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Folosindu-se de Spike fuzzer, sickfuzz este un script developat de sickness in Python, pentru a testa diferite vulnerabilitati in aplicatii, trimitandu-le diferite date pe un port pana ce se iveste un crash (a.k.a. BoF); w/e.

# What is fuzzing?

So in short fuzzing is a technique used to discover coding errors in software, so it sends the specific port,app,etc. unexpected data. For example if we have a small application that asks us for a number between 1 and 10 and then divides our number to 2, what will happen if we enter “%Io&6….” ? (It’s not the best example I know but I think you get the picture).

Video: http://blip.tv/play/hdkFgqflYwA%2Em4v

Download: Downloads - sickfuzz - Project Hosting on Google Code

Mai multe informatii aici: sickfuzz – HTTP fuzzer. ihasomgsecurityskills

felicitari :) suport pentru proxy?

Intrucat, sickness si-a uitat parola de la cont :)) (rofl), m-a rugat sa transmit aici mesajul sau, tie.

suportul proxy nu este necesar; un fuzzer doar trimite date unui program pe care il analizezi intr-un debugger

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