Nytro Posted May 4, 2011 Report Posted May 4, 2011 Learn You a HaskellLearn You a Haskell for Great Good! 1. Introduction * About this tutorial * So what's Haskell? * What you need to dive in 2. Starting Out * Ready, set, go! * Baby's first functions * An intro to lists * Texas ranges * I'm a list comprehension * Tuples 3. Types and Typeclasses * Believe the type * Type variables * Typeclasses 101 4. Syntax in Functions * Pattern matching * Guards, guards! * Where!? * Let it be * Case expressions 5. Recursion * Hello recursion! * Maximum awesome * A few more recursive functions * Quick, sort! * Thinking recursively 6. Higher Order Functions * Curried functions * Some higher-orderism is in order * Maps and filters * Lambdas * Only folds and horses * Function application with $ * Function composition 7. Modules * Loading modules * Data.List * Data.Char * Data.Map * Data.Set * Making our own modules 8. Making Our Own Types and Typeclasses * Algebraic data types intro * Record syntax * Type parameters * Derived instances * Type synonyms * Recursive data structures * Typeclasses 102 * A yes-no typeclass * The Functor typeclass * Kinds and some type-foo 9. Input and Output * Hello, world! * Files and streams * Command line arguments * Randomness * Bytestrings * Exceptions 10. Functionally Solving Problems * Reverse Polish notation calculator * Heathrow to London 11. Functors, Applicative Functors and Monoids * Functors redux * Applicative functors * The newtype keyword * Monoids 12. A Fistful of Monads * Getting our feet wet with Maybe * The Monad type class * Walk the line * do notation * The list monad * Monad laws 13. For a Few Monads More * Writer? I hardly know her! * Reader? Ugh, not this joke again. * Tasteful stateful computations * Error error on the wall * Some useful monadic functions * Making monads 14. Zippers * Taking a walk * A trail of breadcrumbs * Focusing on lists * A very simple file system * Watch your stepDownload, capitole:http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters Quote