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C# Essentials

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C# Essentials

The C# Essentials online book contains 28 chapters of detailed information intended to provide everything necessary to gain

Table of Contents

1. About C# Essentials

2. The C# Language and Environment
* A Brief History of Computer Programming Languages
* What exactly is C#?
* The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
* Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
* Virtual Execution System (VES)
* Common Type System (CTS) & Common Language Specification (CLS)
* The Framework (Base Class and Framework Class Libraries)
* Non Microsoft Implementations of the CLI

3. A Simple C# Console Application
* Options for Installing a C# Environment
* C# Source File Naming Conventions
* Creating a Sample C# Program
* Compiling C# Code From the Command Line
* Executing a Compiled C# Program

4. Creating a Simple C# GUI Application with Visual Studio
* Installing Visual Studio with C# Support
* Creating a new Visual Studio C# Project
* Adding Components to the Windows Form
* Changing Component Names
* Changing Component Properties
* Adding Behavior to a Visual Studio C# Application

5. C# Variables and Constants
* What is a C# Variable?
* What is a C# Constant?
* C# Integer Variable Types
* C# Floating Point Variables
* The C# Decimal Variable Type
* C# Boolean Variable Type
* C# Character Variable Type
* C# String Variables
* Casting Variable Types in C#

6. C# Operators and Expressions
* What is an Expression?
* The Basic Assignment Operator
* C# Arithmetic Operators
* C# Operator Precedence
* Compound Assignment Operators
* Increment and Decrement Operators
* Comparison Operators
* Boolean Logical Operators
* The Ternary Operator

7. C# Flow Control Using if and else
* Using the if Statement
* Using if ... else .. Statements
* Using if ... else if .. Statements

8. The C# switch Statement
* Why Use a switch Statement?
* Using the switch Statement Syntax
* A switch Statement Example
* Explaining the Example
* Using goto in a C# switch Statement
* Using continue in a C# switch Statement

9. C# Looping - The for Statement
* The C# for Loop
* C# Loop Variable Scope
* Creating an Infinite for Loop
* Breaking Out of a for Loop
* Nested for Loops
* Breaking From Nested Loops
* Continuing for Loops

10. C# Looping with do and while Statements
* The C# while Loop
* C# do ... while loops
* Breaking from Loops
* The continue Statement

11. C# Object Oriented Programming
* What is an Object?
* What is a Class?
* Declaring a C# Class
* Creating C# Class Members
* Static, Read-only and Const Data Members
* Instantiating an Object from a C# Class
* Accessing C# Object Members
* Adding Methods to a C# Class
* C# Constructors and Finalizers

12. C# Inheritance
* What is Inheritance?
* An Example of Inheritance
* Creating a Subclass in C#
* Passing Arguments to the Base Class Constructor

13. Understanding C# Abstract Classes
* What is a C# Abstract Class?
* Abstract Members
* Declaring a C# Abstract Class
* Deriving from an Abstract Class
* The Difference Between abstract and virtual Members

14. Introducing C# Arrays
* Creating Arrays in C#
* Declaring a Multidimensional Array
* Accessing Array Values
* Getting the Length of an Array
* Sorting and Manipulating C# Arrays

15. C# List and ArrayList Collections
* What are C# Collection Classes
* Creating C# List Collections - List<T> and ArrayList
* Adding Items to Lists
* Accessing List Items
* Removing Items From Lists
* Inserting Items into a C# List
* Sorting Lists in C#
* Finding Items in a C# List or ArrayList
* Obtaining Information About a List
* Clearing and Trimming C# Lists

16. Working with Strings in C#
* Creating Strings in C#
* Obtaining the Length of a C# String
* Treating Strings as Arrays
* Concatenating Strings in C#
* Comparing Strings in C#
* Changing String Case
* Splitting a C# String into Multiple Parts
* Trimming and Padding C# Strings
* C# String Replacement

17. Formatting Strings in C#
* The Syntax of the String.Format() Method
* A Simple C# String Format Example
* Using Format Controls
* As Simple Format Control Example
* The C# String.Format() Format Controls

18. Working with Dates and Times in C#
* Creating a C# Date Time Objects
* Getting the Current System Time and Date
* Adding or Subtracting from Dates and Times
* Retrieving Parts of a Date and Time
* Formating Dates and Times in C#

19. C# and Windows Forms
* Creating a New Form
* Changing the Form Name
* Changing the Form Title
* Changing the Form Background Color
* Changing The Form Background Image
* Configuring the Minimize, Maximize and Close Buttons
* Setting Minimum and Maximum Form Sizes
* Specifying the Position of a Form on the Display
* Changing the Form Border
* Stopping a Form from Appearing the Windows Taskbar
* Creating a Transparent Form

20. Designing Forms in C# and Visual Studio
* Visual Basic Forms and Controls
* Double Clicking the Control in the Toolbox
* Dragging a Dropping Controls onto the Form
* Drawing a Control on the Form
* Positioning and Sizing Controls Using the Grid
* Positioning Controls Using Snap Lines
* Selecting Multiple Controls
* Aligning and Sizing Groups of Controls
* Setting Properties on a Group of Controls
* Anchoring and Autosizing Form Controls
* Setting Tab Order in a Form

21. Understanding C# GUI Events
* Event Triggers
* Wiring Up Events in Visual Studio
* Compile and Running the Application
* Setting Up a C# Timer Event

22. C# Events and Event Parameters
* The Anatomy of an Event Handler
* A C# EventArgs Example
* C# EventArg Object Properties
* Identifying which Mouse Button was Clicked

23. Hiding and Showing Forms in C#
* Creating a C# Application Containing Multiple Forms
* Understanding Modal and Non-modal Forms
* Writing C# Code to Display a Non-Modal Form
* Writing C# Code to Display a Modal Form
* Hiding Forms in C#
* Closing Forms in C#

24. Creating Top-Level Menus in C#
* Creating a Top-Level Menu
* Deleting and Moving Menu Items
* Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts to Menu Items
* Programming Menu Items in C#

25. Creating Context Menus in C#
* Adding Context Menus to a C# Form
* Associating a Component with a Context Menu
* Programming C# Context Menu Options
* Compiling and Running the Application

26. Building a Toolbar with C# and Visual Studio
* Creating a Toolbar
* Adding Tooltip Text to Toolbar Controls
* Programming Toolbar Controls
* Changing the Toolbar Position

27. Drawing Graphics in C#
* Persistent Graphics
* Creating a Graphics Object
* Creating a Pen In C#
* Drawing Lines in C#
* Drawing Squares and Rectangles in C#
* Drawing Ellipses and Circles in C#
* Drawing Text with C#

28. Using Bitmaps for Persistent Graphics in C#
* Why Use Bitmaps for Graphics Persistence in C#?
* Creating a Bitmap
* Instantiating a Bitmap and Creating a Graphics Object
* Drawing onto the Bitmap
* Rendering a Bitmap Image on a Control
* Changing the Background Color of a Bitmap



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