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Hiding process from ctrl-alt-del <asm>

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Hiding ctrl-alt-del in asm just a simple example..

Credit to CybOrgAsm


.model flat, stdcall

include windows.inc

include user32.inc

include kernel32.inc

includelib user32.lib

includelib kernel32.lib


mens1 db 'This process was hidden of control+alt+del box!', 0

mens2 db 'Now, you can see it...', 0

mcaption db 'Program: Hidden Process... by CybOrgAsm, POA - Brasil', 0

kernel32 db 'kernel32.dll', 0

func db 'RegisterServiceProcess', 0 ; undocumented.


RSP dd ?



invoke GetModuleHandle, ADDR kernel32 ; get module handle of kernel32.dll

or eax, eax ; you must LoadLibrary if your program

jz sair ; doesn't call any function in kernel32.dll

invoke GetProcAddress, eax, ADDR func ; we must get the address

; of undocumented function

or eax, eax

jz sair

mov [RSP], eax ; save the address

push 1 ; hide

push 0 ; 0 = this process

call RSP ; call it

invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR mens1, ADDR mcaption, MB_OK

push 0 ; well.. we don't have a function called

; "UnRegisterServiceProcess" BUT...

; if you put a 0 , you will "unhide" it >Smile

push 0 ; this process. (but what about unhide others?)

call RSP ; call it

invoke MessageBox, NULL, ADDR mens2, ADDR mcaption, MB_OK


invoke ExitProcess, 0 ; cya!

end start

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