denjacker Posted August 9, 2011 Report Posted August 9, 2011 SQLIer takes an SQL Injection vulnerable URL and attempts to determine all the necessary information to build and exploit an SQL Injection hole by itself, requiring no user interaction at all (unless it can't guess the table/field names correctly). By doing so, SQLIer can build a UNION SELECT query designed to brute force passwords out of the database. This script also does not use quotes in the exploit to operate, meaning it will work for a wider range of site. SQLIer v0.8.2b Documentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------- Introduction I: Syntax I.a: Argument Descriptions I.b: Guessing Field Names II: General Usage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction----------------SQLIer is a script that brute forces passwords through 'true/false' SQLInjection vulnerabilities. With 'true/false' SQL Injection vulnerabilities, youcannot actually query data out of the database, only ask a statement that isreturned 'true' or 'false'. SQLIer takes each character's ASCII code and asksa 'higher/lower' question to the database, eventually reaching the actualcharacter code. This script also does not use quotes in the exploit to operate,meaning it will work for a wider range of sites.An 8 character password (containing any character from decimal ASCII code 1-127)takes approximately 1 minute to crack. I. Syntax-------------sqlier [OPTIONS] I.a: Options ---------------- -c [host] Clear all exploit information stored for [host]. -o [file] Output cracked passwords to [file]. -s [seconds] Wait [seconds] between page requests. -u [usernames] Usernames that will be brute forced from the database, comma separated (Username1,Username2,Username3). -w [options] Pass [options] to wget. I.b: Guessing Field Names ----------------------------- --table-names [table_names] Comma separated list of table names to guess. --user-fields [user_fields] Comma separated list of username fields to guess. --pass-fields [pass_fields] Comma separated list of password fields to guess. II. General Usage---------------------Given there is an SQL Injection vulnerability at: "sqlier -s 10" will try to getenough information to exploit passwords out of the database, waiting 10 secondsin between each request.If the table, username field, and password field names have been guessedcorrectly, then the exploit is ready to brute force passwords out of thedatabase by passing usernames to query, like so: sqlier -s 10 -u BCable,administrator,root,user4However, in the instance that the built in field/table names do not guess thecorrect fields, you can pass guesses like so: sqlier -s 10 --table-names [table_names] --user-fields [user_fields] --pass-fields [pass_fields]Until the correct table, username field, and password field names are known,SQLIer cannot brute force passwords from the database.Note: If "-s" is not passed, each request is done immediately after the last request. This can raise red flags, however. Quote