Nytro Posted May 3, 2011 Report Posted May 3, 2011 Mozilla JavaScript GuideQuick Table of Contents About this Guide JavaScript Overview Values, Variables, and Literals Expressions and Operators Regular Expressions Statements Functions Working with Objects Predefined Core Objects Details of the object model Inheritance revisited Iterators and generators Closures LiveConnect Overview Processing XML with E4XExpanded Table of ContentsAbout this Guide 1. New features in JavaScript versions 2. What you should already know 3. JavaScript versions 4. Where to find JavaScript information 5. Tips for learning JavaScript 5.1. An interactive interpreter 5.2. Firebug 6. Document conventionsJavaScript Overview 1. What is JavaScript? 2. JavaScript and Java 3. JavaScript and the ECMAScript Specification 3.1. Relationship between JavaScript Versions and ECMAScript Editions 3.2. JavaScript Documentation versus the ECMAScript Specification 3.3. JavaScript and ECMAScript TerminologyValues, Variables, and Literals 1. Values 1.1. Data Type Conversion 2. Variables 2.1. Declaring Variables 2.2. Evaluating Variables 2.3. Variable Scope 2.4. Global Variables 2.5. See Also 3. Constants 4. Literals 4.1. Array Literals 4.1.1. Extra Commas in Array Literals 4.2. Boolean Literals 4.3. Integers 4.4. Floating-Point Literals 4.5. Object Literals 4.6. String Literals 4.6.1. Using Special Characters in Strings 4.6.2. Escaping Characters 5. Unicode 5.1. Unicode compatibility with ASCII and ISO 5.2. Unicode Escape Sequences 5.3. Unicode characters in JavaScript files 5.4. Displaying characters with UnicodeExpressions and Operators 1. Expressions 2. Operators 2.1. Assignment Operators 2.2. Comparison Operators 2.3. Arithmetic Operators 2.4. Bitwise Operators 2.4.1. Bitwise Logical Operators 2.4.2. Bitwise Shift Operators 2.5. Logical Operators 2.5.1. Short-Circuit Evaluation 2.6. String Operators 2.7. Special Operators 2.7.1. conditional operator 2.7.2. comma operator 2.7.3. delete 2.7.4. in 2.7.5. instanceof 2.7.6. new 2.7.7. this 2.7.8. typeof 2.7.9. void 2.8. Operator PrecedenceRegular Expressions 1. Creating a Regular Expression 2. Writing a Regular Expression Pattern 2.1. Using Simple Patterns 2.2. Using Special Characters 2.3. Using Parentheses 3. Working with Regular Expressions 3.1. Using Parenthesized Substring Matches 3.2. Advanced Searching With Flags 4. Examples 4.1. Changing the Order in an Input String 4.2. Using Special Characters to Verify InputStatements 1. Block Statement 2. Conditional Statements 2.1. if...else Statement 2.2. switch Statement 3. Loop Statements 3.1. for Statement 3.2. do...while Statement 3.3. while Statement 3.4. label Statement 3.5. break Statement 3.6. continue Statement 4. Object Manipulation Statements 4.1. for...in Statement 4.2. for each...in Statement 4.3. with Statement 5. Comments 6. Exception Handling Statements 6.1. Exception Types 6.2. throw Statement 6.3. try...catch Statement 6.3.1. The catch Block 6.3.2. The finally Block 6.3.3. Nesting try...catch Statements 6.4. Utilizing Error objectsFunctions 1. Defining Functions 2. Calling Functions 3. Using the arguments object 3.1. JavaScript 1.3 and earlier 4. Predefined Functions 4.1. eval Function 4.2. isFinite Function 4.3. isNaN Function 4.4. parseInt and parseFloat Functions 4.5. Number and String Functions 4.6. escape and unescape FunctionsWorking with Objects 1. Objects and Properties 2. Enumerating all properties of an object 3. Creating New Objects 3.1. Using Object Initializers 3.2. Using a Constructor Function 3.3. Indexing Object Properties 3.4. Defining Properties for an Object Type 3.5. Defining Methods 3.6. Using this for Object References 3.7. Defining Getters and Setters 3.7.1. Obsolete syntaxes 3.7.2. Summary 3.7.3. See also 3.8. Deleting Properties 4. See alsoPredefined Core Objects 1. Array Object 1.1. Creating an Array 1.2. Populating an Array 1.3. Referring to Array Elements 1.4. Understanding length 1.5. Iterating over arrays 1.6. Array Methods 1.7. Two-Dimensional Arrays 1.8. Arrays and Regular Expressions 1.9. Working with Array-like objects 1.10. Array comprehensions 2. Boolean Object 3. Date Object 3.1. Methods of the Date Object 3.2. Using the Date Object: an Example 4. Function Object 5. Math Object 6. Number Object 7. RegExp Object 8. String ObjectDetails of the object model 1. Class-based vs. prototype-based languages 1.1. Defining a class 1.2. Subclasses and inheritance 1.3. Adding and removing properties 1.4. Summary of differences 2. The employee example 3. Creating the hierarchy 4. Object properties 4.1. Inheriting properties 4.2. Adding properties 5. More flexible constructors 6. Property inheritance revisited 6.1. Local versus inherited values 6.2. Determining instance relationships 6.3. Global information in constructors 6.4. No multiple inheritanceInheritance revisited 1. Example 2. prototype and Object.getPrototypeOfIterators and generators 1. Iterators 2. Defining custom iterators 3. Generators: a better way to build Iterators 4. Advanced generators 5. Generator expressionsClosures 1. Practical closures 2. Emulating private methods with closures 3. Creating closures in loops: A common mistake 4. Performance considerationsLiveConnect Overview 1. Working with Wrappers 2. JavaScript to Java Communication 2.1. The Packages Object 2.2. Working with Java Arrays 2.3. Package and Class References 2.4. Arguments of Type char 2.5. Handling Java Exceptions in JavaScript 3. Java to JavaScript Communication 3.1. Locating the LiveConnect classes 3.2. Using the LiveConnect classes with the JDK 3.3. Using the LiveConnect Classes 3.3.1. Accessing JavaScript with JSObject 3.3.2. Handling JavaScript Exceptions in Java 3.3.3. Backward Compatibility 4. Data Type Conversions 4.1. JavaScript to Java Conversions 4.1.1. Number Values 4.1.2. Boolean Values 4.1.3. String Values 4.1.4. Undefined Values 4.1.5. Null Values 4.1.6. JavaArray and JavaObject objects 4.1.7. JavaClass objects 4.1.8. Other JavaScript objects 4.2. Java to JavaScript ConversionsProcessing XML with E4X 1. Compatibility issues 2. Creating an XML object 3. Working with attributes 4. Working with XML objects 5. Working with XMLLists 6. Searching and filtering 7. Handling namespaces 7.1. Default 7.2. Non-default 8. Using Generators/Iterators with E4X 9. See alsoTutorial:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Guide Quote