Nytro Posted September 5, 2011 Report Posted September 5, 2011 Taxonomy of DDoS AttacksProperty of RioRey, Inc. © 2009 - 20111. SYN Flood. Clients generate a SYN packet (64 bytes) to request a new session from a hostserver. As the TCP three-way communication handshake is created, the host will track and allocateeach of the client’s sessions until the session is closed. In a SYN flood, a victim server receivesspoofed SYN requests at a high packet rate that contain fake source IP addresses. The SYN floodoverwhelms the victim server by depleting its system resources (connection table memory) normallyused to store and process these incoming packets, resulting in performance degradation ora complete server shutdown. A well-crafted SYN flood often fools deep-packet inspection filteringtechniques. SYN-Cookie defense can be used to defend against large-scale SYN floods but thisrequires all servers to support this capability.2. SYN-ACK Flood. Host servers generate SYN-ACK packets in response to incoming SYN requestsfrom clients. During a SYN-ACK flood, the victim server receives spoofed SYN-ACK packetsat a high packet rate. This flood exhausts a victim’s server by depleting its system resources(memory, CPU, etc.) used to compute this irregularity, resulting in performance degradation or acomplete server shutdown.3. ACK & PUSH ACK Flood. After a TCP-SYN session is established between a host and a client,ACK or PUSH ACK packets are used to communicate information back and forth between the twountil the session is closed. During an ACK flood, a victim receives spoofed ACK packets at a highpacket rate that fail to belong to any session within the server’s connection list. The ACK flood exhaustsa victim’s server by depleting its system resources (memory, CPU, etc.) used to match theseincoming packets, resulting in performance degradation or a complete server shutdown.........................................................................................Download:http://www.riorey.com/x-resources/2011/RioRey_Taxonomy_DDoS_Attacks_2.2_2011.pdf Quote