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Fura la careva netu

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Nu am incercat pt ca nu am wireless :))))

pt cei care au ;)

Make sure people around your area(neiborhood) have a wirless connection to latch to. If not ur risking some money, there should be a wlan near you, if not u can return ur router

1- Get a wirless router of some sort

2-Set up your router, do not set up a internet connection yet

3-Now either go the the little icon on the bottom right next to the clock that looks like a computer with lines to the side or an x.

4-Click it and it should show some mumbo jumbo doing with the wireless netowrk, click on "View Wireless Netowrks"

5-Now a window should come up with links on the left side.

6-Depending on the strength of your router some connections may not be visible to the router. Go to the "Refresh Network List" on the left top side and some new connections SHOULD appear.

7-Look at the speed of the connections and choose the one thats fastest

***NOTE*** Some connections may have WEP keys to them which are passwords, so choose wisely!

8-CONNECT! and now you have sucessfully stolen your neighbors connection!have fun!

Credit: BlackKilla

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vorbiti de parca ar fi totul asa de simplu:

Dar se pune o problema sau chiar mai multe.

Cum accesezi netul victimei daca ala nu are netul sharat din windows. Cam slabe sanse sa furi net asa de la vecini.

WIRELESS deocamdata ii cea mai unsecure "legatura"...sanse sa scape careva cu wireless .....poate doar cu WPA2 (neaparat caractere speciale)...dar si asa daca un "priceputeanu" isi prinde mintea si are sculele necesare ...reuseste...

...sa iei de la vecini ii destul de usor...eu unul am peste 120 retele dintre care 101 sunt under my control...bineinteles ca majoritatea au WEP, sau WPA (cu parole de genul S3CR3T...etc)...

Cam greu... nu prea ai cum k sunt o gramada de feluri de a securiza o retea wireless, si in plus iti poate vedea MAC'u' sau ip'u' de pe pagina routerului si iar nu e bine... :wink:

...dupa cum le spui nu cred ca ai inteles vreodata cum functioneza tehnologia Wireless...sau ai umblat cu routere...(decat de prin auzite)

...tocmai ce spunea careva ca se poate clona MAC-ul ...

...si ce IP iti vede ala in router??? :?: ... cand vine unu sa intre in reteaua ta prin Wireless el fura de la tine un IP ...ptr. ca el vine fara... intelesai matale acu?

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deja cred ca mai sunt inca 97238423 de posturi cum sa furi net wireless si cate retzele wireless aveti in cartier ...:) ma frate ce va mai chinuiti la mc donalds e net moca ...:) in centru bucurestiului si cred ca in orice centru din orice orash din romania e net moca :) luativa backtrack3 :)) si poate va tzine de un scan =)) lol :) succes ....wardriving ...nu stiu eu de exemplu daca scot laptopu pe geam am deja 4 retele nesecurizate si 2 securizate...da ar fi combinatie sa fie un mod sigur de spart WPA-ul ...si este dar e de asteptat..:)

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