Nytro Posted September 5, 2011 Report Posted September 5, 2011 Hardening Windows ApplicationsolleB - olle @ toolcrypt.orgAbout this documentThis paper is aimed at Windows developers in the hope of explaining how Windows' securityfeatures can be used to better secure their applications. It is not a complete guide to the Windowssecurity model and may skip details that were deemed unimportant at the time of writing. Pleasebear that in mind while reading. Thank you.Introduction to Windows securityIn this introductory chapter some basic concepts of the Windows security model are explained injust enough detail to understand the material presented in the following chapters. If you are alreadyfamiliar with how the Windows model of access control works, feel free to skip ahead and use thischapter for reference only. Another great reference is the MSDN section on Access Controlavailable at Access Control (Windows).Download:https://media.blackhat.com/bh-us-10/whitepapers/olleb/BlackHat-USA-2010-olleb-Hardening-Windows-Applications-wp.pdf Quote