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With Dr. Tobias Weltner


Chapter 1. The PowerShell Console

Welcome to PowerShell! This chapter will introduce you to the PowerShell console and show you how to configure it, including font colors and sizes, editing and display options.


Chapter 2. Interactive PowerShell

PowerShell has two faces: interactivity and script automation. In this chapter, you will first learn how to work with PowerShell interactively. Then, we will take a look at PowerShell scripts.


Chapter 3. Variables

It is time to combine commands whenever a single PowerShell command can't solve your problem. One way of doing this is by using variables. PowerShell can store results of one command in a variable and then pass the variable to another command.

In addition, variables are rich 'objects' and can do much more than simply store data. In this chapter, we'll explain what variables are and how you can use them to solve complex problems.


Chapter 4. Arrays and Hashtables

No matter how many results a command returns, you can always store the results in a variable because of a clever trick. PowerShell automatically wraps results into an array when there is more than one result. In this chapter, you'll learn how arrays work.

You'll also discover a special type of array, a hash table. While normal arrays use a numeric index to access their elements, hash tables use key-value-pairs.


Chapter 5. The PowerShell Pipeline

The PowerShell pipeline chains together a number of commands similar to a production assembly. So, one command hands over its result to the next, and at the end, you receive the result.


Chapter 6. Using Objects

PowerShell always works with objects. Whenever you output objects into the PowerShell console, PowerShell automatically converts the rich objects into readable text. In this chapter, you will learn what objects are and how to get your hands on PowerShell objects before they get converted to simple text.


Chapter 7. Conditions

You'll need a condition first to compose intelligent PowerShell code capable of making decisions. That's why you'll learn in the first part of this Chapter how to formulate questions as conditions.

In the second part, you'll employ conditions to execute PowerShell instructions only if a particular condition is actually met.


Chapter 8. Loops

Loops are a good example that iterations do not have to be boring. They repeat particular PowerShell statements with the pipeline being one of the areas where you can benefit from loops. Most PowerShell commands wrap their results in arrays, and you'll need a loop when you want to examine single elements in an array more closely.


Chapter 9. Functions

PowerShell has the purpose of solving problems, and the smallest tool it comes equipped with for this is commands. By now you should be able to appreciate the great diversity of the PowerShell command repertoire: in the first two chapters, you already learned how to use the built-in PowerShell commands called cmdlets, as well as innumerable external commands, such as ping or ipconfig. In Chapter 6, the objects of the .NET framework, API calls, and COM component statements were added, providing you with a powerful arsenal of commands.

In Chapters 3-5, command chains forged out of these countless single commands combined statements either by using variables or the PowerShell pipeline.

The next highest level of automation is functions, which are self-defined commands that internally use all of the PowerShell mechanisms you already know, including the loops and conditions covered in the last two chapters. You can also use functions to get the better of the more complex problems that consist of many separate instructions and sequences.


Chapter 10. Scripts

PowerShell scripts function like batch files in the traditional console: scripts are text files that can include any PowerShell code. If you run a PowerShell script, PowerShell will read the instructions in it, and then execute them. As a result, scripts are ideal for complex automation tasks. In this chapter, you'll learn how to create and execute scripts.

PowerShell makes certain requirements mandatory for their execution because scripts can contain potentially dangerous statements. Depending on the security setting and storage location, scripts must have a digital signature or be specified with their absolute or relative path names. These security aspects will also be covered in this chapter.


Chapter 11. Finding and Avoiding Errors

The more complex your commands, pipelines, functions, or scripts become, the more often that errors can creep in. PowerShell has its own remedies for finding and correcting errors at various levels of complexity.

In simple cases, use "what-if" scenarios to check whether a command or a pipeline is really doing what you expect it to do. With the help of such scenarios, you can simulate the result of commands without actually executing the commands. You can permit commands to do their work only after you're convinced that the commands will function flawlessly.

If you've written your own functions or scripts, PowerShell can also step through the code and halt its execution at locations called breakpoints, which allow you to examine functions or scripts more closely at these locations. You can verify whether variables actually do contain an expected result. Moreover, PowerShell offers you the option of integrating debugging messages into functions or scripts. This enables your code to output progress reports to you at key locations when your code is in the development stage.


