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Practical PostgreSQL

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Practical PostgreSQL


John Worsley

Command Prompt, Inc.

Joshua Drake

Command Prompt, Inc.

Edited by

Andrew Brookins

Michael Holloway

Copyright © 2001-2002 by Commandprompt, Inc

Copyright © 2001 by Command Prompt, Inc. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later (the latest version is presently available at http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/).

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Although every reasonable effort has been made to incorporate accurate and useful information into this book, the copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of this book or the information therein for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.

Table of Contents

Who Is the Intended Audience?
Structure of This Book
Platform and Version Used
What Is Included on the CD?
Conventions Used in This Book
Comments and Questions

I. Introduction and Installation

1. What is PostgreSQL?

Open Source Free Version
PostgreSQL Feature Set
Where to Proceed from Here

2. Installing PostgreSQL

Preparing for Installation
10 Steps to Installing PostgreSQL

II. Using PostgreSQL

3. Understanding SQL

Introduction to SQL
Introduction to Relational Databases
SQL Statements
Data Types
Tables in PostgreSQL

4. Using SQL with PostgreSQL

Introduction to psql
Using Tables
Adding Data with INSERT and COPY
Retrieving Rows with SELECT
Modifying Rows with UPDATE
Removing Rows with DELETE
Using Sub-Queries
Using Views
Further SQL Application

5. Operators and Functions


6. PostgreSQL Clients

The psql Client: Advanced Topics
PgAccess: A Graphical Client

7. Advanced Features

Advanced Table Techniques
Automating Common Routines
Transactions and Cursors
Extending PostgreSQL

III. Administrating PostgreSQL

8. Authentication and Encryption

Client Authentication
Encrypting sessions

9. Database Management

Starting and Stopping PostgreSQL
Initializing the Filesystem
Creating and Removing a Database
Maintaining a Database
Backing Up and Restoring Data

10. User and Group Management

Managing Users
Managing Groups
Granting Privileges

IV. Programming with PostgreSQL

11. PL/pgSQL

Adding PL/pgSQL to your Database
Language Structure
Using Variables
Controlling Program Flow
PL/pgSQL and Triggers

12. JDBC

Building the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
Using the PostgreSQL Driver
Using JDBC
Issues Specific to PostgreSQL and JDBC

13. LXP

Why Use LXP?
Core Features
Installing and Configuring LXP
Understanding LXP Mark-Up
LXP Variables and Objects
Using Cookies with LXP
Tag Parsing
Branching Logic
Loop Iteration
Content Inclusion
Displaying Foreign Tags with <xtag>

V. PostgreSQL Command Reference

14. PostgreSQL Command Reference

ABORT -- Rolls back changes made during a transaction block.
ALTER GROUP -- Modifies the structure of a user group.
ALTER TABLE -- Modifies table and column attributes.
ALTER USER -- Modifies user properties and permissions.
BEGIN -- Starts a chained-mode transaction block.
CLOSE -- Closes a previously defined cursor object.
CLUSTER -- Provides the backend server with clustering information about a table.
COMMENT -- Adds a comment to an object within the database.
COMMIT -- Ends the current transaction block and finalizes changes made within it.
COPY -- Copies data between files and tables.
CREATE AGGREGATE -- Defines a new aggregate function within the database.
CREATE DATABASE -- Creates a new database in PostgreSQL.
CREATE FUNCTION -- Defines a new function within the database.
CREATE GROUP -- Creates a new PostgreSQL group within the database.
CREATE INDEX -- Places an index on a table.
CREATE LANGUAGE -- Defines a new language to be used by functions.
CREATE OPERATOR -- Defines a new operator within the database.
CREATE RULE -- Defines a new rule on a table.
CREATE SEQUENCE -- Creates a new sequence number generator.
CREATE TABLE -- Creates a new table.
CREATE TABLE AS -- Creates a new table built from data retrieved by a SELECT.
CREATE TRIGGER -- Creates a new trigger.
CREATE TYPE -- Defines a new data type for use in the database.
CREATE USER -- Creates a new PostgreSQL database user.
CREATE VIEW -- Creates a view on a table.
CURRENT_DATE -- Returns the current date.
CURRENT_TIME -- Returns the current time.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP -- Returns the current date and time.
CURRENT_USER -- Returns the current database username.
DECLARE -- Defines a new cursor.
DELETE -- Removes rows from a table.
DROP AGGREGATE -- Removes an aggregate function from a database.
DROP DATABASE -- Removes a database from the system.
DROP FUNCTION -- Removes a user-defined function.
DROP GROUP -- Removes a user group from the database.
DROP INDEX -- Removes an index from a database.
DROP LANGUAGE -- Removes a procedural language from a database.
DROP OPERATOR -- Removes an operator from the database.
DROP RULE -- Removes a rule from a database.
DROP SEQUENCE -- Removes a sequence from a database.
DROP TABLE -- Removes a table from a database.
DROP TRIGGER -- Removes a trigger definition from a database.
DROP TYPE -- Removes a type from the system catalogs.
DROP USER -- Removes a PostgreSQL user.
DROP VIEW -- Removes an existing view from a database.
END -- Ends the current transaction block and finalizes its modifications.
EXPLAIN -- Shows the statement execution plan for a supplied query.
FETCH -- Retrieves rows from a cursor.
GRANT -- Grants access privileges to a user, a group, or to all users in the database.
INSERT -- Inserts new rows into a table.
LISTEN -- Listen for a notification event.
LOAD -- Dynamically loads object files into a database.
LOCK -- Locks a table within a transaction.
MOVE -- Repositions a cursor to another row.
NOTIFY -- Signals all backends that are listening for the specified notify event.
REINDEX -- Rebuilds indices on tables.
RESET -- Restores runtime variables to their default settings.
REVOKE -- Revokes access privileges from a user, a group, or all users.
ROLLBACK -- Aborts the current transaction block and abandons any modifications it would have made.
SELECT -- Retrieves rows from a table or view.
SELECT INTO -- Construct a new table from the results of a SELECT.
SET -- Set runtime variables.
SET CONSTRAINTS -- Sets the constraint mode for the current transaction block.
SET TRANSACTION -- Sets the transaction isolation level for the current transaction block.
SHOW -- Displays the values of runtime variables.
TRUNCATE -- Empties the contents of a table.
UNLISTEN -- Stops the backend process from listening for a notification event.
UPDATE -- Modifies the values of column data within a table.
VACUUM -- Cleans and analyzes a database.

VI. Appendixes

A. Multibyte Encoding Types
B. Backend Options for postgres
C. Binary COPY Format

The Header

D. Internal psql Variables



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