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Crackme (vrs1)

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programul genereaza seriale pe baza de nr random si username-ul windowsului, si se ataseaza la final '-rst'. totul se realizeaza intr-un timer. deci serialele valide se vor schimba!!! (adica daca ati gasit un serial valid, acel serial este valid doar pt cateva secunde). butonul de 'check' citeste doar ceea ce este in editbox si face comparatia cu serialul valid in acel moment. deci generarea serialului valid se produce in acel timer

daca imi permite timpul voi face un keygen :)


@sulea e ok, e valid raspunsul dar te rog data viitoare trimite pm sau foloseste alta metoda de a da raspunsul, doar ca sa poata si ceilalti useri sa raspunda, in cazul de fata pot raspunde si ceilalti useri atat timp ca ne spun "serialul"


self keygen-ul lui sulea

Codul sursa ASM:

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none

EnumChildWindowx proto: DWORD, :DWORD

include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

DlgName db "crackme",0

clasa db "TForm1",0
winn db "Crackme (vrs.1)",0
editul db "TEdit",0

AppName db "demonstratie selfkeygening",0

bytes_cc db 50h, 8Dh, 45h, 0C4h, 8bh, 00h, 89h, 05h, 0DCh, 3Eh, 47h, 00h, 58h, 0FFh, 75h, 0C4h, 68h, 0DCh, 43h, 45h, 00h
db 0E9h, 6fh, 04h, 0FEh, 0FFh

bytes_jump db 0E9h, 7Ah, 0FBh, 01h, 00h, 90h, 90h, 90h

totalul dd 26
totalul1 dd 26+100
totalul2 dd 8
offset_cc dd 473ef4h
offset_cc1 dd 473ef4h-50
offset_cc2 dd 454375h
adresaa dd 473edch
buffer1 db 4 dup(0)
buffer2 db 20 dup(0)

hInstance HINSTANCE ?
CommandLine LPSTR ?
buffer db 10 dup(?)

hform dd ?
oldaccess dd ?
hProcess dd ?
pid dd ?
bytes_written dd ?
adresaa2 dd ?

edit_handle dd ?

IDC_BUTTON equ 3001
IDC_EXIT equ 3002

invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
mov hInstance,eax
invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, ADDR DlgName,NULL, addr DlgProc, NULL
invoke ExitProcess,eax

DlgProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDC_EXIT,0
.elseif uMsg==WM_TIMER
Invoke ReadProcessMemory, hProcess, adresaa, addr buffer1, 4, NULL
lea eax,buffer1
mov eax,[eax]
push eax
pop adresaa2
add adresaa2,10h

Invoke ReadProcessMemory, hProcess, adresaa2, addr buffer2, 18, NULL
invoke SendMessage, edit_handle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ADDR buffer2

mov eax,wParam
mov edx,wParam
shr edx,16
.if dx==BN_CLICKED

invoke FindWindow,addr clasa,addr winn
mov hform, eax
.if hform != 0
invoke EnumChildWindows, hform, ADDR EnumChildWindowx, NULL
Invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId, hform, ADDR pid
mov hProcess,eax
Invoke VirtualProtectEx, hProcess, offset_cc1, totalul1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, addr oldaccess
invoke WriteProcessMemory,hProcess,offset_cc, addr bytes_cc, totalul, addr bytes_written
Invoke VirtualProtectEx, hProcess, offset_cc2, totalul2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, addr oldaccess
invoke WriteProcessMemory,hProcess,offset_cc2, addr bytes_jump, totalul2, addr bytes_written
invoke SetTimer,hWnd,1,1000,NULL



invoke EndDialog, hWnd,NULL

mov eax,FALSE
mov eax,TRUE
DlgProc endp

EnumChildWindowx proc hhWin:DWORD,lParam:DWORD

invoke GetClassName,hhWin,addr buffer,10
invoke lstrcmpi,addr buffer,addr editul
cmp eax,0
jne @F

push hhWin
pop edit_handle

@@: mov eax,1

EnumChildWindowx endp

end start

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