Chapter 12. Command Discovery and Scriptblocks

In previous chapters you learned step by step how to use various PowerShell command types and mechanisms. After 11 chapters, we have reached the end of the list. You'll now put together everything you've seen. All of it can actually be reduced to just two PowerShell basic principles: command discovery and scriptblocks.

The purpose of this chapter is to tie up the many loose ends of previous chapters and to weave them into a larger whole: the basics are complete and the remaining chapters will put the knowledge gained to the test of daily tasks.


Chapter 13. Text and Regular Expressions

PowerShell distinguishes sharply between text in single quotation marks and text in double quotation marks. PowerShell won't modify text wrapped in single quotation marks but it does inspect text in single quotation marks and may modify it by inserting variable contents automatically. Enclosing text in double quotation marks is the foremost and easiest way to couple results and descriptions.

The formatting operator -f, one of many specialized string operators, offers more options. For example, you can use -f to output text column-by-column and to set it flush. Other string commands are also important. They can replace selected text, change case, and much more.

Pattern recognition adds a layer of complexity because it uses wildcard characters to match patterns. In simple cases, you can use the same wildcards that you use in the file system. Substantially more powerful, but also more complex, are regular expressions.


Chapter 14. XML

Raw information used to be stored in comma-separated lists or .ini files, but for some years the XML standard has prevailed. XML is an acronym for Extensible Markup Language and is a descriptive language for any structured information. In the past, handling XML was difficult, but PowerShell now has excellent XML support. With its help, you can comfortably wrap data in XML as well as read existing XML files.


Chapter 15. The File System

The file system has special importance within the PowerShell console. One obvious reason is that administrators perform many tasks that involve the file system. Another is that the file system is the prototype of a hierarchically structured information system. In coming chapters, you'll see that PowerShell controls other hierarchical information systems on this basis. You can easily apply what you have learned about drives, directories, and files in PowerShell to other areas, including the registry or Microsoft Exchange.


Chapter 16. The Registry

You can navigate the Windows registry just as you would the file system because PowerShell treats the file system concept discussed in Chapter 15 as a prototype for all hierarchical information systems.


Chapter 17. Processes, Services, Event Logs

In your daily work as an administrator, you often have to deal with programs (processes), services, and innumerable entries in event logs so this is a good opportunity to put into practice the basic knowledge you gained from the first 12 chapters. The examples and topics covered in this chapter are meant to give you an idea of the full range of options.

In the course of your reading, you will no doubt rack your brains occasionally and find yourself flipping back pages to the introductory chapters. What's really astonishing are the many and diverse options you have in using the PowerShell pipeline (as discussed in Chapter 5) and associated formatting cmdlets to wring out every last bit of data from pipeline objects. What was just dry theory in Chapter 5 will now become very interesting in the following.


Chapter 18. WMI: Windows Management Instrumentation

It might have escaped your attention, but the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service introduced with Windows 2000 has been part of every Windows version since then. The WMI service is important because it can retrieve information about nearly every aspect of your system and can even make some modifications. However, it would be beyond the scope of this book to go into WMI in greater depth because that alone could fill another volume. For this reason, we will focus on how the WMI service basically works and how PowerShell handles it.


Chapter 19. User Management

For many administrators, managing users is an important part of their work. PowerShell v1 does not contain any cmdlets to manage users. However, you can add them from third-party vendors. But if you do not want any dependencies on third-party tools and snap-ins, you will learn in this chapter how to use native .NET framework methods for user management.


Chapter 20. Your Own Cmdlets and Extensions

Since PowerShell is layered on the .NET framework, you already know from Chapter 6 how you can use .NET code in PowerShell to make up for missing functions. In this chapter, we'll take up this idea once again. You'll learn about the options PowerShell has for creating command extensions on the basis of the .NET framework. You should be able to even create your own cmdlets at the end of this chapter.


Administrator's Guide to Powershell Remoting

This paper explains how to set up and run Windows PowerShell Remoting which is a new feature in Windows PowerShell 2.0 and allows you to run Windows PowerShell commands and scripts remotely. So, before moving on, make sure you have Windows PowerShell 2.0 RTM on your machines.



Sursa: Master-PowerShell | With Dr. Tobias Weltner - Powershell.com

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