buffer{$client{$w}}) == 0 and $proxy_read_closed{$client{$w}}) {

# all done: time to clean up

warn "done with " . $w->peerhost if $VERBOSE;
my $proxy = $client{$w};
$readers->remove($w, $proxy);
$writers->remove($w, $proxy);
delete $client{$w};
delete $client_read_buffer{$w};
delete $client_read_closed{$w};
delete $client_spoke{$w};
delete $proxy{$proxy};
delete $proxy_read_buffer{$proxy};
delete $proxy_read_closed{$proxy};
close $w;
close $proxy;
elsif (defined $proxy{$w} and
(length $client_read_buffer{$proxy{$w}} or $client_read_closed{$proxy{$w}})) {

# this handle is a proxy-side writable socket with pending client data

my $bytes_written = send($w, $client_read_buffer{$proxy{$w}}, MSG_NOSIGNAL) || 0;
warn "send " . length($client_read_buffer{$proxy{$w}}) . " ($bytes_written)" if $VERBOSE;
next WRITER if $bytes_written == 0 and $! == EAGAIN;
substr $client_read_buffer{$proxy{$w}}, 0, $bytes_written, "";

if (!$bytes_written
or length($client_read_buffer{$proxy{$w}}) == 0 and $client_read_closed{$proxy{$w}}) {
shutdown $w, 1;

my $now = time;
next MAIN_LOOP if $now == $last_garbage_collection;
$last_garbage_collection = $now;
for my $c (map $client_spoke{$_}->[1], grep $now - $client_spoke{$_}->[0] > $TIMEOUT, keys %client_spoke) {

# client connections idle for more than $TIMEOUT seconds are terminated

warn "timed out " . $c->peerhost if $VERBOSE;

if (my $proxy = $client{$c}) {
delete $proxy{$proxy};
delete $proxy_read_buffer{$proxy};
delete $proxy_read_closed{$proxy};
close $proxy;
delete $client{$c};
delete $client_read_buffer{$c};
delete $client_read_closed{$c};
delete $client_spoke{$c};
close $c;


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Sursa: ddos_accept.pl -- tool for mitigating attacks against httpd's accept loop - r00tsecurity

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