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Cum gestionez o eroare in php

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Buna ziua.

Am urmatorul script:

<php> $inlocuit = array("http://", "ftp://");

$link1 = str_replace($inlocuit, "", $linkdown);

$host = substr($link1, 0, strpos($link1, "/"));

$path = strstr($link1, '/');

$port = 80;

$content_length = 0;

$fp = fsockopen($host, $port);

fputs($fp, "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n");

while (% aici am pus @%"\r\n\r\n" != ($line = fgets($fp, 1024))) {

if (preg_match("/content-length: (\d+)/i", $line, $match)) {

$content_length = $match[1];





$size = $content_length;


if ($sizeKB >1024){


if ($sizeMB>1024){




$sizeMB = round($sizeMB,2);

echo "$sizeMB MB";




$sizeKB = round($sizeKB,2);

echo "$sizeKB KB";



In momentul in care nu mai e valid link-ul aceasta structura se opreste si afiseaza o eroare. As dori sa sara peste acea eroare si scriptul sa se deruleze in continuare si sa aviseze de exemplu link inexistent. Am incercat cu @ dar cum nu stapanesc prea bine nu am reusit.


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